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من مات على حب آل محمد مات شهيدا ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد مات مغفورا له ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد مات تائبا ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد مات مؤمنا مستكمل الإيمان ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد بشره ملك الموت بالجنة ثم منكر و نكير ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد يزف إلى الجنة كما تزف العروس إلى بيت زوجها ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد فتح الله له في قبره بابين إلى الجنة ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد جعل الله قبره مزار ملائكة الرحمة ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد مات على السنة و الجماعة ألا و من مات على بغض آل محمد جاء يوم القيامة مكتوبا بين عينيه آيس من رحمة الله ألا و من مات على بغض آل محمد مات كافرا ألا و من مات على بغض محمد لم يشم رائحة الجنة
Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies a martyr. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies forgiven. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies a repenter. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies as a believer with perfect iman. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad, the angel of death announces to him the glad tidings of Jannat followed by Munkar and Nakir. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad will be escorted to Jannat like how a bride is escorted to her husband’s home. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad, Allah will open for him two doors to Jannat in his grave. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad Allah will make his grave visited by the angels of mercy. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies upon the Sunnah and al Jama’ah.
Harken! Whoever dies with hatred for the family of Muhammad will come on the Day of Qiyamah with ‘despondent of the mercy of Allah’ written between his eyes. Harken! Whoever dies with hatred for the family of Muhammad will die a disbeliever. Harken! Whoever dies with hatred for the family of Muhammad will not smell the fragrance of Jannat.
The narration is evidently mawdu’. It is the treachery of ‘Abdul Hussain to use deceptive words which are worthless in the sight of the ‘Ulama’ of hadith. He says, “Al Zamakhshari made irsal of it the irsal of accepted narrations.”[1]
He played this trick on the narration: “May Allah curse the one who lags behind the army of Usamah,” making the same comment about al Shahrastani.
This is his style. When he fails to find a sanad for a narration by any of the authors―I did not say muhaddithin―he uses stretchable words like these to create the impression in the minds of people that the sanad is not significant. The original verdict regarding irsal is that it is worthless with the exception of those whose irsal is safe like al Sha’bi and others. Al Shahrastani and al Zamakhshari are not known for hadith that it can be said that they reported with irsal.
Next⇒ Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew if Allah wishes
[1] Al Muraja’at pg. 30.
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من مات على حب آل محمد مات شهيدا ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد مات مغفورا له ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد مات تائبا ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد مات مؤمنا مستكمل الإيمان ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد بشره ملك الموت بالجنة ثم منكر و نكير ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد يزف إلى الجنة كما تزف العروس إلى بيت زوجها ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد فتح الله له في قبره بابين إلى الجنة ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد جعل الله قبره مزار ملائكة الرحمة ألا و من مات على حب آل محمد مات على السنة و الجماعة ألا و من مات على بغض آل محمد جاء يوم القيامة مكتوبا بين عينيه آيس من رحمة الله ألا و من مات على بغض آل محمد مات كافرا ألا و من مات على بغض محمد لم يشم رائحة الجنة
Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies a martyr. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies forgiven. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies a repenter. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies as a believer with perfect iman. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad, the angel of death announces to him the glad tidings of Jannat followed by Munkar and Nakir. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad will be escorted to Jannat like how a bride is escorted to her husband’s home. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad, Allah will open for him two doors to Jannat in his grave. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad Allah will make his grave visited by the angels of mercy. Harken! Whoever dies with love for the family of Muhammad dies upon the Sunnah and al Jama’ah.
Harken! Whoever dies with hatred for the family of Muhammad will come on the Day of Qiyamah with ‘despondent of the mercy of Allah’ written between his eyes. Harken! Whoever dies with hatred for the family of Muhammad will die a disbeliever. Harken! Whoever dies with hatred for the family of Muhammad will not smell the fragrance of Jannat.
The narration is evidently mawdu’. It is the treachery of ‘Abdul Hussain to use deceptive words which are worthless in the sight of the ‘Ulama’ of hadith. He says, “Al Zamakhshari made irsal of it the irsal of accepted narrations.”[1]
He played this trick on the narration: “May Allah curse the one who lags behind the army of Usamah,” making the same comment about al Shahrastani.
This is his style. When he fails to find a sanad for a narration by any of the authors―I did not say muhaddithin―he uses stretchable words like these to create the impression in the minds of people that the sanad is not significant. The original verdict regarding irsal is that it is worthless with the exception of those whose irsal is safe like al Sha’bi and others. Al Shahrastani and al Zamakhshari are not known for hadith that it can be said that they reported with irsal.
Next⇒ Whoever dies harbouring hatred in his heart for ‘Ali, should die a Jew if Allah wishes
[1] Al Muraja’at pg. 30.