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كان بنو إسرائيل يغتسلون عراة ينظر بعضهم إلى سوأة بعض و كان موسى عليه السلام يغتسل وحده فقالوا والله ما يمنع موسى أن يغتسل معنا إلا أنه آدر (أي ذو فتق) قال فذهب مرة يغتسل فوضع ثوبه على حجر ففر الحجر بثوبه فجمع موسى في إثره يقول ثوبي حجر ثوبي حجر حتى نظر بنو إسرائيل إلى سوأة موسى فقالوا والله ما بموسى من بأس فقام الحجر بعد حتى نظر إليه فأخذ موسى ثوبه فطفق بالحجر ضربا فوالله إن بالحجر ندبا ستة أو سبعة
The Banu Isra’il would bath naked, seeing one another’s private parts. On the other hand, Musa ‘alayh al Salam would bath alone. They said, “By Allah, Musa desists from bathing with us only because he has scrotal hernia (i.e. an internal incision).”
Once, Musa went to have a bath and placed his clothes on a rock. The rock ran away with his clothes so Musa went in hot pursuit of it screaming, “My clothes, rock! My clothes, rock!” until the Banu Isra’il saw Musa’s private parts and acknowledged, “By Allah, Musa has no defect whatsoever.”
The rock stopped after he was seen. So Musa took his clothes and began hitting the rock. By Allah, there is six or seven dents on the rock.
‘Abdul Hussain Sharaf al Din claims that this hadith has only been quoted by Sayyidina Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu. Whereas his Imam, and sixth wasi has narrated it and the shia mufassirin have documented it in their exegesis.
Al Qummi narrated it in his Tafsir from Abu Basir.[1] Al Khu’i has classified all the narrations from the teachers of al Qummi in his Tafsir as authentic.[2]
Other shia tafsir books that contain the narration are:
Ni’mat Allah al Jaza’iri explains in his Qisas:
A group of hadith experts have stated that there is nothing unlikely about this after a sahih narration has confirmed it. Moreover, their seeing him in this state, was not intentional from the part of Sayyidina Musa ‘alayh al Salam nor was he aware whether someone was looking at him or not. His walking naked to retrieve his clothes coupled with his innocence of what they attributed to him, is not detestable.
[1] Tafsir al Qummi vol. 2 pg. 197.
[2] Mujam Rijal al Hadith vol. 1 pg. 49.
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كان بنو إسرائيل يغتسلون عراة ينظر بعضهم إلى سوأة بعض و كان موسى عليه السلام يغتسل وحده فقالوا والله ما يمنع موسى أن يغتسل معنا إلا أنه آدر (أي ذو فتق) قال فذهب مرة يغتسل فوضع ثوبه على حجر ففر الحجر بثوبه فجمع موسى في إثره يقول ثوبي حجر ثوبي حجر حتى نظر بنو إسرائيل إلى سوأة موسى فقالوا والله ما بموسى من بأس فقام الحجر بعد حتى نظر إليه فأخذ موسى ثوبه فطفق بالحجر ضربا فوالله إن بالحجر ندبا ستة أو سبعة
The Banu Isra’il would bath naked, seeing one another’s private parts. On the other hand, Musa ‘alayh al Salam would bath alone. They said, “By Allah, Musa desists from bathing with us only because he has scrotal hernia (i.e. an internal incision).”
Once, Musa went to have a bath and placed his clothes on a rock. The rock ran away with his clothes so Musa went in hot pursuit of it screaming, “My clothes, rock! My clothes, rock!” until the Banu Isra’il saw Musa’s private parts and acknowledged, “By Allah, Musa has no defect whatsoever.”
The rock stopped after he was seen. So Musa took his clothes and began hitting the rock. By Allah, there is six or seven dents on the rock.
‘Abdul Hussain Sharaf al Din claims that this hadith has only been quoted by Sayyidina Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu. Whereas his Imam, and sixth wasi has narrated it and the shia mufassirin have documented it in their exegesis.
Al Qummi narrated it in his Tafsir from Abu Basir.[1] Al Khu’i has classified all the narrations from the teachers of al Qummi in his Tafsir as authentic.[2]
Other shia tafsir books that contain the narration are:
Ni’mat Allah al Jaza’iri explains in his Qisas:
A group of hadith experts have stated that there is nothing unlikely about this after a sahih narration has confirmed it. Moreover, their seeing him in this state, was not intentional from the part of Sayyidina Musa ‘alayh al Salam nor was he aware whether someone was looking at him or not. His walking naked to retrieve his clothes coupled with his innocence of what they attributed to him, is not detestable.
[1] Tafsir al Qummi vol. 2 pg. 197.
[2] Mujam Rijal al Hadith vol. 1 pg. 49.