`Abd al-Husayn’s Gripe About Abu Hurayrah for Sitting Beside the Room of `A’ishah Whilst Narrating

`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith: “When One of You Wakes Up from His Sleep, He Should Wash His Hands”
December 3, 2015
`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith: “Bad Omen is Confined to Women and Animals”
December 3, 2015

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‘Abdul Hussain’s Gripe About Abu Hurairah for Sitting Beside the Room of Aisha Whilst Narrating


On page 197, ‘Abdul Hussain says:


أنه جلس مرّة إلى جنب حجرة عائشة يحدث عن النبي(ص) وهي مشغولة في سبحتها فقالت بعد فراغها : ألا يعجبك أبو هريرة يجلس إلى جنب حجرتي يحدّث عن النبي(ص) يسمعني ذلك ؟ وكنت اسبح فقام قبل أن اقضي سبحتي ولو أدركته لرددت عليه الحديث

Once he sat beside the room of Aisha, narrating from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam whilst she was busy performing her mid-morning prayer. Upon completing them she commented, “Does Abu Hurairah not amuse you? He sits beside my room, narrating from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam so that I can hear him while I am busy performing salah. Then, he goes away before I can finish. If I found him (here), I would have rejected his hadith.”[1] 


Our comment: read these narrations and have a look at that which was said by your infallible Imam! Bihar al Anwar reports from Ishaq ibn Harith — his father — Amir al Mu’minin:


أتيت النبي وعنده أبو بكر وعمر فجلست! بينه وبين عائشة! فقالت لي عائشة ما وجدت إلا فخذي! أو فخذ! رسول الله

I visited the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam whilst Abu Bakr and ‘Umar were by him, so I sat between him and Aisha. Aisha said to me, “You found nowhere (to sit) besides my thighs or the thighs of the Messenger?”[2]


Jundub ibn ‘Abdullah al Bajali reports from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu:


دخلت على رسول الله قبل أن يضرب الحجاب وهو في منزل عائشة فجلست بينه وبينها!، فقالت: يا ابن أبي طالب ما وجدت مكان لإستك غير فخذي ا

I visited the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam before the command of the veil was revealed, while he was in the house of Aisha, so I sat between him and her. She said to me, “O son of Abu Talib, you found no place for your bottom besides my thighs?”[3]


Another narration:

فجلس بين النبي وبين عائشة فقالت: يابن أبي طالب ما وجدت مقعداً غير فخذي ؟!!

He sat between Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and Aisha, so she said, “O son of Abu Talib, you found no place to sit besides, my thighs?”[4]


Yet another narration:


وروي أنه سافر ومعه علي (ع) وعائشة ، فكان النبي ينام بينهما في لحاف!!!

It has been narrated that he once journeyed taking along ‘Ali and Aisha. The Prophet would sleep in between them under one cloth.[5]


O ‘Abdul Hussain, look at these blasphemous actions which will be despised by people of a much lower status than them (which you have recorded in your books)!



NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “When One of You Wakes Up from His Sleep, He Should Wash His Hands”

[1]Sahih Muslim, Fada’il Abu Hurairah.

[2]Bihar al Anwar, 7/339 # 32, 22/241 # 6, 39/194 # 4; Tafsir al Burhan, 4/225.

[3]  Ibid., 37/303, pg. 336, 39/201.

[4]  Ibid., 37/297, 37/329-330.

[5]  Ibid., 40/1-2, pg. 314, 104/49.

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‘Abdul Hussain’s Gripe About Abu Hurairah for Sitting Beside the Room of Aisha Whilst Narrating


On page 197, ‘Abdul Hussain says:


أنه جلس مرّة إلى جنب حجرة عائشة يحدث عن النبي(ص) وهي مشغولة في سبحتها فقالت بعد فراغها : ألا يعجبك أبو هريرة يجلس إلى جنب حجرتي يحدّث عن النبي(ص) يسمعني ذلك ؟ وكنت اسبح فقام قبل أن اقضي سبحتي ولو أدركته لرددت عليه الحديث

Once he sat beside the room of Aisha, narrating from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam whilst she was busy performing her mid-morning prayer. Upon completing them she commented, “Does Abu Hurairah not amuse you? He sits beside my room, narrating from the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam so that I can hear him while I am busy performing salah. Then, he goes away before I can finish. If I found him (here), I would have rejected his hadith.”[1] 


Our comment: read these narrations and have a look at that which was said by your infallible Imam! Bihar al Anwar reports from Ishaq ibn Harith — his father — Amir al Mu’minin:


أتيت النبي وعنده أبو بكر وعمر فجلست! بينه وبين عائشة! فقالت لي عائشة ما وجدت إلا فخذي! أو فخذ! رسول الله

I visited the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam whilst Abu Bakr and ‘Umar were by him, so I sat between him and Aisha. Aisha said to me, “You found nowhere (to sit) besides my thighs or the thighs of the Messenger?”[2]


Jundub ibn ‘Abdullah al Bajali reports from ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu:


دخلت على رسول الله قبل أن يضرب الحجاب وهو في منزل عائشة فجلست بينه وبينها!، فقالت: يا ابن أبي طالب ما وجدت مكان لإستك غير فخذي ا

I visited the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam before the command of the veil was revealed, while he was in the house of Aisha, so I sat between him and her. She said to me, “O son of Abu Talib, you found no place for your bottom besides my thighs?”[3]


Another narration:

فجلس بين النبي وبين عائشة فقالت: يابن أبي طالب ما وجدت مقعداً غير فخذي ؟!!

He sat between Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and Aisha, so she said, “O son of Abu Talib, you found no place to sit besides, my thighs?”[4]


Yet another narration:


وروي أنه سافر ومعه علي (ع) وعائشة ، فكان النبي ينام بينهما في لحاف!!!

It has been narrated that he once journeyed taking along ‘Ali and Aisha. The Prophet would sleep in between them under one cloth.[5]


O ‘Abdul Hussain, look at these blasphemous actions which will be despised by people of a much lower status than them (which you have recorded in your books)!



NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “When One of You Wakes Up from His Sleep, He Should Wash His Hands”

[1]Sahih Muslim, Fada’il Abu Hurairah.

[2]Bihar al Anwar, 7/339 # 32, 22/241 # 6, 39/194 # 4; Tafsir al Burhan, 4/225.

[3]  Ibid., 37/303, pg. 336, 39/201.

[4]  Ibid., 37/297, 37/329-330.

[5]  Ibid., 40/1-2, pg. 314, 104/49.