Section Four – The ‘Adalah (rectitude) of the Sahabah in the Books of the Rawafid

Section Three – The Consensus of the Ummah Regarding the ‘Adalah of the Sahabah
November 25, 2021
Section Five – The Stance of the Rawafid About the Sahabah
November 25, 2021

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Section Four

The ‘Adalah (rectitude) of the Sahabah in the Books of the Rawafid


1. Al Kulayni narrates in his book al Kafi from Mansur ibn Hazim


 قلت لأبي عبد الله عليه السلام ما بالي أسألك عن المسألة فتجيبني فيها بالجواب ثم يجيئك غيري فتجيبه فيها بجواب آخر؟ فقال إنا نجيب الناس على الزيادة والنقصان قال قلت فأخبرني عن أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله صدقوا على محمد أم كذبوا؟ قال بل صدقوا قال قلت فما بالهم اختلفوا فقال أما تعلم أن الرجل كان يأتي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فيسأله عن المسألة فيجيبه فيها بالجواب ثم يجيبه بعد ذلك ما ينسخ ذلك الجواب فنسخت الأحاديث بعضها بعضا

I said to Abu ‘Abdullah, “Why is it that when I ask you about something you give me one answer, and then when another comes to you, you give him another answer?”

He replied, “We answer people with increase and decrease.”

I then asked, “So, tell me about the Sahabah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and his household, did they (the Sahabah) speak the truth regarding Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or did they lie?”

He said, “Instead they spoke the truth.”

I asked, “So why did they differ?”

He replied, “Don’t you know that a person would come to Rasul Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and ask him a question and Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would give him one answer. Subsequent to that, he would give another answer which would abrogate the previous. And that is how the hadith abrogated one another.”[1]


2. And he narrates from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al Halabi who narrates:


سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول اختلاف بني العباس من المحتوم والنداء من المحتوم وخروج القائم من المحتوم قلت وكيف النداء قال ينادي مناد من السماء أول النهار ألا إن عليا وشيعته هم الفائزون قال وينادي مناد في آخر النهار ألا إن عثمان وشيعته هم الفائزون

I heard Abu ‘Abdullah saying, “The bickering of the Banu ‘Abbas is bound to happen, the call is bound to happen, and the emergence of the Mahdi is bound to happen.”

I asked, “And how will the call happen?”

He replied, “An announcer will announce from the heavens in the beginning of the day, ‘Behold! ‘Ali and his partisans are successful’ and an announcer will announce at the end of the day, ‘Behold! ‘Uthman and his partisans are successful.”[2]


3. And he also narrates from Abu ‘Abdullah that he would enjoin association with Abu Bakr and ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma:


قال كنت جالسا عند أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) إذ دخلت علينا أم خالد التي كان قطعها يوسف بن عمر تستأذن عليه فقال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام) أيسرك أن تسمع كلامها قال قلت نعم قال فأذن لها قال وأجلسني معه على الطنفسة قال ثم دخلت فتكلمت فإذا امرأة بليغة فسألته عنهما فقال لها توليهما قالت فأقول لربي إذا لقيته إنك أمرتني بولايتهما قال نعم

Abu Basir said, “I was sitting by Abu ‘Abdullah ‘alayh al Salam when the mother of Khalid entered upon us (whom Yusuf ibn ‘Umar had divorced) seeking permission. So Abu ‘Abdullah said, “Would it please you to hear her speech?”

I said, “Yes.”

He said, “Grant her permission,” and thereafter he made me sit with him upon the sheet. She entered and spoke and she was an eloquent woman.

She asked him about Abu Bakr and ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma to which he replied, “Associate with them.”

“So, I will say to my lord when I meet him that you ordered me to associate with them?” she asked.

He replied, “Yes.”[3]


4. Al Majlisi whilst citing from the al Majalis of al Mufid narrates the following from ‘Awf ibn Malik:


قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ذات يوم يا ليتني قد لقيت إخواني فقال له أبو بكر وعمر أولسنا إخوانك آمنا بك وهاجرنا معك قال قد آمنتم وهاجرتم ويا ليتني قد لقيت إخواني فأعاد القول فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم أنتم أصحابي ولكن إخواني الذين يأتون من بعدكم يؤمنون بي ويحبوني وينصروني ويصدقوني وما رأوني، فيا ليتني قد لقيت إخواني

Rasul Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said one day, “I wish I met my brothers.”

