Indeed, Allah becomes angry at your anger and becomes pleased at your pleasure

When Allah completed creating, he lied down on His back and places one of His legs on the other
August 17, 2018
Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was so grieved by the intermission of revelation that he almost jumped off the mountain peaks
August 17, 2018

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Indeed, Allah becomes angry at your anger and becomes pleased at your pleasure


إن الله يغضب لغضبك و يرضى لرضاك

Indeed, Allah becomes angry at your anger and becomes pleased at your pleasure.


Al Hakim narrated it[1] and said as is his habit―May Allah forgive him―“Its isnad is sahih.”

Al Dhahabi contests him saying, “Rather, Hussain (al Ashqar) is munkar al hadith. It is not permissible to use him as proof.”


Next⇒ Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was so grieved by the intermission of revelation that he almost jumped off the mountain peaks 

[1] Al Mustadrak vol. 3 pg. 154.

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Indeed, Allah becomes angry at your anger and becomes pleased at your pleasure


إن الله يغضب لغضبك و يرضى لرضاك

Indeed, Allah becomes angry at your anger and becomes pleased at your pleasure.


Al Hakim narrated it[1] and said as is his habit―May Allah forgive him―“Its isnad is sahih.”

Al Dhahabi contests him saying, “Rather, Hussain (al Ashqar) is munkar al hadith. It is not permissible to use him as proof.”


Next⇒ Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was so grieved by the intermission of revelation that he almost jumped off the mountain peaks 

[1] Al Mustadrak vol. 3 pg. 154.