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He was martyred alongside Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhu at Karbala’. His mother’s name was Layla bint Mas’ud al Nahshaliyyah.[1]
He too, was martyred alongside his uncle, Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhu at Karbala’.[2]
Abu Bakr was also the kunyah (agnomen) of Zayn al ‘Abidin.[3]
The kunyah of ‘Ali al Rida was Abu Bakr. Al Nuri al Tabarsi says: “Abu Bakr was one of the kunyahs of ‘Ali al Rida, as mentioned by Abu al Faraj al Isfahani in Maqatil al Talibin.”[4]
One of the names of the alleged al Mahdi al Muntazar — whom the Shi’ah believe was born over eleven hundred years go — is Abu Bakr. [5]
Abu Bakr was martyred with Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhu. His mother was Khawsa’ (from the tribe Rabi’ah).[6]
His mother was Umm Habib al Sahba’ al Taghlabiyyah. She was captured during the wars of apostasy. [7]
He was martyred alongside his uncle, Hussain, at Karbala’.[8] Al Yaqubi writes in his al Tarikh: “Hassan had eight sons: Zaid, Qasim, Abu Bakr, ‘Abdul Rahman, Talhah, ‘Abdullah, and ‘Umar (from various wives).”
His mother was an Umm walad (a slave woman, who bore the child of her master). [9]
Muhammad al A’lami al Ha’iri mentions his name in Tarajim A’lam al Nisa’ under the biography of Bint al Hassan ibn ‘Ubaidullah ibn Jafar al Tayyar.
Ibn al Khasshab writes: “He (ref. to Musa al Kazim) had twenty sons, including: ‘Aqil and ‘Umar and eighteen daughters.[10]
He was martyred alongside Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhu at Karbala’. His mother’s name was Umm al Banin bint Hizam al Wahidiyyah, then al Kilabiyyah.[11]
Al Baladhuri mentions in al Ansab: “‘Aqil had the following sons: Muslim… and ‘Uthman.”[12]
One of daughters of the seventh Imam, Musa al Kazim, as mentioned by the Shia scholars, including: Sheikh al Mufid in al Irshad; ibn ‘Anbah in ‘Umdat al Talib; and Ni’mat Allah al Jaza’iri in al Anwar al Nu’maniyyah.
Musa al Kazim had thirty seven or thirty eight children. A clear sign of the Ahlul Bayt’s love for Umm al Mu’minin is that from all of these children, he only had one daughter (the rest were sons) and he named her Aisha.[13]
Ni’mat Allah al Jaza’iri writes in al Anwar al No’maniyyah:
With regards to the number of children he had (ref. to Musa al Kazim), it was thirty seven (both sons and daughters). From them was: ‘Ali al Rida (the eighth Imam)… and Aisha.
Al Tastari mentions Musa al Kazim in Tawarikh al Nabi wa al Al as having seventeen daughters:
Fatimah al Kubra, Fatimah al Sughra, Ruqayyah, Ruqayyah al Sughra, Hakimah, Umm Abi Hakimah, Umm Kulthum, Umm Salamah, Umm Jafar, Lubanah, ‘Aliyyah, Aminah, Hassanah, Barihah, Zainab, Khadijah, and Aisha.
Al ‘Umari mentions in al Majdi:
Jafar ibn Musa al Kazim ibn Jafar al Sadiq, also known as al Khawari, had eight daughters: Husnah, ‘Abbasah, Aisha, Fatimah al Kubra, Fatimah al Sughra, Asma’, Zainab and Umm Jafar.[14]
Ibn al Khasshab mentions in his book Mawalid Ahlul Bayt:
‘Ali al Rida had five sons: Muhammad, al Qan’i, al Hassan, Jafar, Ibrahim and Hussain, and one daughter: Aisha.[15]
Sheikh al Mufid mentions:
‘Ali al Hadi (the tenth Imam) left the following children behind: Hassan, Hussain, Muhammad, Jafar and Aisha.[16]
NEXT⇒ ‘Ali’s Clear Prohibition Against Cursing and Maligning
[1] Sheikh al Mufid: Kitab al Irshad p. 186, 248, Muntaha al Amal 1/261, the author mentions that his name was actually Muhammad and his kunyah was Abu Bakr.
[2] Kitab al Irshad p. 248, Muntaha al Amal 1/541
[3] See al Jaza’iri’s al Anwar al No’maniyyah for a list of Shia Imamiyyah scholars that have mentioned this.
[4] Al Nuri al Tabarsi: Al Najm al Thaqib fi Alqab wa Asma’ al Hujjah al Gha’i, no. 14
[5] Ibid
[6] Ahmed ibn Yahya al Baladhuri: Ansab al Ashraf p. 68
[7] Under the lineage of ‘Umar al Atraf, see: Sirr al Silsilah al ‘Alawiyyah of Abu Nadr al Bukhari p. 123;
Muntaha al Amal 1/261; and Bihar al Anwar 42/120
[8] ’Umdat al Talib of ibn ‘Anbah p. 116; and Tarikh al Yaqubi p. 228
[9] Kitab al Irshad p. 261; and ‘Umdat al Talib p. 223
[10] Muhammad Taqi al Tastari: Tawarikh al Nabi wa al Al
[11] Muhammad Rida al Hakimi: A’yan al Nisa’ p. 51, Kitab al Irshad p. 186, 428; Tarikh al Yaqubi;
Muntaha al Amal, 1/544; Tawarikh al Nabi wa al Al p. 115
[12] Ansab al Ashraf p. 70
[13] This is the view of some of the scholars. There is a difference of opinion as to how many children Musa al Kazim actually had; some say thirty seven, some say thirty eight, and some say forty. Abu Nadr al Bukhari once said: “Musa al Kazim had eighteen sons and twenty two daughters.” There is no difference of opinion with regards to one fact: he (Musa al Kazim) named one of his daughters Aisha. Sirr al Silsilah al ‘Alawiyyah of Abu Nadr al Bukhari p. 53.
[14] Sirr al Silsilah al ‘Alawiyyah p. 63 (see marginal notes from the editor).
[15] Muntaha al Amal p. 128
[16] Kitab al Irshad p. 334