Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew if Allah wishes

Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies a martyr
March 11, 2019
Whoever dies and does not recognise the imam of his era
March 11, 2019

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Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew if Allah wishes


من مات و في قلبه بغض لعلي فليمت إن شاء الله يهوديا

Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew if Allah wishes


‘Ali ibn Qarin

  • He would fabricate ahadith in Baghdad


حدثني أحمد بن محمود قال حدثنا عثمان بن سعيد قال قال لي يحيى بن معين لا تكتب عن علي بن قرين شيخ ببغداد فإنه كذاب خبيث و من حديثه ما حدثناه عبد الله بن هرون الشعبي قال حدثنا علي بن قرين قال حدثنا الجارود بن يزيد عن بهز بن حكيم عن أبيه عن جده قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم من مات و في قلبه بغض لعلي فليمت يهوديا أو نصرانيا ليس بمحفوظ من حديث بهز و لا من حديث جارود و علي بن قرين وضع هذا الحديث و لا يعرف من حديث إلا عن علي بن قرين و جارود متروك الحديث و علي وضعه على جارود

Ahmed ibn Mahmud narrated to me saying―’Uthman ibn Sa’id narrated to us saying―Yahya ibn Ma’in told me:

Do not write from ‘Ali ibn Qarin, the Sheikh in Baghdad, for he is a wretched kadhab. One of his hadith was narrated to me by ‘Abdullah ibn Harun al Sha’bi who said―’Ali ibn Qarin narrated to us― Jarud ibn Yazid narrated to us from―Bahz ibn Hakim from―his father from―his grandfather who narrates that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew or Christian.”

This narration is not mahfuz from Bahz, nor from Jarud. ‘Ali ibn Qarin fabricated it. A hadith of Jarud is not known except from ‘Ali ibn Qarin. Jarud is matruk al hadith and ‘Ali fabricated it upon Jarud.


Hafiz says, “Al ‘Uqayli narrated it and it is mawdu’.”[1]


Next⇒ Whoever dies and does not recognise the imam of his era

[1] Lisan al Mizan vol. 2 pg. 219, vol. 4 pg. 252.

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Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew if Allah wishes


من مات و في قلبه بغض لعلي فليمت إن شاء الله يهوديا

Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew if Allah wishes


‘Ali ibn Qarin

  • He would fabricate ahadith in Baghdad


حدثني أحمد بن محمود قال حدثنا عثمان بن سعيد قال قال لي يحيى بن معين لا تكتب عن علي بن قرين شيخ ببغداد فإنه كذاب خبيث و من حديثه ما حدثناه عبد الله بن هرون الشعبي قال حدثنا علي بن قرين قال حدثنا الجارود بن يزيد عن بهز بن حكيم عن أبيه عن جده قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم من مات و في قلبه بغض لعلي فليمت يهوديا أو نصرانيا ليس بمحفوظ من حديث بهز و لا من حديث جارود و علي بن قرين وضع هذا الحديث و لا يعرف من حديث إلا عن علي بن قرين و جارود متروك الحديث و علي وضعه على جارود

Ahmed ibn Mahmud narrated to me saying―’Uthman ibn Sa’id narrated to us saying―Yahya ibn Ma’in told me:

Do not write from ‘Ali ibn Qarin, the Sheikh in Baghdad, for he is a wretched kadhab. One of his hadith was narrated to me by ‘Abdullah ibn Harun al Sha’bi who said―’Ali ibn Qarin narrated to us― Jarud ibn Yazid narrated to us from―Bahz ibn Hakim from―his father from―his grandfather who narrates that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: “Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew or Christian.”

This narration is not mahfuz from Bahz, nor from Jarud. ‘Ali ibn Qarin fabricated it. A hadith of Jarud is not known except from ‘Ali ibn Qarin. Jarud is matruk al hadith and ‘Ali fabricated it upon Jarud.


Hafiz says, “Al ‘Uqayli narrated it and it is mawdu’.”[1]


Next⇒ Whoever dies and does not recognise the imam of his era

[1] Lisan al Mizan vol. 2 pg. 219, vol. 4 pg. 252.