So Abu Bakr and ‘Umar said to him, “Are we not your brothers? We believed in you and migrated with you?”

He replied, “You brough faith and migrated, but I wish I met my brothers.”

They again repeated the same whereafter Rasul Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “You are my Sahabah, but my brothers are people who will come after you. They will believe in me, love me, support me, and confirm my message without seeing me. I wish I saw my brothers.”[4]


5. And Muhammad Hussain Al Kashif al Ghita’ says:


حين رأى أي عليّ بن أبي طالب أن الخليفتين أعني الخليفة الأول والثاني أي أبو بكر وعمر بذلا أقصى الجهد في نشر كلمة التوحيد وتجهيز الجنود وتوسيع الفتوح ولم يستأثرا ولم يستبدا بايع وسالم

And when he saw (i.e. ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) that the two Khalifahs (Abu Bakr and ‘Umar) exhausted tremendous efforts in spreading the word of the oneness of Allah, preparing armies, and expanding the conquests, without appropriation and dictatorship, he pledged and submitted.[5]


6. And Imam Zayn al ‘Abidin would make mention of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum He would pray for them for mercy and forgiveness due to them supporting the master of the creation in spreading the call of Tawhid, and conveying the message of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala to the creation. He says:


فاذكرهم منك بمغفرة ورضوان اللهم وأصحاب محمد خاصة الذين أحسنوا الصحبة والذين أبلوا البلاء الحسن في نصره وكانفوه وأسرعوا إلى وفادته وسابقوا إلى دعوته واستجابوا له حيث أسمعهم حجة رسالته وفارقوا الأزواج والأولاد في إظهار كلمته وقاتلوا الآباء والأبناء في تثبيت نبوته وانتصروا به ومن كانوا منطوين على محبته يرجون تجارةً لن تبور في مودته والذين هجرتهم العشائر إذ تعلقوا بعروته وانتفت منهم القرابات إذ سكنوا في ظل قرابته فلا تنس لهم اللهم ما تركوا لك وفيك وأرضهم من رضوانك وبما حاشوا الخلق عليك وكانوا مع رسولك دعاةً لك وإليك واشكرهم على هجرهم فيك ديار قومهم وخروجهم من سعة المعاش إلى ضيقه ومن كثّرت في اعتزاز دينك من مظلومهم اللهم.وأوصل إلى التابعين لهم بإحسان الذين يقولون ربنا اغفر لنا ولإخواننا الذين سبقونا بالإيمان خير جزائك الذين قصدوا سمتهم وتحرّوا جهتهم ومضوا على شاكلتهم لم يثنهم ريبٌ في بصيرتهم ولم يختلجهم شك في قفو آثارهم والإئتمام بهداية منارهم مُكانفين ومُؤازرين لهم يدينون بدينهم، ويهتدون بهديهم، يتّفقون عليهم، ولا يتهمونهم فيما أدوا إليهم اللهم وصلِّ على التابعين من يومنا هذا إلى يوم الدين وعلـى أزواجهـم وعلى ذرّياتهم وعلـى من أطاعك منهم صـلاة تعصمهم بهـا من معصيتك وتفسح لهـم فـي رياض جنّتك وتمنعهم بهـا من كيد الشيطان

