Chapter Nine – The Lament of the Ahlul Bayt About the Abundance of Liars Against them From Those Who Claim to be their Shia

Section Three – A Brief Comparison Between the Books of the Ahlus Sunnah and the Books of the Rawafid Regarding Jarh and Ta’dil and Tashih and Tad’if
November 30, 2021
Chapter Ten – The Status of the Transmitters of the Rawafid – Section One: The Rafidi narrators impugned in their credible transmitter dictionaries.
December 2, 2021

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Chapter Nine

The Lament of the Ahlul Bayt About the Abundance of Liars Against them From Those Who Claim to be their Shia


The Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum consistently complained of the liars who forged lies and attributed falsehood to them from the transmitters of the Shia.

Abu Basir narrates:


رحم الله عبدا حببنا إلى الناس ولم يبغضنا إليهم أما والله لو يروون محاسن كلامنا لكانوا به أعز وما استطاع أحد أن يتعلق عليهم بشيء ولكن أحدهم يسمع الكلمة فيحط إليها عشرا

I heard Abu ‘Abdullah saying, “May Allah have mercy on a person who endears us to the people and does not instill hatred for us in them. By Allah if they saw the beauty of our speech, they would be stronger with it and no one would be able to latch onto anything against them. However, one of them hears a word and adds to it (from his side) ten words.[1]


He also said:


إن ممن ينتحل هذا الامر  ليكذب حتى أن الشيطان ليحتاج إلى كذبه

Those who affiliated themselves to this matter (Shi’ism) lie so much that even Shaitan requires their lying.[2]


He also said:


ان الناس أولعوا بالكذب علينا ان الله افترض عليهم لا يريد منهم غيره واني أحدث أحدهم بالحديث فلا يخرج من عندي حتى يتأوله على غير تأويله، وذلك أنهم لا يطلبون بحديثنا وبحبنا ما عند الله وانما يطلبون به الدنيا،

People have become obsessed with lying against us. I narrate to one of them a hadith and he barely leaves from me until he interprets it wrongly. This is because they do not seek through our hadith what is by Allah, rather they seek this world.[3]


He also said:


لقد أمسينا وما أحد أعدى لنا ممن ينتحل مودتنا

We have become such that nobody is a greater enemy to us than those who subscribe to our creed.[4]


And he said:


لو قام قائمنا بدأ بكذابي الشيعة فقتلهم

When our Mahdi will emerge he will first start with the Shia liars and kill them.[5]


And he said:


ما أنزل الله سبحانه آية في المنافقين إلا وهي فيمن ينتحل التشيع

Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala has not revealed a verse regarding the hypocrites but that it applies to those who claim to be Shia.[6]


And he said:


كان المختار يكذب على علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام

Al Mukhtar would lie upon ‘Ali ibn al Hussain ‘alayh al Salam.[7]


And despite the fact that Jafar al Sadiq belied al Mukhtar, the Shia claim that the dowry of the mother of al Sadiq was sent by al Mukhtar.[8]

And they lie against al Sadiq and claim that he said:


ما امتشطت فينا هاشمية ولا اختضبت، حتى بعث إلينا المختار برؤوس الذين قتلوا الحسين عليه السلام

No Hashimiyyah lady ever combed her hair or dyed it till al Mukhtar sent to us the heads of those who killed al Hussain ‘alayh al Salam.[9]


Whereas ‘Ali ibn al Hussain was fully aware of the condition of al Mukhtar and his lies against the Ahlul Bayt, and thus would not accept his gifts and would not read his letters. Yunus ibn Yaqub narrates the following from Abu Jafar:


كتب المختار بن أبي عبيدة إلى علي بن الحسين وبعث إليه بهدايا من العراق فلما وقفوا على باب علي بن الحسين دخل الآذن يستأذن لهم فخرج إليهم رسوله فقال أميطوا عن بابي فإني لا أقبل هدايا الكذابين ولا أقرأ كتبهم

Al Mukhtar ibn Abi ‘Ubaidah wrote to ‘Ali ibn al Hussain and sent gifts for him from Iraq. And when the messengers stood at the door of ‘Ali ibn al Hussain, the informer came to seek permission for them whereupon his messenger came out and said, “Move away from my door, for I do not accept the gifts of liars and I do not read their letters.”[10]


And from those who were infamous for lying against the Ahlul Bayt was Abu Harun the blind.

Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Umair says:


زعم أبو هارون المكفوف أنك قلت له إن كنت تريد القديم فذاك لا يدركه أحد وإن كنت تريد الذي خلق ورزق فذاك محمد ابن علي، فقال كذب عليه لعنة الله ما من خالق إلا الله وحده لا شريك له،

I said to Abu ‘Abdullah, “Abu Harun—the blind—says that you said to him, ‘If you want the eternal then that is something no one can attain, and if you want the one who creates and provides then that is Muhammad ibn ‘Ali.’”

He said, “He has lied against me, may Allah curse him. By Allah, there is no creator besides Allah, the One who has no partner.”[11]


Also, another liar is al Mughirah ibn Sa’id, who would lie against the alleged Imams of the Shia. Abu Yahya al Wasiti says:


قال أبو الحسن الرضا عليه السلام كان المغيرة بن سعيد يكذب على أبي جعفر عليه السلام فأذاقه الله حر الحديد

Abu al Hassan al Rida said, “Al Mughirah ibn Sa’id would lie against Abu Jafar ‘alayh al Salam, so may Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala make him taste the heat of the iron.”[12]


And in another narration from Abu ‘Abdullah ‘alayh al Salam:


لعن الله المغيرة بن سعيد إنه كان يكذب على أبي فأذاقه الله حر الحديد لعن الله من قال فينا مالا نقوله في أنفسنا ولعن الله من أزالنا عن العبودية لله الذي خلقنا وإليه مآبنا ومعادنا وبيده نواصينا

May Allah curse al Mughirah ibn Sa’id, he lies against my father. So may Allah make him taste the heat of the iron. May Allah curse the one who says about us what we did not say regarding ourselves. And may Allah curse the one who diverts us away from servitude to Allah Who created us, and to Who is our return, and in Whose hands are our foreheads.[13]


And indeed, Jafar al Sadiq had spoken the truth when he said:

Those who subscribe to this matter are worse than the Jews, the Christians, the Fire worshippers, and those who ascribe partners to Allah.[14]


Furthermore, it is indeed appalling that the Rafidah criticise some of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum like Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu for narrating profusely from Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, whereas we find that some Shia narrators have surpassed Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu in their narrations.

Hence, the narrator of lies and the deviances, Aban ibn Taghlib, narrated 30 000 narrations from Jafar al Sadiq rahimahu Llah.[15]

Likewise, Muhammad ibn Muslim they say heard 30 000 narrations from al Baqir and 16 000 narrations from al Sadiq,[16] this is notwithstanding that he has been cursed by the Imams of the Shia.

Likewise, Jabir al Ju’fi they say narrated 70 000 narrations from al Baqir (according to one narration), and another narration says 140 000 narrations,[17] whereas he did not visit al Sadiq but once, and he did not see him by his father only once. Zurarah says:


سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن أحاديث جابر فقال ما رأيته عند أبي قط إلا مرة واحدة وما دخل علي قط

I asked Abu ‘Abdullah ‘alayh al Salam regarding the narrations of Jabir. He said, “I did not see him by my father ever besides once, and he never ever entered upon me.”[18]


So, we have the right to ask about his abundant narrations from al Sadiq and his father knowing that he only entered once upon the father of al Sadiq.

