`Abd al-Husayn Objects the Hadith: “Whoever Attends a Funeral Will be Granted One Qirat of Reward”

`Abd al-Husayn Objects to the Hadith: “Whoever Longs to Meet Allah, Allah Loves to Meet Him”
December 3, 2015
`Abd al-Husayn Rejects the Hadith: “Whoever Keeps a Dog Will Lose One Qirat of His Reward Every Day”
December 3, 2015

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‘Abdul Hussain Objects the Hadith: “Whoever Attends a Funeral Will be Granted One Qirat of Reward”


‘Abdul Hussain states on page 199:


أن ابن عمر سمعه يحدث:” بأن من اتبع جنازة فله قيراط من الأجر” فقال أكثر علينا أبو هريرة ولم يصدقه حتى بعث إلى عائشة يسألها عن ذلك فروت له فصدّق حينئذ والحديث في هذا ثابت

Ibn ‘Umar heard him narrating, “Whoever attends a funeral will be granted one qirat of reward.” He commented, “Abu Hurairah exaggerated this for us.” He did not believe him until he sent someone to confirm this with Aisha. She narrated this for him, after which he accepted him. The hadith regarding this is established.


Our comment: I cannot ascertain whether ‘Abdul Hussain is genuinely ignorant of the ahadith of the Ahlul Bayt, or is he just overtaken by the idea of finding fault and doubting the great narrator of Islam, Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu? It seems as if his only goal is to plant the seeds of hatred and distrust in the hearts of the believers, regarding Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu. Why else would he criticise him for narrating the ahadith which are identical to the ahadith of his Imams? Furu’ al Kafi reports from Abu Basir:


سمعت أبا جعفر(ع) يقول: من مشى مع جنازة حتى يصلّى عليها ثم رجع كان له قيراط من الأجر، فإذا مشى معها حتى تدفن كان له قيراطان ،والقيراط مثل جبل أحد

I heard Abu Jafar saying, “Whoever walks along with the bier until he performs salah for it, and then he returns, will be granted a reward of one qirat. If he remains with it until it is buried, he will be granted two qirats. One qirat equivalent to Mount Uhud.”[1]


It is reported from Asbagh ibn Nubatah that Amir al Mu’minin radiya Llahu ‘anhu said:


من تبع جنازة كتب الله من الأجر له أربع قراريط: قيراط باتباعه ،وقيراط للصلاة عليها ، وقيرطا بالانتظار حتى يفرغ من دفنها ،وقيراط للتعزية

Whoever accompanies a funeral, Allah will record for him four qirats of reward; one for accompanying it, one for performing salah with it, one for waiting until it is buried and one for consoling (the bereaved)[2].



NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Objects to the Hadith: “Whoever Longs to Meet Allah, Allah Loves to Meet Him”

[1]Furu’ al Kafi, 3/173; Wasa’il al Shia, 2/821-824; Man La Yahduruhu al Faqih, 4/10.

[2]Furu’ al Kafi, 3/173; Wasa’il al Shia, 2/822; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 2/298.

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‘Abdul Hussain Objects the Hadith: “Whoever Attends a Funeral Will be Granted One Qirat of Reward”


‘Abdul Hussain states on page 199:


أن ابن عمر سمعه يحدث:” بأن من اتبع جنازة فله قيراط من الأجر” فقال أكثر علينا أبو هريرة ولم يصدقه حتى بعث إلى عائشة يسألها عن ذلك فروت له فصدّق حينئذ والحديث في هذا ثابت

Ibn ‘Umar heard him narrating, “Whoever attends a funeral will be granted one qirat of reward.” He commented, “Abu Hurairah exaggerated this for us.” He did not believe him until he sent someone to confirm this with Aisha. She narrated this for him, after which he accepted him. The hadith regarding this is established.


Our comment: I cannot ascertain whether ‘Abdul Hussain is genuinely ignorant of the ahadith of the Ahlul Bayt, or is he just overtaken by the idea of finding fault and doubting the great narrator of Islam, Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu? It seems as if his only goal is to plant the seeds of hatred and distrust in the hearts of the believers, regarding Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu. Why else would he criticise him for narrating the ahadith which are identical to the ahadith of his Imams? Furu’ al Kafi reports from Abu Basir:


سمعت أبا جعفر(ع) يقول: من مشى مع جنازة حتى يصلّى عليها ثم رجع كان له قيراط من الأجر، فإذا مشى معها حتى تدفن كان له قيراطان ،والقيراط مثل جبل أحد

I heard Abu Jafar saying, “Whoever walks along with the bier until he performs salah for it, and then he returns, will be granted a reward of one qirat. If he remains with it until it is buried, he will be granted two qirats. One qirat equivalent to Mount Uhud.”[1]


It is reported from Asbagh ibn Nubatah that Amir al Mu’minin radiya Llahu ‘anhu said:


من تبع جنازة كتب الله من الأجر له أربع قراريط: قيراط باتباعه ،وقيراط للصلاة عليها ، وقيرطا بالانتظار حتى يفرغ من دفنها ،وقيراط للتعزية

Whoever accompanies a funeral, Allah will record for him four qirats of reward; one for accompanying it, one for performing salah with it, one for waiting until it is buried and one for consoling (the bereaved)[2].



NEXT⇒ ‘Abdul Hussain Objects to the Hadith: “Whoever Longs to Meet Allah, Allah Loves to Meet Him”

[1]Furu’ al Kafi, 3/173; Wasa’il al Shia, 2/821-824; Man La Yahduruhu al Faqih, 4/10.

[2]Furu’ al Kafi, 3/173; Wasa’il al Shia, 2/822; Mustadrak al Wasa’il, 2/298.