So, praise them from your side with forgiveness and pleasure. O Allah and the Sahabah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam; specifically who outstandingly accompanied Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and contributed excellently to helping him, standing by his side; who hastened to serve him, surpassed others in accepting his call, responded to him when he presented to them his message, parted with their wives and children to uplift his word, fought against fathers and sons to entrench his Prophethood and attained victory through him; who were engulfed by his love, and were hopeful of a bargain which will never bear loss; who were abandoned by their families due to holding onto his stronghold, and lost all their relationships due to being affiliated to him. So, do not forget o Allah what they have left for you and out of your love and please them with your pleasure due to them gathering the creation upon your worship, for they were callers to you with your Rasul. So, appreciate them for abandoning the abodes of their people for you, and for leaving a life of vastness to one of constrains, and among who the oppressed were many for the upliftment of your Din. O Allah, and grant to those who succeeded them with goodness and who said, “O our lord, forgive us and our brothers that preceded us with Iman,” the best of rewards. They intended to emulate their ways, searched for their direction, and lived life according to their pattern. No doubt deterred them in their insight, and no suspicion occurred to them in following their footsteps and the guidance of their light. They stood by their side to support them. They believed in their religion, followed their ways and mannerisms, agreed with them, and did not doubt them in what they conveyed to them. O Allah, and send your salutations upon the followers from our time till the Day of Judgement, and upon their wives, and posterities. And send salutations upon whoever obeys you from them such a salutation through which you safeguard them from your disobedience, open for them the orchards of your Jannat, and protect them against the ploy of Shaitan…[6]


7. And the following is what features in Nahj al Balaghah, the most authentic book of the Rawafid and the content whereof is categorically established according to them:


قد رأيت أصحاب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فما أرى أحداً يشبههم منكم لقد كانوا يصبحون شعثاً غبراً، وقد باتوا سجّداً وقياماً يراوحون بين جباهِهِم وخدودهم ويقفون على مثل الجمر من ذكر معادهم، كأن بين أعينهم رُكب المعزى من طول سجودهم، إذا ذكر الله هملت أعينهم حتى تبُلّ جيوبهم، ومادوا كما يميد

الشجر يوم الريح العاصف، خوفاً من العقاب ورجاءً للثواب

‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu says: Indeed, I have seen the Sahabah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and I do not see anyone amongst you who resembles them. They would rise in the morning, unkempt and covered with dust, because they had spent the night in prostration and standing. They would alternate between their foreheads and their cheeks, while it felt as if they were standing on coals, when thinking of their return to the hereafter. It is as if between their eyes there were marks like knees of goats due to the length of their prostration. When they would remember Allah, their eyes would drip until their bosoms would become wet. They would shake as a tree shakes on a terribly windy day, fearing punishment and hoping for reward.[7]


And he says in another sermon:


أين القوم الذين دعوا إلى الاسلام فقبلوه، وقرأوا القرآن فأحكموه وهيجوا إلى الجهاد فولهوا وله اللقاح إلى أولادها وسلبوا السيوف أغمادها وأخذوا بأطراف الأرض زحفا زحفا وصفا وصفا بعض هلك وبعض نجا لا يبشرون بالاحياء ولا يعزون عن الموتى مره العيون من البكاء خمص البطون من الصيام ذبل الشفاه من الدعاء صفر الألوان من السهر على وجوههم غبرة الخاشعين أولئك إخواني الذاهبون فحق لنا أن نظمأ إليهم ونعض الأيدي على فراقهم

Where have those people gone who when invited to Islam accepted it sincerely; who read the Qur’an and whole-heartedly, followed the commands it contained; who loved Islam as a she-camel loves her young one and when ordered to fight in defence of Islam, they willingly left their homes and families. Some of them died like martyrs and some survived the ordeal. Success never overjoyed them and death never made them despaired. They had sore eyes due to excessive weeping, empty bellies due to fasting, dry lips due to supplications, and pale complexions due to staying awake, and upon their faces was the paleness of the devout. They are my brothers that have parted. I am justified in desiring to meet them once again and to be sad at separation from them.[8]


He also praised the Muhajirin of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum when responding to Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan radiya Llahu ‘anhu:


فاز أهل السبق بسبقهم وذهب المهاجرون الأولون بفضلهم

The people of precedence have succeeded due to their surpassing, and the first Muhajirin have gone with even their merit.[9]


And whilst describing his fighting alongside the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum in the era of Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam he says:


ولقد كنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله نقتل آباءنا وأبناءنا وإخواننا وأعمامنا ما يزيدنا ذلك إلا إيمانا وتسليما ومضيا على اللقم وصبرا على مضض الألم وجدا في جهاد العدو ولقد كان الرجل منا والآخر من عدونا يتصاولان تصاول الفحلين يتخالسان أنفسهما أيهما يسقي صاحبه كأس المنون فمرة لنا من عدونا ومرة لعدونا منا فلما رأى الله صدقنا أنزل بعدونا الكبت وأنزل علينا النصر حتى استقر الاسلام ملقيا جرانه ومتبوئا أوطانه ولعمري لو كنا نأتي ماأتيتم ما قام للدين عمود ولا اخضر للايمان عود وأيم الله لتحتلبنها دما ولتتبعنها ندما

