Whoever dies without a bay’ah around his neck dies a death of ignorance

Whoever dies and does not recognise the imam of his era
March 11, 2019
A caller will announce on the Day of Qiyamah: O Muhammad, what a great father your father Ibrahim was and what a good brother ‘Ali was
March 11, 2019

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Whoever dies without a bay’ah around his neck dies a death of ignorance


من مات و ليس في عنقه بيعة مات ميتة جاهلية

Whoever dies without a bay’ah around his neck dies a death of ignorance.


Al Haythami said, “Its isnad is da’if.”[1]

The well-known hadith is reported from Zaid ibn Aslam from―Ibn ‘Umar from―Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam who announced:


من نزع يدا من طاعة فلا حجة له يوم القيامة و من مات مفارقا للجماعة فقد مات ميتة جاهلية

Whoever removes his hand from obedience will have no proof on the Day of Qiyamah. And whoever dies in isolation from the jama’ah, indeed dies a death of ignorance.


There is a difference between one who dies and does not know the imam of his era. It is possible that at some stage the ummah has no imam. This is contrary to one who has an Imam which the Muslims have sworn allegiance to but then exits from his obedience.


Next⇒ A caller will announce on the Day of Qiyamah: O Muhammad, what a great father your father Ibrahim was and what a good brother ‘Ali was

[1] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 5 pg. 218.

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Whoever dies without a bay’ah around his neck dies a death of ignorance


من مات و ليس في عنقه بيعة مات ميتة جاهلية

Whoever dies without a bay’ah around his neck dies a death of ignorance.


Al Haythami said, “Its isnad is da’if.”[1]

The well-known hadith is reported from Zaid ibn Aslam from―Ibn ‘Umar from―Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam who announced:


من نزع يدا من طاعة فلا حجة له يوم القيامة و من مات مفارقا للجماعة فقد مات ميتة جاهلية

Whoever removes his hand from obedience will have no proof on the Day of Qiyamah. And whoever dies in isolation from the jama’ah, indeed dies a death of ignorance.


There is a difference between one who dies and does not know the imam of his era. It is possible that at some stage the ummah has no imam. This is contrary to one who has an Imam which the Muslims have sworn allegiance to but then exits from his obedience.


Next⇒ A caller will announce on the Day of Qiyamah: O Muhammad, what a great father your father Ibrahim was and what a good brother ‘Ali was

[1] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 5 pg. 218.