The Allegations Made by Muhammad al-Tijani al-Samawi

Section Three
December 2, 2015
December 2, 2015

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Section Three

The Allegations Made by Muhammad al Tijani al Samawi


Al Tijani[1] was no better than his predecessor. He was yet another plagiariser, who simply pounced upon the ideas and beliefs of others, attributed them to himself, and bragged about them. He admits in his book, Ittaqu Allah, after recycling a number of their deceptions:


راجع كتابي محمود أبو رية المصري، والسيد !شرف الدين في أبي هريرة

Refer to the books of Mahmud Abu Rayyah al Misri and al Sayed Sharaf al Din regarding Abu Hurairah.[2]


This is an admission from him that he adopted the ideas of his teachers in his approach towards the subject of criticising Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, whether it was criticism regarding his personality or his narrations. The most amazing aspect is that this ‘Doctor’ merely shadowed the books of Abu Rayyah and his teacher, ‘Abdul Hussain, in every matter. He also concocted a few more things in his book. His followers, on the other hand, fell prey to the deception and regarded him to be a master of narrations. Little did they know that he was simply plagiarising the works of others.

A summary of my observation regarding his book is as follows: he intentionally misconstrues the meanings of texts and bases his understanding upon his own desires, instead of academics. I will list a few examples to prove this. He says in his book:


إن أبا هريرة كان كذوباً غير معتمد عليه، إن كذب أبي هريرة في أحاديثه ملأ الخافقين ، وقد دلت أحاديث أهل السنة على التهمة له بالكذب كانت معلومة بين الصحابة حتى أن عمر ضربه بالدرة المعهودة ….وأن رسول الله (ص) أمر بقتل الكلاب إلا كلب صيد أو كلب غنم أو ماشية فقيل لابن عمر : أن أبا هريرة يقول أو كلب زرع فقال ابن عمر أن لإبي هريرة زرعا .وفي مسند أبي هريرة يروي عن النبي: من تبع جنازة فله قيراط من الأجر فقال ابن عمر لقد أكثر علينا أبو هريرة

Abu Hurairah was an incessant liar. He was definitely unreliable. The lies of Abu Hurairah in his ahadith were part of his system. The ahadith of the Ahlus Sunnah point out that he was accused of lying and this was even well-known among the Sahabah, to the extent that ‘Umar lashed him with his well-known whip… the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam commanded that all dogs should be killed except dogs which were used for hunting, herding, and farming. Ibn ‘Umar was informed that “Abu Hurairah says… ‘or a dog for farming.’’’ He replied: “Abu Hurairah has a farm.” Musnad Abu Hurairah contains his narration which he reports from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, “Whoever attends a funeral will be granted one qirat of reward.” Ibn ‘Umar responded, “Abu Hurairah has exaggerated the matter for us.”[3]


There are many other examples of these lies and forgeries. With the help of Allah, we have already answered them in detail in the first chapter, when dealing with ‘Abdul Hussain. Thus, there is no need to repeat them here. As for exposing the lies of this ‘guided doctor’, we are compelled to reproduce some of his deception. In this way, the extent of his bigotry and hatred for the great narrator of Islam, Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, will be brought to the fore. This will also highlight his hatred for the other Sahabah, his hunt for flaws in the Sunnah of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Sahihayn (al Bukhari and Muslim) as well as the ahadith of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and the Ahlul Bayt. All of this will be manifested when we quote his rejection of a few authentic ahadith.

He says in his book, Fas’alu Ahl al Dhikr, under the chapter: “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam compromises on the commands of Allah according to his whims”:


عن أبي هريرة قال: بينما نحن جلوس عند النبي إذ جاءه رجل فقال يا رسول الله هلكت قال: ما لك قال: وقعت على امرأتي وأنا صائم فقال هل تجد رقبة تعتقها قال: لا قال: فهل تستطيع أن تصوم شهرين متتابعين قال: لا فقال: فهل تجد إطعام ستين مسكيناً قال: لا قال فمكث النبي فبينا نحن على ذلك أتي النبي بعرق فيها تمر والعرق المكتل قال أين السائل فقال: أنا قال خذها فتصدق به فقال: الرجل أعلى أفقر مني يا رسول الله فوالله ما بين لابتيها يريد الحرتين أهل بيت أفقر من أهل بيتي فضحك النبي حتى بدت أنيابه ثم قال أطعمه أهلك

Abu Hurairah narrates, “A man came to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam while we were sitting with him and said, ‘O Messenger, I am doomed.’