We (the Sahabah) were with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam fighting our fathers, sons, brothers, and uncles; that did not increase us save in faith and submission. We passed (many days during this time) upon morsels, and in patience upon the anguish of pain, and in determination in fighting the enemy. A man amongst us and one from our enemy would compete with one another the way two studs competed glancing at one another stealthily which one would quench the other with the cup of death. At times it went our way and other times it went the way of our enemy. Then, when Allah saw our truthfulness he sent upon our enemy subjugation and upon us victory to the extent that Islam was settled, firmly established, and its lands settled. By my life, if we had done what you did[10] there would be no pillars for the religion and there be no revival of faith. By my life, if we had also behaved like you, no pillar of (our) religion could have been raised, nor could the tree of faith have borne leaves. By Allah, certainly you will now milk our blood (instead of milk) and eventually you will face shame.[11]


And ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu wrote the following in a letter to Muawiyah radiya Llahu ‘anhu wherein he proves to him he is more deserving of the Caliphate and the allegiance of the people:


إنه بايعني القوم الذين بايعوا أبا بكر وعمر وعثمان على ما بايعوهم عليه، فلم يكن للشاهد أن يختار، ولا للغائب أن يرد، وإنما الشورى للمهاجرين والأنصار، فان اجتمعوا على رجل وسموه إماما كان ذلك لله رضا، فان خرج عن أمرهم خارج بطعن أو بدعة ردوه إلى ما خرج منه، فان أبى قاتلوه على اتباعه غير سبيل المؤمنين، وولاه الله ما تولى

The people that had pledged to Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, and ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhum have pledged to me upon the requisites upon which they had pledged to them. Hence no present person has any choice, nor does an absent person have the option of refusing. For the right of council is for the Muhajirin and the Ansar; hence, if they unite upon a person and dub him the leader, that would be pleasing to Allah. Thereafter, if someone departs from their decision due to a criticism or an innovation, they will return him to that which he departed from. If he refuses, they will fight him for him following a path other than that of the believers, and Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala will turn him to whatever he chose for himself.[12]


So, these are the statements of ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu regarding his brothers and his comrades in striving for Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala a true striving. And this is what we know about this exemplary generation at whose hands Islam was born, and on whose shoulders its glories were cemented. And the people saw this generation only once.

However, those with weak hearts forged lies, fabricate false reports, concocted allegations, severed the ties of kinship which existed between the illustrious Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum, and they ignited the fire of chauvinism. But where will it ever be possible for them to disparage those high rising mountains in the world of Iman and high ideals.

A true Muslim knows the right of these people. For they are the people who transmitted the Din as fresh as can be; they bore the greatest of difficulties, and presented the costliest sacrifices so that it may reach us free from blemishes and fables. Likewise, a true Muslim will interpret whatever transpired between them as their varying Ijtihads in various issues, or upon differences of opinion which do not in any way compromise mutual love and affinity. For these pure souls went out of their way in loving one another.

In conclusion, the praises of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum which feature in the books of the Rawafid are too many, and the truth is always that to which the enemy attests.

Whoever wants more details, he should refer to the book Kashf al Ghummah of al Arbili, al Gharat of al Thaqafi, and al Kuna wa al Alqab of ‘Abbas al Qummi amongst many more books. What we have cited here should suffice, and we always seek the assistance of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.


NEXT⇒ Section Five – The Stance of the Rawafid About the Sahabah

[1] Usul al Kafi, 1/65.

[2] Rawdah al Kafi, 8/310.

[3] Rawdah al Kafi, 8/101.

[4] Bihar al Anwar, 52/132.

[5] Asl al Shia wa Usuluha, p. 124.

[6] Al Sahifah al Kamilah al Sajjadiyyah, p. 39-42.

[7] Nahj al Balaghah, 1/189, 190.

[8] Ibid., 1/234, 235.

[9] Ibid., 1/17.

[10] Here he is referring to his disciples.

