`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith: “When One of You Wakes Up from His Sleep, He Should Wash His Hands”

`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith: “Whoever Keeps a Dog Will Lose One Qirat of His Reward Every Day”
December 3, 2015
`Abd al-Husayn’s Gripe About Abu Hurayrah for Sitting Beside the Room of `A’ishah Whilst Narrating
December 3, 2015

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‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “When One of You Wakes Up from His Sleep, He Should Wash His Hands”


On page 197, ‘Abdul Hussain says:


أنه روى عن النبي(ص) أنه قال: متى استيقظ أحدكم من نومه فليغسل يده قبل أن يضعها في الإناء فإن أحدكم لا يدري أين باتت يده ؟ فانكرت عائشة عليه  فلم تأخذ به وقالت: كيف نصنع بالمهراس

He narrates that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “When one of you awakes from his sleep, then he should wash his hands before placing them in the utensil, as you do not know where your hands were during the course of the night.” Aisha doubted it and did not accept it saying, “What will we do with a utensil that is made of concrete?” 


Our comment: This hadith has been narrated by your scholars as well. The pride of your scholars, al Majlisi reports this hadith from Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu in his book under the chapter, “the Sunnah acts of wudu and its etiquettes,” which appears under the book of purity. Also, Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu was not the sole narrator of this hadith. It has been narrated by the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt as well. Bihar al Anwar reports from Abu Basir — ‘Abdul Karim ibn ‘Utbah:


سألته عن رجل يستيقظ من نومه ولم يبل يدخل يده في الإناء قبل أن يغسلها قال: لا ، لأنه لا يدري أين باتت يده فيغسلها

I asked him about a man who awakes from his sleep, but does not urinate; is he allowed to put his hands into water before washing them? He replied, “No. He does not know where his hands were during the night.”[1]


NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “Whoever Keeps a Dog Will Lose One Qirat of His Reward Every Day”

[1] Bihar al Anwar, 80/333, the book of purity, chapter of the Sunnah acts of wudu and its etiquettes.

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‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “When One of You Wakes Up from His Sleep, He Should Wash His Hands”


On page 197, ‘Abdul Hussain says:


أنه روى عن النبي(ص) أنه قال: متى استيقظ أحدكم من نومه فليغسل يده قبل أن يضعها في الإناء فإن أحدكم لا يدري أين باتت يده ؟ فانكرت عائشة عليه  فلم تأخذ به وقالت: كيف نصنع بالمهراس

He narrates that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “When one of you awakes from his sleep, then he should wash his hands before placing them in the utensil, as you do not know where your hands were during the course of the night.” Aisha doubted it and did not accept it saying, “What will we do with a utensil that is made of concrete?” 


Our comment: This hadith has been narrated by your scholars as well. The pride of your scholars, al Majlisi reports this hadith from Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu in his book under the chapter, “the Sunnah acts of wudu and its etiquettes,” which appears under the book of purity. Also, Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu was not the sole narrator of this hadith. It has been narrated by the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt as well. Bihar al Anwar reports from Abu Basir — ‘Abdul Karim ibn ‘Utbah:


سألته عن رجل يستيقظ من نومه ولم يبل يدخل يده في الإناء قبل أن يغسلها قال: لا ، لأنه لا يدري أين باتت يده فيغسلها

I asked him about a man who awakes from his sleep, but does not urinate; is he allowed to put his hands into water before washing them? He replied, “No. He does not know where his hands were during the night.”[1]


NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “Whoever Keeps a Dog Will Lose One Qirat of His Reward Every Day”

[1] Bihar al Anwar, 80/333, the book of purity, chapter of the Sunnah acts of wudu and its etiquettes.