He asked, ‘What is the matter with you?’

The man said, ‘I cohabited with my wife whilst I was fasting.’

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked him, ‘Do you have a slave who you can set free?’

He replied, ‘No.’

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked, ‘Will you be able to fast for two consecutive months?’

He replied, ‘No.’

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam then asked him, ‘Will you be able to feed sixty poor people?’

He again replied, ‘No.’

Thereupon the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam remained (without saying anything) for a while. Whilst we were in this condition, a bunch of dates as well as a basket thereof was brought to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

He asked, ‘Where is the one who asked (concerning his matter)?’

The man replied, ‘I (am here).’

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘Take this and give it out in charity.’

The man asked, ‘(Should I give) it to anyone who is poorer than me, O Messenger? By the oath of Allah, there is no family between the mountains poorer than my family.’

Thereupon the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam smiled until his canines became apparent and said, ‘Feed this to your family.’[4][5]


Al Tijani comments:


أنظر كيف تصبح أحكام الله وحدود الله التي رسمها لعباده من تحرير رقبة على الموسرين والذين لا يقدرون على تحرير رقبة فما عليهم إلا اطعام ستين مسكيناً وإذا تعذر وكان فقيراً فما عليه إلا بالصوم وهو كفّارة الفقراء الذين لا يجدون أموالا كافية لتحرير أو لإطعام المساكين ولكن هذه الرواية تتعدى حدود الله التي رسمها لعباده ويكفي أن يقول هذا  الجاني كلمة يضحك لها الرسول حتى تبدو أنيابه فيتساهل في حكم الله ويبيح له أن يأخذ الصدقة لأهل بيته، وهل هناك أكبر من هذه الفرية على الله ورسولهفيصبح الجاني مجازا على ذنبه الذي تعمده بدلا من العقوبة وهل هناك تشجيعاً أكبر من هذا لأهل المعاصي والفسقة الذين سيتشبثون بمثل هذه الروايات المكذوبة ويرقصون لها، وبمثل هذه الرويات أصبح دين الله وأحكامه لعباً وهزؤا وأصبح الزاني يفتخر بارتكابه الفاحشة ويتغنى باسم الزاني في الأعراس والمحافل كما أصبح المفطر في شهر الصيام يتحدى الصائمين

Look at how the commands of Allah, which he stipulated for his slaves (have been ignored). It is incumbent upon the wealthy to set free a slave. Those who cannot afford this are instructed to feed sixty poor people. When this too is not possible, due to the person’s poverty, then fasting becomes incumbent. This is the atonement for the poor ones who cannot afford to free slaves or feed the poor. However, this narration challenges the commands of Allah, which He stipulated for His servants. It was sufficient for this perpetrator to utter a statement which brought a smile to the face of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam to the extent that his canines became visible. Thereupon he compromised upon the law of Allah and made the charity permissible for his family.

Is there a greater lie that has been attributed to Allah and His Messenger? A perpetrator is rewarded for his intentional disobedience instead of being taken to task for it! Is this not the greatest encouragement for perpetrators and sinners? Will they not latch onto these types of fabricated narrations to justify their persistence upon sin? Will they not dance in celebration, (upon reading this)? These types of narrations turn the din of Allah into an absolute joke. A fornicator will find leeway for him to brag about his sin, and he will announce it in many different public gatherings. Similarly, a person who eats during the month of fasting will not hesitate to challenge those who are fasting.