[11] Ibid., 1/104, 105.

[12] Ibid., 3/7.

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Section Four

The ‘Adalah (rectitude) of the Sahabah in the Books of the Rawafid


1. Al Kulayni narrates in his book al Kafi from Mansur ibn Hazim


 قلت لأبي عبد الله عليه السلام ما بالي أسألك عن المسألة فتجيبني فيها بالجواب ثم يجيئك غيري فتجيبه فيها بجواب آخر؟ فقال إنا نجيب الناس على الزيادة والنقصان قال قلت فأخبرني عن أصحاب رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله صدقوا على محمد أم كذبوا؟ قال بل صدقوا قال قلت فما بالهم اختلفوا فقال أما تعلم أن الرجل كان يأتي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله فيسأله عن المسألة فيجيبه فيها بالجواب ثم يجيبه بعد ذلك ما ينسخ ذلك الجواب فنسخت الأحاديث بعضها بعضا

I said to Abu ‘Abdullah, “Why is it that when I ask you about something you give me one answer, and then when another comes to you, you give him another answer?”

He replied, “We answer people with increase and decrease.”

I then asked, “So, tell me about the Sahabah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and his household, did they (the Sahabah) speak the truth regarding Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam or did they lie?”

He said, “Instead they spoke the truth.”

I asked, “So why did they differ?”

He replied, “Don’t you know that a person would come to Rasul Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and ask him a question and Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would give him one answer. Subsequent to that, he would give another answer which would abrogate the previous. And that is how the hadith abrogated one another.”[1]


2. And he narrates from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al Halabi who narrates:


سمعت أبا عبد الله عليه السلام يقول اختلاف بني العباس من المحتوم والنداء من المحتوم وخروج القائم من المحتوم قلت وكيف النداء قال ينادي مناد من السماء أول النهار ألا إن عليا وشيعته هم الفائزون قال وينادي مناد في آخر النهار ألا إن عثمان وشيعته هم الفائزون

I heard Abu ‘Abdullah saying, “The bickering of the Banu ‘Abbas is bound to happen, the call is bound to happen, and the emergence of the Mahdi is bound to happen.”

I asked, “And how will the call happen?”

He replied, “An announcer will announce from the heavens in the beginning of the day, ‘Behold! ‘Ali and his partisans are successful’ and an announcer will announce at the end of the day, ‘Behold! ‘Uthman and his partisans are successful.”[2]


3. And he also narrates from Abu ‘Abdullah that he would enjoin association with Abu Bakr and ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma:


قال كنت جالسا عند أبي عبد الله (عليه السلام) إذ دخلت علينا أم خالد التي كان قطعها يوسف بن عمر تستأذن عليه فقال أبو عبد الله (عليه السلام) أيسرك أن تسمع كلامها قال قلت نعم قال فأذن لها قال وأجلسني معه على الطنفسة قال ثم دخلت فتكلمت فإذا امرأة بليغة فسألته عنهما فقال لها توليهما قالت فأقول لربي إذا لقيته إنك أمرتني بولايتهما قال نعم

Abu Basir said, “I was sitting by Abu ‘Abdullah ‘alayh al Salam when the mother of Khalid entered upon us (whom Yusuf ibn ‘Umar had divorced) seeking permission. So Abu ‘Abdullah said, “Would it please you to hear her speech?”

I said, “Yes.”

He said, “Grant her permission,” and thereafter he made me sit with him upon the sheet. She entered and spoke and she was an eloquent woman.

She asked him about Abu Bakr and ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhuma to which he replied, “Associate with them.”

“So, I will say to my lord when I meet him that you ordered me to associate with them?” she asked.

He replied, “Yes.”[3]


4. Al Majlisi whilst citing from the al Majalis of al Mufid narrates the following from ‘Awf ibn Malik:


قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ذات يوم يا ليتني قد لقيت إخواني فقال له أبو بكر وعمر أولسنا إخوانك آمنا بك وهاجرنا معك قال قد آمنتم وهاجرتم ويا ليتني قد لقيت إخواني فأعاد القول فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم أنتم أصحابي ولكن إخواني الذين يأتون من بعدكم يؤمنون بي ويحبوني وينصروني ويصدقوني وما رأوني، فيا ليتني قد لقيت إخواني

Rasul Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said one day, “I wish I met my brothers.”

