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من أحب (سره) أن يحيا حياتي و يموت موتتي و يس كن جنة الخلد التي وعدني ربي عز و جل غرس قضبانها بيديه فليتول علي بن أبي طالب
Whoever desires to live my life, die my death, and live in the eternal Jannat which my Rabb―the Mighty and Majestic―promised me, the trees of which He planted with His hands, should befriend ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib.[1]
Al Hakim classified it sahih. However, al Dhahabi rectified him explaining that al Qasim is matruk and his Sheikh, i.e. Yahya ibn Ya’la al Aslami, is da’if.
Yahya ibn Ya’la al Aslami
However, he erred by calling him al Muharibi instead of al Aslami. ‘Abdul Hussain took advantage of this in a very nasty way in al Muraja’at.
Al Albani remarks about this hadith, “It is mawdu’. Abu Nuaim narrated it in al Hilyah[2] from the chain of Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghulabi―Bishr ibn Mahran narrated to us―Sharik narrated to us from―al A’mash from―Zaid ibn Wahb from―Hudhayfah. The narration is mawquf. Bishr is the only narrator from Sharik.”
Bishr ibn Mahran
Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghulabi
Ibn al Jawzi documented the hadith in al Mawdu’at[3] from other chains. Al Suyuti concurred.[4]
He added two chains which he declared flawed. This is one of them. He said, “al Ghulabi is suspect.” It is reported with more complete wording.
Next⇒ Whoever loves these two and their father will be with me on my level in Jannat
[1] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah wa al Mawdu’ah Hadith: 892, 893, 894.
[2] Al Hilyah vol. 1 pg. 86; vol. 4 pg. 174.
[3] Al Mawdu’at vol. 1 pg. 387.
[4] Al La’ali al Masnu’ah vol. 1 pg. 368.
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من أحب (سره) أن يحيا حياتي و يموت موتتي و يس كن جنة الخلد التي وعدني ربي عز و جل غرس قضبانها بيديه فليتول علي بن أبي طالب
Whoever desires to live my life, die my death, and live in the eternal Jannat which my Rabb―the Mighty and Majestic―promised me, the trees of which He planted with His hands, should befriend ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib.[1]
Al Hakim classified it sahih. However, al Dhahabi rectified him explaining that al Qasim is matruk and his Sheikh, i.e. Yahya ibn Ya’la al Aslami, is da’if.
Yahya ibn Ya’la al Aslami
However, he erred by calling him al Muharibi instead of al Aslami. ‘Abdul Hussain took advantage of this in a very nasty way in al Muraja’at.
Al Albani remarks about this hadith, “It is mawdu’. Abu Nuaim narrated it in al Hilyah[2] from the chain of Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghulabi―Bishr ibn Mahran narrated to us―Sharik narrated to us from―al A’mash from―Zaid ibn Wahb from―Hudhayfah. The narration is mawquf. Bishr is the only narrator from Sharik.”
Bishr ibn Mahran
Muhammad ibn Zakariyya al Ghulabi
Ibn al Jawzi documented the hadith in al Mawdu’at[3] from other chains. Al Suyuti concurred.[4]
He added two chains which he declared flawed. This is one of them. He said, “al Ghulabi is suspect.” It is reported with more complete wording.
Next⇒ Whoever loves these two and their father will be with me on my level in Jannat
[1] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah wa al Mawdu’ah Hadith: 892, 893, 894.
[2] Al Hilyah vol. 1 pg. 86; vol. 4 pg. 174.
[3] Al Mawdu’at vol. 1 pg. 387.
[4] Al La’ali al Masnu’ah vol. 1 pg. 368.