`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith: “Whoever Keeps a Dog Will Lose One Qirat of His Reward Every Day”

`Abd al-Husayn Objects the Hadith: “Whoever Attends a Funeral Will be Granted One Qirat of Reward”
December 3, 2015
`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith: “When One of You Wakes Up from His Sleep, He Should Wash His Hands”
December 3, 2015

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‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “Whoever Keeps a Dog Will Lose One Qirat of His Reward Every Day”


On page 198, he says:


ومثله ما في صحيح مسلم أيضاً  عن أبي هريرة مرفوعاً : من اتخذكلباً الا كلب ماشية أو صيد أو زرع انتقص من أجره كل يوم قيراط ، فذكر لابن عمر قول أبي هريرة هذا فقال: يرحم الله أبا هريرة كان صاحب زرع – يتهمه يزيادة كلب الزرع ايثاراً لمصلحته – وقد اتهمه بهذا أيضاً سالم بن عبدالله بن عمر في حديث اخرجه مسلم أيضاً “

It is reported in Sahih Muslim from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Whoever keeps a dog, except for the purposes of herding, hunting and farming, his reward will be decreased by one qirat[1] every day.”

Ibn ‘Umar was informed of the statement of Abu Hurairah, so he said, “May Allah have mercy upon Abu Hurairah—he was a farmer.”

He was hinting that Abu Hurairah added on the word farming to suit his own needs. Salim ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar also accused him of the same crime in another hadith which was reported by Muslim.


Our comment: It will be sufficient at this juncture for us to give a brief reply to these allegations of ‘Abdul Hussain by reproducing the narrations of the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt, whom he relies upon and whose integrity he does not doubt. Al Kafi reports from Zurarah Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah:


ما من أحد يتخذ كلباً إلا نقص في كل يوم من عمل صاحبه قيراط

No one keeps a dog, except that the deeds of that person are decreased by one qirat daily.[2]


It is reported in ‘Awali al La’ali:


من اقتنى كلباً إلاضارباً، أوكلب زرع نقص من أجره كل يوم قيراطان

Whoever keeps a dog, except for hunting or farming purposes, his reward will be diminished by two qirats daily.[3]



NEXT⇒ ’Abdul Hussain Objects the Hadith: “Whoever Attends a Funeral Will be Granted One Qirat of Reward”

[1]  A measurement equal to approximately 200 mg of gold.

[2]Al Kafi, 6/552, the chapter of dogs; Bihar al Anwar, 65/51; Wasa’il al Shia, 8/388; Hilyat al Muttaqin, pg. 607.

[3] ‘Awali al La’ali, 1/143-144.

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‘Abdul Hussain Rejects the Hadith: “Whoever Keeps a Dog Will Lose One Qirat of His Reward Every Day”


On page 198, he says:


ومثله ما في صحيح مسلم أيضاً  عن أبي هريرة مرفوعاً : من اتخذكلباً الا كلب ماشية أو صيد أو زرع انتقص من أجره كل يوم قيراط ، فذكر لابن عمر قول أبي هريرة هذا فقال: يرحم الله أبا هريرة كان صاحب زرع – يتهمه يزيادة كلب الزرع ايثاراً لمصلحته – وقد اتهمه بهذا أيضاً سالم بن عبدالله بن عمر في حديث اخرجه مسلم أيضاً “

It is reported in Sahih Muslim from Abu Hurairah that the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Whoever keeps a dog, except for the purposes of herding, hunting and farming, his reward will be decreased by one qirat[1] every day.”

Ibn ‘Umar was informed of the statement of Abu Hurairah, so he said, “May Allah have mercy upon Abu Hurairah—he was a farmer.”

He was hinting that Abu Hurairah added on the word farming to suit his own needs. Salim ibn ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar also accused him of the same crime in another hadith which was reported by Muslim.


Our comment: It will be sufficient at this juncture for us to give a brief reply to these allegations of ‘Abdul Hussain by reproducing the narrations of the Imams of the Ahlul Bayt, whom he relies upon and whose integrity he does not doubt. Al Kafi reports from Zurarah Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah:


ما من أحد يتخذ كلباً إلا نقص في كل يوم من عمل صاحبه قيراط

No one keeps a dog, except that the deeds of that person are decreased by one qirat daily.[2]


It is reported in ‘Awali al La’ali:


من اقتنى كلباً إلاضارباً، أوكلب زرع نقص من أجره كل يوم قيراطان

Whoever keeps a dog, except for hunting or farming purposes, his reward will be diminished by two qirats daily.[3]



NEXT⇒ ’Abdul Hussain Objects the Hadith: “Whoever Attends a Funeral Will be Granted One Qirat of Reward”

[1]  A measurement equal to approximately 200 mg of gold.

[2]Al Kafi, 6/552, the chapter of dogs; Bihar al Anwar, 65/51; Wasa’il al Shia, 8/388; Hilyat al Muttaqin, pg. 607.

[3] ‘Awali al La’ali, 1/143-144.