History of Shi`asm

January 7, 2015


BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   All praise is due only to Allah and peace and salutations descend upon Noble Messenger.   Judaism Nabi Ibrahim ‘alayh al Salam was an illustrious nabi of Allah Ta‘ala. He was born during the time when Namrud was king, whose subject’s practised idolatry and worshiped the stars. Namrud himself claimed to be a god. Nabi Ibrahim ‘alayh al Salam used to prevent people […]
January 7, 2015

The efforts of Ibn Saba’ against the khilafah of Sayyiduna `Uthman

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   The efforts of Ibn Saba’ against the Caliphate of Sayyidina ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu One of the schemes which Ibn Saba’ adopted was that through his agents in Madinah he sent false correspondences, in Sayyidina ‘Ali’s name, to his followers in Basrah, Kufah and Egypt. In doing this, he portrayed himself to be a trusted confidant of Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu, which […]
January 7, 2015

Sayyiduna `Ali is appointed as khalifah

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu is appointed as khalifah When Sayyidina ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu, Sayyidina Talhah radiya Llahu ‘anhu and Sayyidina Zubair radiya Llahu ‘anhu refused to accept the post of khalifah, the rebels became worried. However, the mind of Ibn Saba’ worked best in such situations and upon his council, it was declared that the people of Madinah have always appointed […]
January 7, 2015

A brief look at the beliefs of the Shi`ah

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   A brief look at the beliefs of the Shia My friends! You also free your mind from all other thoughts for a little while as much as you can and read without bias. It is possible that those aspects which I understand to be incorrect, baseless, against logic, beyond comprehension and in contradiction to the Qu’ran and hadith is not so in reality […]
January 7, 2015

The Shi`ah belief regarding the ambiya

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   The Shia belief regarding the Prophets ‘alayh al Salam You must have read in the Noble Qu’ran that Nabi Adam ‘alayh al Salam was removed from Jannat because he was fooled by Iblis into eating from the forbidden tree, refer to Surah al Baqarah, but the Shia have a different belief altogether. They believe that Adam ‘alayh al Salam was removed from Jannat […]