Likewise, al Ju’fi claims that he narrated 50 000 narrations which no one has ever heard from him;[19] for he would go to the outskirts, dig a hole, put his head in it and thereafter say, “Muhammad ibn ‘Ali narrated to me such and such.”[20]

And listen to Sharik ibn ‘Abdullah al Nakha’i—the judge—(d. 177 A.H) who describes the people who thronged around Jafar, and claimed to narrate from him, as is narrated by the books of the Shia themselves:


قلت لشريك ان أقواما يزعمون أن جعفر بن محمد ضعيف في الحديث فقال أخبرك القصة.كان جعفر بن محمد رجلا صالحا مسلما ورعا فاكتنفه قوم جهال يدخلون عليه ويخرجون من عنده ويقولون حدثنا جعفر بن محمد  ويحدثون بأحاديث كلها منكرات كذب موضوعة على جعفر يستأكلون الناس بذلك ويأخذون منهم الدراهم فكانوا يأتون من ذلك بكل منكر فسمعت العوام بذلك منهم، فمنهم من هلك ومنهم من أنكر

Yahya ibn ‘Abdul Hamid al Himmani mentions in his book which he authored to establish the rulership of Amir al Mu’minin radiya Llahu ‘anhu, “I said to Sharik: a people claim that Jafar ibn Muhammad is weak in hadith.”

He said, “Let me tell you the story, Jafar in Muhammad was a pious Muslim who was conscious of Allah. He was surrounded by an ignorant people who entered upon him and exited from him, and went on to say: ‘Jafar ibn Muhammad narrated to us.’ They would in this manner go on to narrate narrations which were reprehensible, lies, and forgeries against Jafar. Thereby they would seek to eat the food of people and take from them their money. Hence, for this they would come forth with every reprehensible narration, narrations which the lay people would hear. And then some would be destroyed and some would apprehend.”[21]


And al Kashshi also narrates from Yunus:


وافيت العراق فوجدت بها قطعة من أصحاب أبي جعفر عليه السلام ووجدت أصحاب أبي عبد الله عليه السلام متوافرين فسمعت منهم وأخذت كتبهم، فعرضتها من بعد على أبي الحسن الرضا عليه السلام فأنكر منها أحاديث كثيرة أن يكون من أحاديث أبي عبد الله عليه السلام وقال لي ان أبا الخطاب كذب على أبي عبد الله عليه السلام لعن الله أبا الخطاب وكذلك أصحاب أبي الخطاب يدسون هذه الا حديث إلى يومنا هذا في كتب أصحاب أبي عبد الله عليه السلام فلا تقبلوا علينا خلاف القرآن

I came to Iraq and I found in it a group of the companions of Abu Jafar, and I found the companions of Abu ‘Abdullah to be many. I heard from them and took from their books. Thereafter, I presented that to Abu al Hassan al Rida who apprehended many of its narrations and doubted that they be from Abu ‘Abdullah and said to me, “Abu al Khattab has lied against Abu ‘Abdullah, may Allah curse Abu al Khattab. The students of Abu al Khattab also falsely include these narrations till today into the books of Abu ‘Abdullah. So do not accept from us anything other than the Qur’an.”[22]


And Imam ‘Ali said to his Shia:


لوددت والله أن معاوية صارفني بكم صرف الدينار بالدرهم، فأخذ مني عشرة منكم وأعطاني رجلًا منهم! يا أهل الكوفة ! منيت منكم بثلاث واثنتين، صمّ ذوو أسماع، وبكم ذوو كلام، وعمي ذوو أبصار، لا أحرار صدق عند اللقاء، ولا إخوان ثقة عند البلاء. تربت أيديكم، يا أشباه الإبل غاب عنها رعاتها! كلما جمعت من جانب تفرقت من آخر.

