When Allah completed creating, he lied down on His back and places one of His legs on the other

Allah placed the progeny of every nabi in his loins and He placed my progeny in the loins of ‘Ali
August 16, 2018
Indeed, Allah becomes angry at your anger and becomes pleased at your pleasure
August 17, 2018

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When Allah completed creating, he lied down on His back and places one of His legs on the other


عن عبيد بن حنين قال بينا أنا جالس إذ جاءني قتادة بن النعمان فقال انطلق بنا يا ابن جبير إلى أبي سعيد فانطلقنا حتى دخلنا على أبي سعيد الخدري فوجدناه مستلقيا رافعا رجله اليمنى على اليسرى فسلمنا و جلسنا فرفع قتادة بن النعمان يده إلى رجل أبي سعيد فقرصها قرصة شديدة فقال أبو سعيد سبحان الله يا ابن أم لقد أوجعتني فقال له ذلك أردت إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال إن الله لما قضى خلقه استلقى فوضع رجله على الأخرى و قال لا ينبغي لأحد من خلقي أن يفعل هذا فقال أبو سعيد والله لا أفعله أبدا

On the authority of ‘Ubaid ibn Hunayn who reports: While I was sitting, Qatadah ibn al Nu’man came to me and said, “Come with me, O Ibn Jubayr, to Abu Sa’id.”

So we walked until we reached Abu Sa’id al Khudri’s presence and found him lying on his back with his right leg raised upon his left. We greeted and sat down. Qatadah ibn al Nu’man raised his hand and pinched Abu Sa’id’s leg very viciously. Abu Sa’id screamed, “Glory be to Allah, O son of a mother. You hurt me.”

“That is what I intended,” Qatadah responded, “certainly Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: When Allah completed His creation, He lied on His back and placed His one leg on the other and declared, ‘It is not appropriate for anyone after Me to do this.’”

Abu Sa’id said, “By Allah, I will never do it again.”


Al Tabarani narrated it from three Mashayikh viz. Jafar ibn Sulaiman al Nawfali, Ahmed ibn Rushdin al Misri, and Ahmed ibn Dawood al Makki. Ahmed ibn Rushdin is da’if and the other two I am not aware of. The rest of his narrators are the narrators of Sahih al Bukhari.

Al Haythami narrated it in Majma’ al Zawa’id[1] and classified it as da’if.

Al Albani said, “Extremely munkar (disgusting).”[2]

The Rafidi Hussain al Asadi cited this narration as proof for participation in the spear …. 92. However he did not mention the stance of the Ahlus Sunnah of classifying it da’if deceptively and dishonestly. May Allah treat him befittingly.


Next⇒ Indeed, Allah becomes angry at your anger and becomes pleased at your pleasure

[1] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 8 pg. 100.

[2] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah vol. 2 pg. 177 Hadith: 755.

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When Allah completed creating, he lied down on His back and places one of His legs on the other


عن عبيد بن حنين قال بينا أنا جالس إذ جاءني قتادة بن النعمان فقال انطلق بنا يا ابن جبير إلى أبي سعيد فانطلقنا حتى دخلنا على أبي سعيد الخدري فوجدناه مستلقيا رافعا رجله اليمنى على اليسرى فسلمنا و جلسنا فرفع قتادة بن النعمان يده إلى رجل أبي سعيد فقرصها قرصة شديدة فقال أبو سعيد سبحان الله يا ابن أم لقد أوجعتني فقال له ذلك أردت إن رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قال إن الله لما قضى خلقه استلقى فوضع رجله على الأخرى و قال لا ينبغي لأحد من خلقي أن يفعل هذا فقال أبو سعيد والله لا أفعله أبدا

On the authority of ‘Ubaid ibn Hunayn who reports: While I was sitting, Qatadah ibn al Nu’man came to me and said, “Come with me, O Ibn Jubayr, to Abu Sa’id.”

So we walked until we reached Abu Sa’id al Khudri’s presence and found him lying on his back with his right leg raised upon his left. We greeted and sat down. Qatadah ibn al Nu’man raised his hand and pinched Abu Sa’id’s leg very viciously. Abu Sa’id screamed, “Glory be to Allah, O son of a mother. You hurt me.”

“That is what I intended,” Qatadah responded, “certainly Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said: When Allah completed His creation, He lied on His back and placed His one leg on the other and declared, ‘It is not appropriate for anyone after Me to do this.’”

Abu Sa’id said, “By Allah, I will never do it again.”


Al Tabarani narrated it from three Mashayikh viz. Jafar ibn Sulaiman al Nawfali, Ahmed ibn Rushdin al Misri, and Ahmed ibn Dawood al Makki. Ahmed ibn Rushdin is da’if and the other two I am not aware of. The rest of his narrators are the narrators of Sahih al Bukhari.

Al Haythami narrated it in Majma’ al Zawa’id[1] and classified it as da’if.

Al Albani said, “Extremely munkar (disgusting).”[2]

The Rafidi Hussain al Asadi cited this narration as proof for participation in the spear …. 92. However he did not mention the stance of the Ahlus Sunnah of classifying it da’if deceptively and dishonestly. May Allah treat him befittingly.


Next⇒ Indeed, Allah becomes angry at your anger and becomes pleased at your pleasure

[1] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 8 pg. 100.

[2] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah vol. 2 pg. 177 Hadith: 755.