The Beliefs of the Rawafid regarding the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum ultimately leads to the Rejection of the Noble Qur’an

August 12, 2022
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The Beliefs of the Rawafid regarding the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum ultimately leads to the Rejection of the Noble Qur’an


Verily, the deviants who attack the Sahabah of the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, accusing them of disbelief and apostasy, are leading themselves to a dark ending which every drifter from the correct path and every deviant from the way of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala has faced. Harken, it is disbelief in the verses of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and apostasy from Islam.

We have seen before how the clear verses of the Noble Qur’an devastates the stronghold of the delusions of people and uproots its footing! So, what will they do when faced with this violent torrent from bolts of lightning?

Much has been penned regarding the wretchedness of a group from among them who embark on the ship of ruin and destruction and set out discrediting the Book of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala, creating misgivings regarding its legitimacy and scribbling exhaustive works trying to prove its alteration and distortion. Among these works is one authored by the deviant al Tabarsi called Fasl al Khitab fi Ithbat Tahrif Kitab Rabb al Arbab.[1] It is an extreme book, which the deviants want to conceal and keep secret because it cuts off their last closely connected link to Islam and would render them disbelievers—who turned away from their religion—and disbelieving heretics by unanimous consensus of the believers!

Some heretics from among them exaggerate and push the boundaries even further with regard to these destructive viewpoints and claim that the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum have in their possession a Qur’an other than the Qur’an we have today and that the Mushaf Fatimah radiya Llahu `anha is approximately triple the size of the Mushaf which the believers recite today; and it does not contain even one letter from today’s Mushaf!

We do not intend to debate this senseless drivel. Certainly, these people have joined the parade of the Jews, Christians, and fire worshippers. The Ummah had unanimously come to an agreement regarding them and opposed their stance long before. We only intended to mention this as a lesson for us that people who follow their base desires are the quickest to apostatise. Not even the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum are safe from the crimes of these wretched people and their loathsome attacks, despite the fact that it is these very people who claim to champion the course and raise the flag of triumph for the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum, claiming to protect them from those who intend to oppress them.

What oppression and lie against the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum could be worse than attributing to them a Qur’an other than the one we have today which they obtained from the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, then worked hand in hand to conceal it and they worshipped Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala without it throughout the centuries!

Moreover, what oppression and hostility against Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu to claim that he, whilst he was probably going to be Khalifah, misguided the entire Ummah and left the Ummah to worship Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala with a book that he firmly believed was distorted and false; all while keeping in his possession the correct book, having full ability to propagate it and bring the Ummah onto it owing to the capacity and power that he had been blessed with?!

What oppression and lies against Sayyidah Fatimah radiya Llahu `anha, the beloved daughter of the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, attributing to her deceit, suppression, and treachery by claiming that she had possession of a divine Mushaf which was three times the size of the Mushaf  which the entire Ummah worships Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala with and it does not contain even one letter from today’s Mushaf. Then she hides it from the believers and leaves them in the void of distortion and disbelief?!

What type of Mushaf is this that does not contain even one letter of the Mushaf of the Muslims? What letters does it consist of? Is it in Syriac or Hieroglyphics? Or was it written in a language that does not contain letters and words?


In conclusion…

We have placed before you the testimony of the Noble Qur’an, O people of intellect!

After all of that, what excuse can the one who claims to be a believer have whilst his heart contains malice and hatred for the best of the believers and the leaders of the friends of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala after the Ambiya’?

What proof do those deviants have when they are asked who the worst people of your faith is and their reply is the Companions of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam—besides a handful. Whereas if you ask the Jews regarding the best from their creed, they would reply the companions of Musa ‘alayh al Salam. If you ask the Christians regarding the best from their creed, they would reply the companions of ‘Isa ‘alayh al Salam. Are the Jews and Christians better than the believers in this aspect? Have you seen anyone more misguided than one who follows his base desires without guidance from Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala? Have you seen anyone more oppressive than one who the testimony of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala does not suffice nor do the verses of the Noble Qur’an?!

Finally, we turn to these wretched people with this call:

O those who have slipped into these destructive ways! Read the Noble Qur’an and ponder over its meaning without any preconceived fanaticism and influence. Fear the day when you will return to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and you will have to argue and prove your stance against Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum. In fact, even against the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum, whom you claim to raise the flag of victory for, then proceeded to exceed the limits by vilifying, swearing, and inventing lies against them by attributing disloyalty, deceit, and secrecy to them! Repent to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and seek His forgiveness before death overtakes you and the matter is out of your control, leaving you forever remorseful for your actions!

O Allah save us from deviation and misguidance. We make You witness of our love for the Sahabah of Your Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and all their pious friends according to the rank You have stipulated. We testify that their generation was the best of generations and that they were truthful and rightly guided and that if one of us had to spend gold equal to Mount Uhud in Your path, it would not equate to a mudd of one of the Sahabah, nor even half of it.

We supplicate to You by Your beautiful names and lofty qualities to unite the authority of the believers on truth and to guide the innovators and all those who are astray. O Allah, enlighten us with the truth and let us unite our influence upon it with Your mercy, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy. Amin.

Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala speaks the truth and guides to the right path, and our last call is that verily all praise is due to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala, Rabb of all the worlds.


[1] Meaning: Chapter on the discussion proving the distortion of the book of the Creator of all Creators!!!