I wish, by Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala that Muawiyah traded with me as Dinars are traded with Dirhams, and that he takes from me ten men and give me one man from them. O the people of Kufah I have been tested with you in three things and two things: (you are) deaf people with ears, dumb people with speech, and blind people with eyes; you are not honourable men of truth at the time of meeting the enemy, and you are not reliable brothers at the time of difficulty. May your hands become dusty, O the likes of camels whose shepherds disappeared from them; whenever they are gathered from one side, they scatter from another.[23]


Also, the Shia have accused Imam ‘Ali of lying whereupon he said to them:


ولقد بلغني أنكم تقولون على  يكذب قاتلكم الله تعالى! فعلى من أكذب أعلى الله فأنا أول من آمن به أم على نبيه فأنا أول منصدقبه

It has reached me that you say that ‘Ali lies. May Allah destroy you, for against who should I lie, against Allah? I was the first person to confess faith in him; or against his Nabi? I was the first person to embrace his message.[24]


And he says in another place:


أما دين يجمعكم ولا حمية تحمشكم أقوم فيكم مستصرخا وأناديكم متغوثا فلا تسمعون لي قولا ولا تطيعون لي أمرا حتى تكشف الأمور عن عواقب المساءة فما يدرك بكم ثار ولا يبلغ بكم مرام

Do you not have a Din that unites you? Or a passion that enrages you? I stand amidst you seeking assistance and I call out to you seeking help, but you do not hear from me a statement and you do not obey me in any matter till the matters reveal evil outcomes. So no revenge can be attained with you, and no objective can be reached with you.[25]


And he says in another place:


قد غاب عن قلوبكم ذكر الآجال وحضرتكم كواذب الآمال فصارت الدنيا أملك بكم من الآخرة والعاجلة أذهب بكم من الآجلة وإنما أنتم إخوان على دين الله ما فرق بينكم إلا خبث السرائر، وسوء الضمائر

The remembrance of death has departed from your hearts and false hopes have come over you. Hence, the world became more in your possession than the afterlife, and the current life distanced you from the later life. You are not but brothers in the Din of Allah, but nothing has disunited other than the evil of the internals and the vileness of the hearts.[26]


And al Kulayni has narrated in al Kafi from Musa ibn Bakr al Wasiti:


لو ميزت شيعتي لم أجدهم إلا واصفة ولو امتحنتهم لما وجدتهم إلا مرتدين ولو تمحصتهم لما خلص من الألف واحد ولو غربلتهم غربلة لم يبق منهم إلا ما كان لي إنهم طال ما اتكوا على الأرائك فقالوا نحن شيعة علي إنما شيعة علي من صدق قوله فعله

Abu al Hassan ‘alayh al Salam said to me, “If I were to distinguish my Shia I would not find them to be but false proclaimants; and if I were to test them, I would not find them to be but apostates; and if were to thoroughly examine them, not a single person would turn out to be pure from a thousand; and if sifted them intensely, nothing would remain for me but what has always been for myself. They have long reclined upon cushions and claimed, “We are the Shia of ‘Ali’.” But the Shia of ‘Ali are those whose statements are complemented with their actions.[27]


Nonetheless, in the coming chapter I will expound on the statuses of some Rafidi narrators from their reliable books of transmitter dictionaries so that it is known with certainty that the dogma of the Rafidah revolves around liars, obfuscators, sinners and accursed people. This is enough evidence of it being based upon falsehood.

So how can they have a coherent system of Tashih and Tad’if in light of this?


NEXT⇒ Chapter Ten – The Status of the Transmitters of the Rawafid – Section One: The Rafidi narrators impugned in their credible transmitter dictionaries.

[1] Rawdah al Kafi, 8/229.

[2] Ibid., 8/254.

[3] Bihar al Anwar, 2/246.

[4] Rijal al Kashshi, 2/596.

[5] Ibid., 2/589.

[6] Ibid., 2/589.

[7] Ibid., 1/240.

[8] Ibid., 1/240.

[9] Ibid., 1/241.

[10] Ibid., 1/341.

[11] Ibid., 2/488.

[12] Ibid., 2/ 489.

[13] Ibid., 2/489.

[14] Ibid., 2/587.

[15] Rijal al Najashi, p. 12.

[16] Rijal al Kashshi, 2/436.

[17] Wasa’il al Shia, 30/329.

[18] Rijal al Kashshi, 2/436.

[19] Ibid., 2/440.

[20] Ibid., 2/442.

[21] Ibid., 2/616.

[22] Rijal al Kashshi, 2/489.