So Abu Bakr and ‘Umar said to him, “Are we not your brothers? We believed in you and migrated with you?”

He replied, “You brough faith and migrated, but I wish I met my brothers.”

They again repeated the same whereafter Rasul Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “You are my Sahabah, but my brothers are people who will come after you. They will believe in me, love me, support me, and confirm my message without seeing me. I wish I saw my brothers.”[4]


5. And Muhammad Hussain Al Kashif al Ghita’ says:


حين رأى أي عليّ بن أبي طالب أن الخليفتين أعني الخليفة الأول والثاني أي أبو بكر وعمر بذلا أقصى الجهد في نشر كلمة التوحيد وتجهيز الجنود وتوسيع الفتوح ولم يستأثرا ولم يستبدا بايع وسالم

And when he saw (i.e. ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib) that the two Khalifahs (Abu Bakr and ‘Umar) exhausted tremendous efforts in spreading the word of the oneness of Allah, preparing armies, and expanding the conquests, without appropriation and dictatorship, he pledged and submitted.[5]


6. And Imam Zayn al ‘Abidin would make mention of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum He would pray for them for mercy and forgiveness due to them supporting the master of the creation in spreading the call of Tawhid, and conveying the message of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala to the creation. He says:


فاذكرهم منك بمغفرة ورضوان اللهم وأصحاب محمد خاصة الذين أحسنوا الصحبة والذين أبلوا البلاء الحسن في نصره وكانفوه وأسرعوا إلى وفادته وسابقوا إلى دعوته واستجابوا له حيث أسمعهم حجة رسالته وفارقوا الأزواج والأولاد في إظهار كلمته وقاتلوا الآباء والأبناء في تثبيت نبوته وانتصروا به ومن كانوا منطوين على محبته يرجون تجارةً لن تبور في مودته والذين هجرتهم العشائر إذ تعلقوا بعروته وانتفت منهم القرابات إذ سكنوا في ظل قرابته فلا تنس لهم اللهم ما تركوا لك وفيك وأرضهم من رضوانك وبما حاشوا الخلق عليك وكانوا مع رسولك دعاةً لك وإليك واشكرهم على هجرهم فيك ديار قومهم وخروجهم من سعة المعاش إلى ضيقه ومن كثّرت في اعتزاز دينك من مظلومهم اللهم.وأوصل إلى التابعين لهم بإحسان الذين يقولون ربنا اغفر لنا ولإخواننا الذين سبقونا بالإيمان خير جزائك الذين قصدوا سمتهم وتحرّوا جهتهم ومضوا على شاكلتهم لم يثنهم ريبٌ في بصيرتهم ولم يختلجهم شك في قفو آثارهم والإئتمام بهداية منارهم مُكانفين ومُؤازرين لهم يدينون بدينهم، ويهتدون بهديهم، يتّفقون عليهم، ولا يتهمونهم فيما أدوا إليهم اللهم وصلِّ على التابعين من يومنا هذا إلى يوم الدين وعلـى أزواجهـم وعلى ذرّياتهم وعلـى من أطاعك منهم صـلاة تعصمهم بهـا من معصيتك وتفسح لهـم فـي رياض جنّتك وتمنعهم بهـا من كيد الشيطان

So, praise them from your side with forgiveness and pleasure. O Allah and the Sahabah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam; specifically who outstandingly accompanied Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and contributed excellently to helping him, standing by his side; who hastened to serve him, surpassed others in accepting his call, responded to him when he presented to them his message, parted with their wives and children to uplift his word, fought against fathers and sons to entrench his Prophethood and attained victory through him; who were engulfed by his love, and were hopeful of a bargain which will never bear loss; who were abandoned by their families due to holding onto his stronghold, and lost all their relationships due to being affiliated to him. So, do not forget o Allah what they have left for you and out of your love and please them with your pleasure due to them gathering the creation upon your worship, for they were callers to you with your Rasul. So, appreciate them for abandoning the abodes of their people for you, and for leaving a life of vastness to one of constrains, and among who the oppressed were many for the upliftment of your Din. O Allah, and grant to those who succeeded them with goodness and who said, “O our lord, forgive us and our brothers that preceded us with Iman,” the best of rewards. They intended to emulate their ways, searched for their direction, and lived life according to their pattern. No doubt deterred them in their insight, and no suspicion occurred to them in following their footsteps and the guidance of their light. They stood by their side to support them. They believed in their religion, followed their ways and mannerisms, agreed with them, and did not doubt them in what they conveyed to them. O Allah, and send your salutations upon the followers from our time till the Day of Judgement, and upon their wives, and posterities. And send salutations upon whoever obeys you from them such a salutation through which you safeguard them from your disobedience, open for them the orchards of your Jannat, and protect them against the ploy of Shaitan…[6]