Our comment: I cannot understand how this man found guidance in his new religion, i.e. Shi’ism. He does not even know that this hadith has been narrated by his Imams who he considers infallible! I will now reproduce for you the narrations which have been established from ‘Ali, al Baqir, and al Sadiq from the books of hadith and other books of your new religion. It has been narrated to us from ‘Ali ‘alayh al Salam that he said:


أتى رجل إلى رسول اللهفي شهر رمضان فقال: يا رسول الله إني قد هلكت، قال: وما ذاك؟ قال: باشرت أهلي فغلبتني شهوتي حتى وصلت قال: هل تجد عتقاً ؟ قال: لا والله، وما ملكت مملوكا قط قال: فصم شهرين قال: والله ما أطيق عليّ الصوم قال: فانطلق فاطعم ستين مسكينا قال: والله ما أقوى عليه قال: فأمر له رسول اللهبخمسة عشر صاعاً وقال: اذهب فاطعم ستين مسكيناً لكل مسكين مدّ، قال: يا رسول الله والذي بعثك ما بين لابتيها من بيت أحوج منّا، قال: فانطلق فكله أنت وأهلك .

A man came to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam during the month of Ramadan and said, “O Messenger, I am doomed.”

He asked, “What is the matter with you?”

The man said, “I touched my wife, which resulted in my passions going out of my control, until I eventually cohabited with her.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked him, “Can you set a slave free?”

He replied, “By the oath of Allah, No. I have never owned a slave.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Then fast for two consecutive months.”

He replied, “By the oath of Allah, I am unable to fast.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam commanded him, “Go and feed sixty poor people.”

He replied, “By the oath of Allah, I am unable to do that.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam then ordered that he should be given twenty five sa’[6]  and then said to him, “Go and feed sixty poor people, one mudd[7] for each poor person.”

The man said, “O Messenger? By One Who sent you (as a Messenger), there is no family between the mountains more in need of it than us.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “Go, you and your family may consume it.”[8]


‘Abdul Mu’min al Ansari narrates from al Baqir rahimahu Llah:


إن رجلا أتى النبي فقال: هلكت هلكت، فقال: وما أهلكك؟ قال: أتيت امرأتي في شهر رمضان وأنا صائم فقال له النبي أعتق رقبة فقال: لا أجد قال: فصم شهرين متتابعين فقال: لا أطيق فقال: تصدق على ستين مسكيناً قال: لا أجد قال: فأتى النبي بعرق أو مكتل فيه خمسة عشر صاعا من تمر فقال النبي خذها وتصدق بها فقال: والذي بعثك بالحق بينا ما بين لابتيها أهل بيت أحوج إليه منا فقال: خذه وكله أنت وأهلك فإنه كفّارة لك

A man came to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and said, “O Messenger, I am doomed. I am doomed”

He asked, “What is the cause of your doom?”

The man said, “I cohabited with my wife during the month of Ramadan whilst I was fasting.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam instructed him, “Free a slave.”

He replied, “I am unable to do so.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Then fast for two consecutive months.”

He replied, “By the oath of Allah, I am unable to do that.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam commanded him, “Go and feed sixty poor people.”

He replied, “I am unable to do that.”

Thereafter, a bunch of dates as well as a basket thereof, which contained twenty five sa’, was brought to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Take it and give it out in charity.”

He replied, “By the oath of the being who sent you with the truth, there is no family between the mountains more in need of it than us.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “Take it, you and your family may consume it. It will serve as an atonement for you.”[9]


Jamil ibn Diraj narrates that Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah was asked about a man who intentionally eats during the day in Ramadan and he replied:


إن رجلا أتى النبي فقال : هلكت يا رسول الله ! فقال : ومالك ؟ فقال : النار يا رسول الله فقال: وما لك؟ فقال: إني وقعت بأهلي في رمضان قال: تصدق واستغفر الله فقال الرجل: فوالذي عظم حقك .

وقال ابن أبي عمير: فـوالذي بعـثك بالحق – مـا تركت في البيت شيئـاً قليلا ولا كثيراً قال: فدخل رجل من الناس بمكتل تمر فيه عشرون صاعا يكون عشرة أصوع بصاعنا هذا هنا فقال رسول الله خذ هذا التمر فتصدق فقال: يا رسول الله على من أتصدق به وقد أخبرتك أنه ليس في بيتي قليل ولا كثير فقال: خذه واطعمه عيالك واستغفر الله

A man came to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and said, “O Messenger, I am doomed.”

He asked, “What is the cause of your doom?”

The man said, “The fire.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (again) asked, “What is the cause of your doom?”

He replied, “I cohabited with my wife during the month of Ramadan.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “Give charity and ask Allah for forgiveness.”

