Demise of Hassan al Muthanna

Trials and Tribulations
August 2, 2019
Names of a few scholars from the progeny of Hassan al Muthanna
August 2, 2019

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Demise of Hassan al Muthanna

Sayyidina Hassan al Muthanna rahimahu Llah passed away in the year 97 A.H according to the most authentic reports, when he was around his mid-fifties.[1] When Sayyidina Hassan al Muthanna rahimahu Llah was in his final illness he appointed Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Talhah ibn Ubaidullah al Taymi—his uterine brother from Khawlah bint Manzur al Fazariyyah—as the executor of his estate.

When his funeral bier was lifted, his creditors objected [demanding what was owed to them]; but Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Talhah placated them saying, “I take responsibility for all of his debts,” which he paid, and it amounted to 40 000. This highlights the solidarity and love that existed between the families of the Sahabah and the Ahlul Bayt even after their deaths.[2]

I wish to point out that the allegations made against Walid ibn ‘Abdul Malik that he had Hassan al Muthanna rahimahu Llah poisoned are false due to the fact that Hassan al Muthanna passed away after Walid ibn ‘Abdul Malik. Walid ibn ‘Abdul Malik passed away in the year 96 A.H, while Sayyidina Hassan al Muthanna passed the following year in 97 A.H. Also worthy of note is the fact that Zainab bint Hassan al Muthanna was married to Walid ibn ‘Abdul Malik.

May Allah showers his choicest blessing upon Hassan al Muthanna, and infuse within our hearts love for him and all the believers.


NEXT⇒ Names of a few scholars from the progeny of Hassan al Muthanna

[1] Al Bidayah wa al Nihayah, 9/170; Tarikh al Islam, incidents of the year 97 A.H.

[2] Tarikh Dimashq, 13/71, 7/151.

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Demise of Hassan al Muthanna

Sayyidina Hassan al Muthanna rahimahu Llah passed away in the year 97 A.H according to the most authentic reports, when he was around his mid-fifties.[1] When Sayyidina Hassan al Muthanna rahimahu Llah was in his final illness he appointed Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Talhah ibn Ubaidullah al Taymi—his uterine brother from Khawlah bint Manzur al Fazariyyah—as the executor of his estate.

When his funeral bier was lifted, his creditors objected [demanding what was owed to them]; but Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Talhah placated them saying, “I take responsibility for all of his debts,” which he paid, and it amounted to 40 000. This highlights the solidarity and love that existed between the families of the Sahabah and the Ahlul Bayt even after their deaths.[2]

I wish to point out that the allegations made against Walid ibn ‘Abdul Malik that he had Hassan al Muthanna rahimahu Llah poisoned are false due to the fact that Hassan al Muthanna passed away after Walid ibn ‘Abdul Malik. Walid ibn ‘Abdul Malik passed away in the year 96 A.H, while Sayyidina Hassan al Muthanna passed the following year in 97 A.H. Also worthy of note is the fact that Zainab bint Hassan al Muthanna was married to Walid ibn ‘Abdul Malik.

May Allah showers his choicest blessing upon Hassan al Muthanna, and infuse within our hearts love for him and all the believers.


NEXT⇒ Names of a few scholars from the progeny of Hassan al Muthanna

[1] Al Bidayah wa al Nihayah, 9/170; Tarikh al Islam, incidents of the year 97 A.H.

[2] Tarikh Dimashq, 13/71, 7/151.