7. And the following is what features in Nahj al Balaghah, the most authentic book of the Rawafid and the content whereof is categorically established according to them:


قد رأيت أصحاب محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، فما أرى أحداً يشبههم منكم لقد كانوا يصبحون شعثاً غبراً، وقد باتوا سجّداً وقياماً يراوحون بين جباهِهِم وخدودهم ويقفون على مثل الجمر من ذكر معادهم، كأن بين أعينهم رُكب المعزى من طول سجودهم، إذا ذكر الله هملت أعينهم حتى تبُلّ جيوبهم، ومادوا كما يميد

الشجر يوم الريح العاصف، خوفاً من العقاب ورجاءً للثواب

‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu says: Indeed, I have seen the Sahabah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and I do not see anyone amongst you who resembles them. They would rise in the morning, unkempt and covered with dust, because they had spent the night in prostration and standing. They would alternate between their foreheads and their cheeks, while it felt as if they were standing on coals, when thinking of their return to the hereafter. It is as if between their eyes there were marks like knees of goats due to the length of their prostration. When they would remember Allah, their eyes would drip until their bosoms would become wet. They would shake as a tree shakes on a terribly windy day, fearing punishment and hoping for reward.[7]


And he says in another sermon:


أين القوم الذين دعوا إلى الاسلام فقبلوه، وقرأوا القرآن فأحكموه وهيجوا إلى الجهاد فولهوا وله اللقاح إلى أولادها وسلبوا السيوف أغمادها وأخذوا بأطراف الأرض زحفا زحفا وصفا وصفا بعض هلك وبعض نجا لا يبشرون بالاحياء ولا يعزون عن الموتى مره العيون من البكاء خمص البطون من الصيام ذبل الشفاه من الدعاء صفر الألوان من السهر على وجوههم غبرة الخاشعين أولئك إخواني الذاهبون فحق لنا أن نظمأ إليهم ونعض الأيدي على فراقهم

Where have those people gone who when invited to Islam accepted it sincerely; who read the Qur’an and whole-heartedly, followed the commands it contained; who loved Islam as a she-camel loves her young one and when ordered to fight in defence of Islam, they willingly left their homes and families. Some of them died like martyrs and some survived the ordeal. Success never overjoyed them and death never made them despaired. They had sore eyes due to excessive weeping, empty bellies due to fasting, dry lips due to supplications, and pale complexions due to staying awake, and upon their faces was the paleness of the devout. They are my brothers that have parted. I am justified in desiring to meet them once again and to be sad at separation from them.[8]


He also praised the Muhajirin of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum when responding to Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan radiya Llahu ‘anhu:


فاز أهل السبق بسبقهم وذهب المهاجرون الأولون بفضلهم

The people of precedence have succeeded due to their surpassing, and the first Muhajirin have gone with even their merit.[9]


And whilst describing his fighting alongside the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum in the era of Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam he says:


ولقد كنا مع رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله نقتل آباءنا وأبناءنا وإخواننا وأعمامنا ما يزيدنا ذلك إلا إيمانا وتسليما ومضيا على اللقم وصبرا على مضض الألم وجدا في جهاد العدو ولقد كان الرجل منا والآخر من عدونا يتصاولان تصاول الفحلين يتخالسان أنفسهما أيهما يسقي صاحبه كأس المنون فمرة لنا من عدونا ومرة لعدونا منا فلما رأى الله صدقنا أنزل بعدونا الكبت وأنزل علينا النصر حتى استقر الاسلام ملقيا جرانه ومتبوئا أوطانه ولعمري لو كنا نأتي ماأتيتم ما قام للدين عمود ولا اخضر للايمان عود وأيم الله لتحتلبنها دما ولتتبعنها ندما