[23] Nahj al Balaghah, 1/188, 189.

[24] Ibid., 1/119.

[25] Ibid., 1/90.

[26] Ibid., 1/222.

[27] Rawdah al Kafi, 8/228.

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Chapter Nine

The Lament of the Ahlul Bayt About the Abundance of Liars Against them From Those Who Claim to be their Shia


The Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum consistently complained of the liars who forged lies and attributed falsehood to them from the transmitters of the Shia.

Abu Basir narrates:


رحم الله عبدا حببنا إلى الناس ولم يبغضنا إليهم أما والله لو يروون محاسن كلامنا لكانوا به أعز وما استطاع أحد أن يتعلق عليهم بشيء ولكن أحدهم يسمع الكلمة فيحط إليها عشرا

I heard Abu ‘Abdullah saying, “May Allah have mercy on a person who endears us to the people and does not instill hatred for us in them. By Allah if they saw the beauty of our speech, they would be stronger with it and no one would be able to latch onto anything against them. However, one of them hears a word and adds to it (from his side) ten words.[1]


He also said:


إن ممن ينتحل هذا الامر  ليكذب حتى أن الشيطان ليحتاج إلى كذبه

Those who affiliated themselves to this matter (Shi’ism) lie so much that even Shaitan requires their lying.[2]


He also said:


ان الناس أولعوا بالكذب علينا ان الله افترض عليهم لا يريد منهم غيره واني أحدث أحدهم بالحديث فلا يخرج من عندي حتى يتأوله على غير تأويله، وذلك أنهم لا يطلبون بحديثنا وبحبنا ما عند الله وانما يطلبون به الدنيا،

People have become obsessed with lying against us. I narrate to one of them a hadith and he barely leaves from me until he interprets it wrongly. This is because they do not seek through our hadith what is by Allah, rather they seek this world.[3]


He also said:


لقد أمسينا وما أحد أعدى لنا ممن ينتحل مودتنا

We have become such that nobody is a greater enemy to us than those who subscribe to our creed.[4]


And he said:


لو قام قائمنا بدأ بكذابي الشيعة فقتلهم

When our Mahdi will emerge he will first start with the Shia liars and kill them.[5]


And he said:


ما أنزل الله سبحانه آية في المنافقين إلا وهي فيمن ينتحل التشيع

Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala has not revealed a verse regarding the hypocrites but that it applies to those who claim to be Shia.[6]


And he said:


كان المختار يكذب على علي بن الحسين عليهما السلام

Al Mukhtar would lie upon ‘Ali ibn al Hussain ‘alayh al Salam.[7]


And despite the fact that Jafar al Sadiq belied al Mukhtar, the Shia claim that the dowry of the mother of al Sadiq was sent by al Mukhtar.[8]

And they lie against al Sadiq and claim that he said:


ما امتشطت فينا هاشمية ولا اختضبت، حتى بعث إلينا المختار برؤوس الذين قتلوا الحسين عليه السلام

No Hashimiyyah lady ever combed her hair or dyed it till al Mukhtar sent to us the heads of those who killed al Hussain ‘alayh al Salam.[9]


Whereas ‘Ali ibn al Hussain was fully aware of the condition of al Mukhtar and his lies against the Ahlul Bayt, and thus would not accept his gifts and would not read his letters. Yunus ibn Yaqub narrates the following from Abu Jafar:


كتب المختار بن أبي عبيدة إلى علي بن الحسين وبعث إليه بهدايا من العراق فلما وقفوا على باب علي بن الحسين دخل الآذن يستأذن لهم فخرج إليهم رسوله فقال أميطوا عن بابي فإني لا أقبل هدايا الكذابين ولا أقرأ كتبهم

Al Mukhtar ibn Abi ‘Ubaidah wrote to ‘Ali ibn al Hussain and sent gifts for him from Iraq. And when the messengers stood at the door of ‘Ali ibn al Hussain, the informer came to seek permission for them whereupon his messenger came out and said, “Move away from my door, for I do not accept the gifts of liars and I do not read their letters.”[10]


And from those who were infamous for lying against the Ahlul Bayt was Abu Harun the blind.

Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Umair says:


زعم أبو هارون المكفوف أنك قلت له إن كنت تريد القديم فذاك لا يدركه أحد وإن كنت تريد الذي خلق ورزق فذاك محمد ابن علي، فقال كذب عليه لعنة الله ما من خالق إلا الله وحده لا شريك له،

I said to Abu ‘Abdullah, “Abu Harun—the blind—says that you said to him, ‘If you want the eternal then that is something no one can attain, and if you want the one who creates and provides then that is Muhammad ibn ‘Ali.’”

He said, “He has lied against me, may Allah curse him. By Allah, there is no creator besides Allah, the One who has no partner.”[11]


Also, another liar is al Mughirah ibn Sa’id, who would lie against the alleged Imams of the Shia. Abu Yahya al Wasiti says:


قال أبو الحسن الرضا عليه السلام كان المغيرة بن سعيد يكذب على أبي جعفر عليه السلام فأذاقه الله حر الحديد

Abu al Hassan al Rida said, “Al Mughirah ibn Sa’id would lie against Abu Jafar ‘alayh al Salam, so may Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala make him taste the heat of the iron.”[12]


And in another narration from Abu ‘Abdullah ‘alayh al Salam:


لعن الله المغيرة بن سعيد إنه كان يكذب على أبي فأذاقه الله حر الحديد لعن الله من قال فينا مالا نقوله في أنفسنا ولعن الله من أزالنا عن العبودية لله الذي خلقنا وإليه مآبنا ومعادنا وبيده نواصينا

May Allah curse al Mughirah ibn Sa’id, he lies against my father. So may Allah make him taste the heat of the iron. May Allah curse the one who says about us what we did not say regarding ourselves. And may Allah curse the one who diverts us away from servitude to Allah Who created us, and to Who is our return, and in Whose hands are our foreheads.[13]


And indeed, Jafar al Sadiq had spoken the truth when he said:

Those who subscribe to this matter are worse than the Jews, the Christians, the Fire worshippers, and those who ascribe partners to Allah.[14]


Furthermore, it is indeed appalling that the Rafidah criticise some of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum like Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu for narrating profusely from Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, whereas we find that some Shia narrators have surpassed Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu in their narrations.

Hence, the narrator of lies and the deviances, Aban ibn Taghlib, narrated 30 000 narrations from Jafar al Sadiq rahimahu Llah.[15]

Likewise, Muhammad ibn Muslim they say heard 30 000 narrations from al Baqir and 16 000 narrations from al Sadiq,[16] this is notwithstanding that he has been cursed by the Imams of the Shia.

Likewise, Jabir al Ju’fi they say narrated 70 000 narrations from al Baqir (according to one narration), and another narration says 140 000 narrations,[17] whereas he did not visit al Sadiq but once, and he did not see him by his father only once. Zurarah says:


سألت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام عن أحاديث جابر فقال ما رأيته عند أبي قط إلا مرة واحدة وما دخل علي قط

I asked Abu ‘Abdullah ‘alayh al Salam regarding the narrations of Jabir. He said, “I did not see him by my father ever besides once, and he never ever entered upon me.”[18]


So, we have the right to ask about his abundant narrations from al Sadiq and his father knowing that he only entered once upon the father of al Sadiq.

