Khomeini Between Extremism And Moderation

May 12, 2020

Khomeini, The Leader Of The Shia, a Zealot In His Creed

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   Khomeini, The Leader Of The Shia, a Zealot In His Creed   We have before us three books of Khomeini: Wilayat al Faqih or al Hukumat al Islamiyyah. Published in 1389 A.H. Min Huna al Muntalaq: A collection of the chapters from his book, Tahrir al Wasilah. Published in 1394 A.H. Jihad al Nafs aw Jihad al Akbar. Published in 1392 A.H. Based […]
May 12, 2020

Chapter Two – Preface

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   Chapter Two Khomeini Between Extremism And Moderation   Khomeini and his academic sources Khomeini and the Qur’an Khomeini and the Sahabah Khomeini deems heretics trustworthy The stance of Khomeini regarding the Islamic caliphate Khomeini and the Muslim Judiciaries Khomeini and the Nawasib Khomeini and the belief of Tawalli and Tabarri Khomeini and Imamah Khomeini and extremism regarding the Imams Khomeini and acting on […]
May 12, 2020

Khomeini And His Academic Sources

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   Khomeini And His Academic Sources   The Shia sources that Khomeini cites as evidence is no different to that of any other Shia. He cites the following sources in his books: Nahj al Balagah: According to them, a book that is irrefutable proof. Al Kafi: This is to them how al Bukhari is to us. In this book there is much disbelief and […]
May 12, 2020

Khomeini and the Qur’an

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   Khomeini and the Qur’an   A majority of the latter day Shia deny the belief of interpolation in the Qur’an which is attributed to them. They claim that their scholars, by consensus, are of the view that the Qur’an is protected from change. We say this as Taqiyyah which becomes quite evident by referencing their relied upon sources. We shall present the reality […]
May 12, 2020

Khomeini And The Sahabah

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   Khomeini And The Sahabah   Consider the following four points: When Khomeini speaks of the Islamic government during the rightly guided era, he feigns ignorance to the reign of the three Khalifas who preceded ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu. He only refers to the judgments of the Prophet and to those of ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu. For example, he states:   لقد ثبت بضرورة […]