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كان أحب الناس إلى رسول الله فاطمة و من الرجال علي
The most beloved person to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was Fatimah; and ‘Ali from the men.
Al Albani classified the hadith batil.[1]
Al Hakim classified it sahih and al Dhahabi concurred. This is one of his blunders.
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Ata’
Jafar ibn Ziyad al Ahmar
A hadith has been reported from Sayyidah ‘Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha that she was asked:
أي الناس كان أحب إلى رسول الله قالت فاطمة فقيل لها من الرجال قالت زوجها
Who was the most beloved person to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?
She replied, “Fatimah.”
“And from the men,” she was asked.
“Her husband,” came the reply.[5]
Al Tirmidhi and al Hakim reported it from the Jami’ ibn ‘Umair al Taymi. Although al Hakim authenticated it, al Dhahabi corrected him saying, “Jami’ is accused (of forgery). ‘Aisha never made such a statement.”
These da’if ahadith contradict what Sayyidah ‘Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha reported, the authenticity of which is undoubtable. Imam Ahmed narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn Shaqiq:
قال أي الناس كان أحب إلى رسول الله قالت عائشة قال فمن الرجال قالت أبوها
He asked, “Who was the most beloved person to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?”
She replied, “‘Aisha.”
“And from the men?”
“Her father.”
Al Albani remarks, “This isnad is sahih. All of the narrators are reliable, the narrators of Sahih al Bukhari.”[6]
In fact, both al Bukhari and Muslim report from Sayyidina ‘Amr ibn al ‘As radiya Llahu ‘anhu:
أتيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فقلت أي الناس أحب إليك قال عائشة قلت من الرجال قال أبوها ثم من قال عمر فعد رجالا
I approached Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and enquired, “Who is the most beloved person to you?”
“‘Aisha,” he replied.
I enquired further, “From the men?”
“Her father,” was his reply.
“And then who,” I asked.
He said, “Umar,” and listed few other men.[7]
This corresponds to the sahih narration of Muhammad ibn al Hanafiyyah who asked his father Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu:
أي الناس خير بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال أبو بكر قلت ثم من قال ثم عمر و خشيت أن يقول عثمان قلت ثم أنت قال ما أنا إلا رجل من المسلمين
“Who is the best person after Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?”
He answered, “Abu Bakr.”
I asked, “Who next?”
“Umar,” came the reply.
I feared that he will say ‘Uthman so I said, “Then you.”
He responded, “I am only one of the Muslims.”[8]
Next⇒ The Banu Isra’il would bath naked, seeing one another’s private parts
[1] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah wa al Mawdu’ah vol. 1 pg. 252 Hadith: 1124.
[2] Taqrib al Tahdhib Biography: 3479.
[3] Al Du’afa’ wa al Matrukun vol. 1 pg. 171.
[4] Taqrib al Tahdhib Biography: 940.
[5] Sunan al Tirmidhi vol. 2 pg. 320; al Mustadrak vol. 3 pg. 154.
[6] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah wa al Mawdu’ah vol. 3 pg. 254.
[7] Sahih al Bukhari; Sahih Muslim.
[8] Sahih al Bukhari vol. 2 pg. 422.
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كان أحب الناس إلى رسول الله فاطمة و من الرجال علي
The most beloved person to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was Fatimah; and ‘Ali from the men.
Al Albani classified the hadith batil.[1]
Al Hakim classified it sahih and al Dhahabi concurred. This is one of his blunders.
‘Abdullah ibn ‘Ata’
Jafar ibn Ziyad al Ahmar
A hadith has been reported from Sayyidah ‘Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha that she was asked:
أي الناس كان أحب إلى رسول الله قالت فاطمة فقيل لها من الرجال قالت زوجها
Who was the most beloved person to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?
She replied, “Fatimah.”
“And from the men,” she was asked.
“Her husband,” came the reply.[5]
Al Tirmidhi and al Hakim reported it from the Jami’ ibn ‘Umair al Taymi. Although al Hakim authenticated it, al Dhahabi corrected him saying, “Jami’ is accused (of forgery). ‘Aisha never made such a statement.”
These da’if ahadith contradict what Sayyidah ‘Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha reported, the authenticity of which is undoubtable. Imam Ahmed narrated from ‘Abdullah ibn Shaqiq:
قال أي الناس كان أحب إلى رسول الله قالت عائشة قال فمن الرجال قالت أبوها
He asked, “Who was the most beloved person to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?”
She replied, “‘Aisha.”
“And from the men?”
“Her father.”
Al Albani remarks, “This isnad is sahih. All of the narrators are reliable, the narrators of Sahih al Bukhari.”[6]
In fact, both al Bukhari and Muslim report from Sayyidina ‘Amr ibn al ‘As radiya Llahu ‘anhu:
أتيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فقلت أي الناس أحب إليك قال عائشة قلت من الرجال قال أبوها ثم من قال عمر فعد رجالا
I approached Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and enquired, “Who is the most beloved person to you?”
“‘Aisha,” he replied.
I enquired further, “From the men?”
“Her father,” was his reply.
“And then who,” I asked.
He said, “Umar,” and listed few other men.[7]
This corresponds to the sahih narration of Muhammad ibn al Hanafiyyah who asked his father Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu:
أي الناس خير بعد رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال أبو بكر قلت ثم من قال ثم عمر و خشيت أن يقول عثمان قلت ثم أنت قال ما أنا إلا رجل من المسلمين
“Who is the best person after Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?”
He answered, “Abu Bakr.”
I asked, “Who next?”
“Umar,” came the reply.
I feared that he will say ‘Uthman so I said, “Then you.”
He responded, “I am only one of the Muslims.”[8]
Next⇒ The Banu Isra’il would bath naked, seeing one another’s private parts
[1] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah wa al Mawdu’ah vol. 1 pg. 252 Hadith: 1124.
[2] Taqrib al Tahdhib Biography: 3479.
[3] Al Du’afa’ wa al Matrukun vol. 1 pg. 171.
[4] Taqrib al Tahdhib Biography: 940.
[5] Sunan al Tirmidhi vol. 2 pg. 320; al Mustadrak vol. 3 pg. 154.
[6] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah wa al Mawdu’ah vol. 3 pg. 254.
[7] Sahih al Bukhari; Sahih Muslim.
[8] Sahih al Bukhari vol. 2 pg. 422.