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The Beliefs of the Rawafid regarding the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum ultimately leads to the Rejection of the Noble Qur’an


Verily, the deviants who attack the Sahabah of the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, accusing them of disbelief and apostasy, are leading themselves to a dark ending which every drifter from the correct path and every deviant from the way of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala has faced. Harken, it is disbelief in the verses of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and apostasy from Islam.

We have seen before how the clear verses of the Noble Qur’an devastates the stronghold of the delusions of people and uproots its footing! So, what will they do when faced with this violent torrent from bolts of lightning?

Much has been penned regarding the wretchedness of a group from among them who embark on the ship of ruin and destruction and set out discrediting the Book of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala, creating misgivings regarding its legitimacy and scribbling exhaustive works trying to prove its alteration and distortion. Among these works is one authored by the deviant al Tabarsi called Fasl al Khitab fi Ithbat Tahrif Kitab Rabb al Arbab.[1] It is an extreme book, which the deviants want to conceal and keep secret because it cuts off their last closely connected link to Islam and would render them disbelievers—who turned away from their religion—and disbelieving heretics by unanimous consensus of the believers!

Some heretics from among them exaggerate and push the boundaries even further with regard to these destructive viewpoints and claim that the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum have in their possession a Qur’an other than the Qur’an we have today and that the Mushaf Fatimah radiya Llahu `anha is approximately triple the size of the Mushaf which the believers recite today; and it does not contain even one letter from today’s Mushaf!

We do not intend to debate this senseless drivel. Certainly, these people have joined the parade of the Jews, Christians, and fire worshippers. The Ummah had unanimously come to an agreement regarding them and opposed their stance long before. We only intended to mention this as a lesson for us that people who follow their base desires are the quickest to apostatise. Not even the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum are safe from the crimes of these wretched people and their loathsome attacks, despite the fact that it is these very people who claim to champion the course and raise the flag of triumph for the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum, claiming to protect them from those who intend to oppress them.

What oppression and lie against the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum could be worse than attributing to them a Qur’an other than the one we have today which they obtained from the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, then worked hand in hand to conceal it and they worshipped Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala without it throughout the centuries!

Moreover, what oppression and hostility against Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu to claim that he, whilst he was probably going to be Khalifah, misguided the entire Ummah and left the Ummah to worship Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala with a book that he firmly believed was distorted and false; all while keeping in his possession the correct book, having full ability to propagate it and bring the Ummah onto it owing to the capacity and power that he had been blessed with?!

What oppression and lies against Sayyidah Fatimah radiya Llahu `anha, the beloved daughter of the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, attributing to her deceit, suppression, and treachery by claiming that she had possession of a divine Mushaf which was three times the size of the Mushaf  which the entire Ummah worships Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala with and it does not contain even one letter from today’s Mushaf. Then she hides it from the believers and leaves them in the void of distortion and disbelief?!

What type of Mushaf is this that does not contain even one letter of the Mushaf of the Muslims? What letters does it consist of? Is it in Syriac or Hieroglyphics? Or was it written in a language that does not contain letters and words?


In conclusion…

We have placed before you the testimony of the Noble Qur’an, O people of intellect!

After all of that, what excuse can the one who claims to be a believer have whilst his heart contains malice and hatred for the best of the believers and the leaders of the friends of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala after the Ambiya’?

What proof do those deviants have when they are asked who the worst people of your faith is and their reply is the Companions of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam—besides a handful. Whereas if you ask the Jews regarding the best from their creed, they would reply the companions of Musa ‘alayh al Salam. If you ask the Christians regarding the best from their creed, they would reply the companions of ‘Isa ‘alayh al Salam. Are the Jews and Christians better than the believers in this aspect? Have you seen anyone more misguided than one who follows his base desires without guidance from Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala? Have you seen anyone more oppressive than one who the testimony of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala does not suffice nor do the verses of the Noble Qur’an?!

Finally, we turn to these wretched people with this call:

O those who have slipped into these destructive ways! Read the Noble Qur’an and ponder over its meaning without any preconceived fanaticism and influence. Fear the day when you will return to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and you will have to argue and prove your stance against Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum. In fact, even against the Ahlul Bayt radiya Llahu ‘anhum, whom you claim to raise the flag of victory for, then proceeded to exceed the limits by vilifying, swearing, and inventing lies against them by attributing disloyalty, deceit, and secrecy to them! Repent to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and seek His forgiveness before death overtakes you and the matter is out of your control, leaving you forever remorseful for your actions!

O Allah save us from deviation and misguidance. We make You witness of our love for the Sahabah of Your Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and all their pious friends according to the rank You have stipulated. We testify that their generation was the best of generations and that they were truthful and rightly guided and that if one of us had to spend gold equal to Mount Uhud in Your path, it would not equate to a mudd of one of the Sahabah, nor even half of it.

We supplicate to You by Your beautiful names and lofty qualities to unite the authority of the believers on truth and to guide the innovators and all those who are astray. O Allah, enlighten us with the truth and let us unite our influence upon it with Your mercy, O Most Merciful of those who show mercy. Amin.

Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala speaks the truth and guides to the right path, and our last call is that verily all praise is due to Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala, Rabb of all the worlds.


[1] Meaning: Chapter on the discussion proving the distortion of the book of the Creator of all Creators!!!