The Children of the Imams in the Darknesses of Oblivion

Imam ‘Ali ‘alayh al Salam withholds the Inheritance of Fadak
April 15, 2021
The End of the Debate
April 16, 2021

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The Children of the Imams in the Darknesses of Oblivion


Why is there no mention of the children of the Imams who were martyred in Al Taff alongside Imam Hussain ‘alayh al Salam in the Hussainiyyah gatherings? The likes of Abu Bakr ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, ‘Umar ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, ‘Uthman ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. They were all martyred with Imam Hussain in Al Taff.[1]

Just like them are the children of Hassan: Abu Bakr ibn al Hassan, and ‘Umar ibn al Hassan, and all of them witnessed Karbala’ with their uncle Hussain ‘alayh al Salam and they were martyred.

What explanation do we have for this? Are they not the children of the Imam? Did they not fight alongside Imam Hussain ‘alayh al Salam and get martyred with him?

Is it not a travesty that even the names of the slaves that fought with Imam Hussain ‘alayh al Salam in Karbala’ are mentioned, but his own brothers and nephews are not mentioned? There is no plausible reason except that their names are the same names of the Sahabah of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? That they happen to be names of personalities which are despised by the clergy! It is astounding how hatred can blind the hearts.

I find it perplexing, this insistence on Takfir of the Sahabah drives them to deny verses of the Qur’an. It defies all logic and sound reason, and even marginalizes the sacrifices of the children of the Imams simply due the fact that their names resemble the names of the Sahabah.


NEXT⇒ The End of the Debate

[1] A place in Iraq near Kufah by the river of Karbala’. It is said that the grave of Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhu is there.

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The Children of the Imams in the Darknesses of Oblivion


Why is there no mention of the children of the Imams who were martyred in Al Taff alongside Imam Hussain ‘alayh al Salam in the Hussainiyyah gatherings? The likes of Abu Bakr ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, ‘Umar ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib, ‘Uthman ibn ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib. They were all martyred with Imam Hussain in Al Taff.[1]

Just like them are the children of Hassan: Abu Bakr ibn al Hassan, and ‘Umar ibn al Hassan, and all of them witnessed Karbala’ with their uncle Hussain ‘alayh al Salam and they were martyred.

What explanation do we have for this? Are they not the children of the Imam? Did they not fight alongside Imam Hussain ‘alayh al Salam and get martyred with him?

Is it not a travesty that even the names of the slaves that fought with Imam Hussain ‘alayh al Salam in Karbala’ are mentioned, but his own brothers and nephews are not mentioned? There is no plausible reason except that their names are the same names of the Sahabah of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam? That they happen to be names of personalities which are despised by the clergy! It is astounding how hatred can blind the hearts.

I find it perplexing, this insistence on Takfir of the Sahabah drives them to deny verses of the Qur’an. It defies all logic and sound reason, and even marginalizes the sacrifices of the children of the Imams simply due the fact that their names resemble the names of the Sahabah.


NEXT⇒ The End of the Debate

[1] A place in Iraq near Kufah by the river of Karbala’. It is said that the grave of Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhu is there.