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Al Wahidi said, “He was a devout worshipper, and he was honourable, eloquent in speech, awe-inspiring, and sharp tongued.”[1]
He narrated hadith from his mother, Fatimah bint Hussain, Abu Bakr ibn Hazm, ‘Abdur Rahman ibn al A’raj, Irkimah, and Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Talhah ibn Ubaidullah.
Yahya ibn Ma’in said, “‘Abdullah ibn Hassan who narrates from his mother is Thiqah.”[2]
In Taqrib al Tahdhib of Ibn Hajar it is mentioned, “Extremely Thiqah, he passed away in the beginning of the year 145 A.H when he was 75 years of age.”[3]
Mus’ab ibn ‘Abdullah said, “I have not seen our scholars honouring anyone as they would honour ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan ibn Hassan.”[4]
Ibn ‘Asakir reported in Tarikh Dimashq from Mus’ab ibn ‘Uthman:
أن مالكاً سئل عن السدل فقال: لا بأس به فقد رأيت من يوثق به يفعل ذلك، فلما قام الناس قلت: من هو؟ قال: عبد الله بن الحسن
Imam Malik was asked about Sadl[5] and he replied, “There is no problem with it, I have seen one who is reliable do this.”
When everybody stood to leave, I asked, “Who is he?”
Imam Malik replied, “‘Abdullah ibn Hassan.”[6]
The reliability of Imam Malik in the scrutiny and endorsement of narrators is well known, to the extent that many Muhaddithin regard a narrator as reliable if Imam Malik has narrated from him.
Ibn ‘Asakir has also narrated:
أن عبد الله بن الحسن كان يكثر الجلوس إلى ربيعة قالوا فتذاكروا يوماً السنن فقال رجلٌ كان في المجلس ليس العمل على هذا؟ فقال عبد الله أرأيت إن كَثُر الجهال حتى يكونوا هم الحكام أَفَهُم حجة على السنة؟ قال ربيعة أشهد أن هذا كلام أبناء الأنبياء
‘Abdullah ibn Hassan would regularly attend the gatherings of Rabi’ah[7]. One day a discussion on the Sunnah practices ensued, and a man in the gathering said, “This is not the common practice.”
‘Abdullah replied, “What do you say if the ignorant increase in number to the extent that they become the leaders, will they now become a source for what is the Sunnah?”
Rabi’ah said, “I bear witness that this is the speech of the children of the Prophets.”[8]
NEXT⇒ Narrations of ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan
[1] Tarikh al Islam, events of the year 141-160 A.H, 9/191.
[2] Al Jarh wa Ta’dil, 5/33; Tarikh Baghdad, 11/91, where it states he is Thiqah Ma’mun; Tarikh al Islam, events of the year 141-160 A.H, 9/191.
[3] Taqrib al Tahdhib, # 3274.
[4] Tarikh ibn Khaythamah, 4/297.
[5] Sadl: To wrap oneself in a shawl, keeping ones hands underneath the shawl, performing ruku’ and sajdah in this manner.
[6] Tarikh Dimashq, 29/253.
[7] Rabi’ah ibn Abi ‘Abdur Rahman al Taymi, more commonly known as Rabi’ah al Ra’yi (d. 136 A.H). He narrated from al Awza’i, al Thawri, and Malik. Al Zuhri said about him, “I do not think there is anyone in Madinah equal to Rabi’ah al Ra’yi.”
[8] Tarikh Dimashq, 29/254.
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Al Wahidi said, “He was a devout worshipper, and he was honourable, eloquent in speech, awe-inspiring, and sharp tongued.”[1]
He narrated hadith from his mother, Fatimah bint Hussain, Abu Bakr ibn Hazm, ‘Abdur Rahman ibn al A’raj, Irkimah, and Ibrahim ibn Muhammad ibn Talhah ibn Ubaidullah.
Yahya ibn Ma’in said, “‘Abdullah ibn Hassan who narrates from his mother is Thiqah.”[2]
In Taqrib al Tahdhib of Ibn Hajar it is mentioned, “Extremely Thiqah, he passed away in the beginning of the year 145 A.H when he was 75 years of age.”[3]
Mus’ab ibn ‘Abdullah said, “I have not seen our scholars honouring anyone as they would honour ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan ibn Hassan.”[4]
Ibn ‘Asakir reported in Tarikh Dimashq from Mus’ab ibn ‘Uthman:
أن مالكاً سئل عن السدل فقال: لا بأس به فقد رأيت من يوثق به يفعل ذلك، فلما قام الناس قلت: من هو؟ قال: عبد الله بن الحسن
Imam Malik was asked about Sadl[5] and he replied, “There is no problem with it, I have seen one who is reliable do this.”
When everybody stood to leave, I asked, “Who is he?”
Imam Malik replied, “‘Abdullah ibn Hassan.”[6]
The reliability of Imam Malik in the scrutiny and endorsement of narrators is well known, to the extent that many Muhaddithin regard a narrator as reliable if Imam Malik has narrated from him.
Ibn ‘Asakir has also narrated:
أن عبد الله بن الحسن كان يكثر الجلوس إلى ربيعة قالوا فتذاكروا يوماً السنن فقال رجلٌ كان في المجلس ليس العمل على هذا؟ فقال عبد الله أرأيت إن كَثُر الجهال حتى يكونوا هم الحكام أَفَهُم حجة على السنة؟ قال ربيعة أشهد أن هذا كلام أبناء الأنبياء
‘Abdullah ibn Hassan would regularly attend the gatherings of Rabi’ah[7]. One day a discussion on the Sunnah practices ensued, and a man in the gathering said, “This is not the common practice.”
‘Abdullah replied, “What do you say if the ignorant increase in number to the extent that they become the leaders, will they now become a source for what is the Sunnah?”
Rabi’ah said, “I bear witness that this is the speech of the children of the Prophets.”[8]
NEXT⇒ Narrations of ‘Abdullah ibn Hassan
[1] Tarikh al Islam, events of the year 141-160 A.H, 9/191.
[2] Al Jarh wa Ta’dil, 5/33; Tarikh Baghdad, 11/91, where it states he is Thiqah Ma’mun; Tarikh al Islam, events of the year 141-160 A.H, 9/191.
[3] Taqrib al Tahdhib, # 3274.
[4] Tarikh ibn Khaythamah, 4/297.
[5] Sadl: To wrap oneself in a shawl, keeping ones hands underneath the shawl, performing ruku’ and sajdah in this manner.
[6] Tarikh Dimashq, 29/253.
[7] Rabi’ah ibn Abi ‘Abdur Rahman al Taymi, more commonly known as Rabi’ah al Ra’yi (d. 136 A.H). He narrated from al Awza’i, al Thawri, and Malik. Al Zuhri said about him, “I do not think there is anyone in Madinah equal to Rabi’ah al Ra’yi.”
[8] Tarikh Dimashq, 29/254.