Likewise, al Ju’fi claims that he narrated 50 000 narrations which no one has ever heard from him;[19] for he would go to the outskirts, dig a hole, put his head in it and thereafter say, “Muhammad ibn ‘Ali narrated to me such and such.”[20]

And listen to Sharik ibn ‘Abdullah al Nakha’i—the judge—(d. 177 A.H) who describes the people who thronged around Jafar, and claimed to narrate from him, as is narrated by the books of the Shia themselves:


قلت لشريك ان أقواما يزعمون أن جعفر بن محمد ضعيف في الحديث فقال أخبرك القصة.كان جعفر بن محمد رجلا صالحا مسلما ورعا فاكتنفه قوم جهال يدخلون عليه ويخرجون من عنده ويقولون حدثنا جعفر بن محمد  ويحدثون بأحاديث كلها منكرات كذب موضوعة على جعفر يستأكلون الناس بذلك ويأخذون منهم الدراهم فكانوا يأتون من ذلك بكل منكر فسمعت العوام بذلك منهم، فمنهم من هلك ومنهم من أنكر

Yahya ibn ‘Abdul Hamid al Himmani mentions in his book which he authored to establish the rulership of Amir al Mu’minin radiya Llahu ‘anhu, “I said to Sharik: a people claim that Jafar ibn Muhammad is weak in hadith.”

He said, “Let me tell you the story, Jafar in Muhammad was a pious Muslim who was conscious of Allah. He was surrounded by an ignorant people who entered upon him and exited from him, and went on to say: ‘Jafar ibn Muhammad narrated to us.’ They would in this manner go on to narrate narrations which were reprehensible, lies, and forgeries against Jafar. Thereby they would seek to eat the food of people and take from them their money. Hence, for this they would come forth with every reprehensible narration, narrations which the lay people would hear. And then some would be destroyed and some would apprehend.”[21]


And al Kashshi also narrates from Yunus:


وافيت العراق فوجدت بها قطعة من أصحاب أبي جعفر عليه السلام ووجدت أصحاب أبي عبد الله عليه السلام متوافرين فسمعت منهم وأخذت كتبهم، فعرضتها من بعد على أبي الحسن الرضا عليه السلام فأنكر منها أحاديث كثيرة أن يكون من أحاديث أبي عبد الله عليه السلام وقال لي ان أبا الخطاب كذب على أبي عبد الله عليه السلام لعن الله أبا الخطاب وكذلك أصحاب أبي الخطاب يدسون هذه الا حديث إلى يومنا هذا في كتب أصحاب أبي عبد الله عليه السلام فلا تقبلوا علينا خلاف القرآن

I came to Iraq and I found in it a group of the companions of Abu Jafar, and I found the companions of Abu ‘Abdullah to be many. I heard from them and took from their books. Thereafter, I presented that to Abu al Hassan al Rida who apprehended many of its narrations and doubted that they be from Abu ‘Abdullah and said to me, “Abu al Khattab has lied against Abu ‘Abdullah, may Allah curse Abu al Khattab. The students of Abu al Khattab also falsely include these narrations till today into the books of Abu ‘Abdullah. So do not accept from us anything other than the Qur’an.”[22]


And Imam ‘Ali said to his Shia:


لوددت والله أن معاوية صارفني بكم صرف الدينار بالدرهم، فأخذ مني عشرة منكم وأعطاني رجلًا منهم! يا أهل الكوفة ! منيت منكم بثلاث واثنتين، صمّ ذوو أسماع، وبكم ذوو كلام، وعمي ذوو أبصار، لا أحرار صدق عند اللقاء، ولا إخوان ثقة عند البلاء. تربت أيديكم، يا أشباه الإبل غاب عنها رعاتها! كلما جمعت من جانب تفرقت من آخر.

I wish, by Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala that Muawiyah traded with me as Dinars are traded with Dirhams, and that he takes from me ten men and give me one man from them. O the people of Kufah I have been tested with you in three things and two things: (you are) deaf people with ears, dumb people with speech, and blind people with eyes; you are not honourable men of truth at the time of meeting the enemy, and you are not reliable brothers at the time of difficulty. May your hands become dusty, O the likes of camels whose shepherds disappeared from them; whenever they are gathered from one side, they scatter from another.[23]


Also, the Shia have accused Imam ‘Ali of lying whereupon he said to them:


ولقد بلغني أنكم تقولون على  يكذب قاتلكم الله تعالى! فعلى من أكذب أعلى الله فأنا أول من آمن به أم على نبيه فأنا أول منصدقبه