We (the Sahabah) were with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam fighting our fathers, sons, brothers, and uncles; that did not increase us save in faith and submission. We passed (many days during this time) upon morsels, and in patience upon the anguish of pain, and in determination in fighting the enemy. A man amongst us and one from our enemy would compete with one another the way two studs competed glancing at one another stealthily which one would quench the other with the cup of death. At times it went our way and other times it went the way of our enemy. Then, when Allah saw our truthfulness he sent upon our enemy subjugation and upon us victory to the extent that Islam was settled, firmly established, and its lands settled. By my life, if we had done what you did[10] there would be no pillars for the religion and there be no revival of faith. By my life, if we had also behaved like you, no pillar of (our) religion could have been raised, nor could the tree of faith have borne leaves. By Allah, certainly you will now milk our blood (instead of milk) and eventually you will face shame.[11]


And ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu wrote the following in a letter to Muawiyah radiya Llahu ‘anhu wherein he proves to him he is more deserving of the Caliphate and the allegiance of the people:


إنه بايعني القوم الذين بايعوا أبا بكر وعمر وعثمان على ما بايعوهم عليه، فلم يكن للشاهد أن يختار، ولا للغائب أن يرد، وإنما الشورى للمهاجرين والأنصار، فان اجتمعوا على رجل وسموه إماما كان ذلك لله رضا، فان خرج عن أمرهم خارج بطعن أو بدعة ردوه إلى ما خرج منه، فان أبى قاتلوه على اتباعه غير سبيل المؤمنين، وولاه الله ما تولى

The people that had pledged to Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, and ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhum have pledged to me upon the requisites upon which they had pledged to them. Hence no present person has any choice, nor does an absent person have the option of refusing. For the right of council is for the Muhajirin and the Ansar; hence, if they unite upon a person and dub him the leader, that would be pleasing to Allah. Thereafter, if someone departs from their decision due to a criticism or an innovation, they will return him to that which he departed from. If he refuses, they will fight him for him following a path other than that of the believers, and Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala will turn him to whatever he chose for himself.[12]


So, these are the statements of ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu regarding his brothers and his comrades in striving for Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala a true striving. And this is what we know about this exemplary generation at whose hands Islam was born, and on whose shoulders its glories were cemented. And the people saw this generation only once.

However, those with weak hearts forged lies, fabricate false reports, concocted allegations, severed the ties of kinship which existed between the illustrious Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum, and they ignited the fire of chauvinism. But where will it ever be possible for them to disparage those high rising mountains in the world of Iman and high ideals.

A true Muslim knows the right of these people. For they are the people who transmitted the Din as fresh as can be; they bore the greatest of difficulties, and presented the costliest sacrifices so that it may reach us free from blemishes and fables. Likewise, a true Muslim will interpret whatever transpired between them as their varying Ijtihads in various issues, or upon differences of opinion which do not in any way compromise mutual love and affinity. For these pure souls went out of their way in loving one another.

In conclusion, the praises of the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum which feature in the books of the Rawafid are too many, and the truth is always that to which the enemy attests.

Whoever wants more details, he should refer to the book Kashf al Ghummah of al Arbili, al Gharat of al Thaqafi, and al Kuna wa al Alqab of ‘Abbas al Qummi amongst many more books. What we have cited here should suffice, and we always seek the assistance of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.


NEXT⇒ Section Five – The Stance of the Rawafid About the Sahabah

[1] Usul al Kafi, 1/65.

[2] Rawdah al Kafi, 8/310.

[3] Rawdah al Kafi, 8/101.

[4] Bihar al Anwar, 52/132.

[5] Asl al Shia wa Usuluha, p. 124.

[6] Al Sahifah al Kamilah al Sajjadiyyah, p. 39-42.

[7] Nahj al Balaghah, 1/189, 190.

[8] Ibid., 1/234, 235.

[9] Ibid., 1/17.

[10] Here he is referring to his disciples.

[11] Ibid., 1/104, 105.

[12] Ibid., 3/7.