The scholarly masterpiece of Molana Muhammad Nafi’ comprising of four volumes wherein he highlights the relationship between the Sahabah and Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu `anhum, his affinity towards them and their recognition of his virtue, as well as the role he played during their khilafah. The third volume deals specifically with his relationship with Sayyidina Uthman radiya Llahu `anhu, and also addresses a number of Shia misconceptions regarding the third khalifah of Islam.
Ruhama’ Baynahum – Vol. 3 Uthmani Section
by: Molana Muhammad Nafi’
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Click one of the sections below:
Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
The Status of ‘Uthman on the Tongues of the Senior Hashimis with reference to Shia books
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
1. Points Regarding the Siege of ‘Uthman
2. The Name of ‘Uthman was prevalent in the Children of ‘Ali