It has reached me that you say that ‘Ali lies. May Allah destroy you, for against who should I lie, against Allah? I was the first person to confess faith in him; or against his Nabi? I was the first person to embrace his message.[24]


And he says in another place:


أما دين يجمعكم ولا حمية تحمشكم أقوم فيكم مستصرخا وأناديكم متغوثا فلا تسمعون لي قولا ولا تطيعون لي أمرا حتى تكشف الأمور عن عواقب المساءة فما يدرك بكم ثار ولا يبلغ بكم مرام

Do you not have a Din that unites you? Or a passion that enrages you? I stand amidst you seeking assistance and I call out to you seeking help, but you do not hear from me a statement and you do not obey me in any matter till the matters reveal evil outcomes. So no revenge can be attained with you, and no objective can be reached with you.[25]


And he says in another place:


قد غاب عن قلوبكم ذكر الآجال وحضرتكم كواذب الآمال فصارت الدنيا أملك بكم من الآخرة والعاجلة أذهب بكم من الآجلة وإنما أنتم إخوان على دين الله ما فرق بينكم إلا خبث السرائر، وسوء الضمائر

The remembrance of death has departed from your hearts and false hopes have come over you. Hence, the world became more in your possession than the afterlife, and the current life distanced you from the later life. You are not but brothers in the Din of Allah, but nothing has disunited other than the evil of the internals and the vileness of the hearts.[26]


And al Kulayni has narrated in al Kafi from Musa ibn Bakr al Wasiti:


لو ميزت شيعتي لم أجدهم إلا واصفة ولو امتحنتهم لما وجدتهم إلا مرتدين ولو تمحصتهم لما خلص من الألف واحد ولو غربلتهم غربلة لم يبق منهم إلا ما كان لي إنهم طال ما اتكوا على الأرائك فقالوا نحن شيعة علي إنما شيعة علي من صدق قوله فعله

Abu al Hassan ‘alayh al Salam said to me, “If I were to distinguish my Shia I would not find them to be but false proclaimants; and if I were to test them, I would not find them to be but apostates; and if were to thoroughly examine them, not a single person would turn out to be pure from a thousand; and if sifted them intensely, nothing would remain for me but what has always been for myself. They have long reclined upon cushions and claimed, “We are the Shia of ‘Ali’.” But the Shia of ‘Ali are those whose statements are complemented with their actions.[27]


Nonetheless, in the coming chapter I will expound on the statuses of some Rafidi narrators from their reliable books of transmitter dictionaries so that it is known with certainty that the dogma of the Rafidah revolves around liars, obfuscators, sinners and accursed people. This is enough evidence of it being based upon falsehood.

So how can they have a coherent system of Tashih and Tad’if in light of this?


NEXT⇒ Chapter Ten – The Status of the Transmitters of the Rawafid – Section One: The Rafidi narrators impugned in their credible transmitter dictionaries.

[1] Rawdah al Kafi, 8/229.

[2] Ibid., 8/254.

[3] Bihar al Anwar, 2/246.

[4] Rijal al Kashshi, 2/596.

[5] Ibid., 2/589.

[6] Ibid., 2/589.

[7] Ibid., 1/240.

[8] Ibid., 1/240.

[9] Ibid., 1/241.

[10] Ibid., 1/341.

[11] Ibid., 2/488.

[12] Ibid., 2/ 489.

[13] Ibid., 2/489.

[14] Ibid., 2/587.

[15] Rijal al Najashi, p. 12.

[16] Rijal al Kashshi, 2/436.

[17] Wasa’il al Shia, 30/329.

[18] Rijal al Kashshi, 2/436.

[19] Ibid., 2/440.

[20] Ibid., 2/442.

[21] Ibid., 2/616.

[22] Rijal al Kashshi, 2/489.

[23] Nahj al Balaghah, 1/188, 189.

[24] Ibid., 1/119.

[25] Ibid., 1/90.

[26] Ibid., 1/222.

[27] Rawdah al Kafi, 8/228.