He replied, “By the oath of the being who granted you great rights,” Ibn Abi ‘Umair reported, “By the oath of the being who sent you with the truth, I did not leave anything behind at home.”

Just then, a man entered with twenty sa’ of dates—ten of those sa’s are equivalent to one of our sa’s here. Thus, the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Take these dates and give them out in charity.”

The man asked, “O Messenger, who should I give it to when I have already informed you that there is nothing in my house?”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “Take it, feed it to your family and seek forgiveness from Allah.”[10]


Why did you not take to task your Imams and ask them, “How the commands of Allah, which he stipulated for his slaves (have been ignored). It is incumbent upon the wealthy to set free a slave. Those who cannot afford this are instructed to feed sixty poor people…” Why did you not take them to task for forging narrations against the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, just as Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu had done (according to you)? The reader will notice the extent of ignorance and deception resorted to by al Tijani in supporting his new religion.

Al Tijani failed to produce any new information. He was the last one to try and find fault and discredit Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim by objecting to some ahadith. This is irrespective of whether the narrator was Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu or any other Sahabi. They wish to tell the Ahlus Sunnah that our religion is false and the religion of the Ahlul Bayt is the true religion. This is their only goal. However, it has been proven that all the narrations of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu were corroborated by the Ahlul Bayt. Thus, there is no weight to their claim.



NEXT⇒ Al Tijani Rejects the Hadith: “Salah was Reduced from Fifty to Five”

[1]  Al Tijani: This is with reference to a Sufi order. Refer to the book al Tijaniyyah — A Study of the Important Beliefs of the Tijanis in the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah by ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn al Dakhil Allah. Indeed, he lied when he said that he was previously from the Ahlus Sunnah. Does he think that the Ahlus Sunnah are ignorant people who could be mocked, just as the Shia are mocked? He is nothing but a Batini Sufi come Shia. This man was guided towards the Shia by his greed for wealth. He admits this in his own words in his book, Tariq al Huda (page 175). His exact words are: “Just as Sayed al Khu’i, who we were following, granted me the authority to control the khums and zakat.”

He further states (page 46): “My friend asked me, whilst offering me dry clay, if I wanted to perform salah. I replied in a harsh manner that we do not perform salah around graves. He then said, ‘Wait a little for me, so that I may perform two raka’at.’ Whilst waiting for him, I began reading the plaque on the tomb, and I began staring at the golden pocket behind it which had inscriptions on it. I saw that it was full of cash, containing currencies of different types; dirhams, riyals, dinars, liras, etc. The visitors donate this, hoping for blessings and fulfilling the religious rite of charity demanded by the occasion. Due to its large amount, I thought that it was accumulated over a period of a few months; however, my friend later informed me that those who are responsible for cleaning the place remove it every night after Salat al ‘Isha. I remained baffled! It is as if I wished that they would grant me a share from it, or they would distribute it among the poor and destitute, who were many in number in that area.”

For more information regarding his lies and propaganda, refer to the books, Kashf al Jani Muhammad al Tijani, Bal Dalalta, al Intisar.

[2] Ittaqu Allah, pg. 55.

[3] Ittaqu Allah, pg. 54-55.

[4]Al Bukhari Kitab al Sawm, Hibah, al Nafaqat, al Adab, Kaffarat, al Ayman, Muslim Kitab al Siyam

[5] Fas’alu Ahl al Dhikr, pg. 272.

[6]  A unit of measurement equal to approximately 3 litres.

[7]  A unit of measurement equal to approximately 750 ml.

[8] Bihar al Anwar, 96/282 # 13, the book of fasting, the chapter regarding those acts which necessitate a penalty and the laws thereof.

[9] Ibid., 96/276 # 2.

[10] Ibid., pg. 208 # 9.

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Section Three

The Allegations Made by Muhammad al Tijani al Samawi


Al Tijani[1] was no better than his predecessor. He was yet another plagiariser, who simply pounced upon the ideas and beliefs of others, attributed them to himself, and bragged about them. He admits in his book, Ittaqu Allah, after recycling a number of their deceptions:


راجع كتابي محمود أبو رية المصري، والسيد !شرف الدين في أبي هريرة

Refer to the books of Mahmud Abu Rayyah al Misri and al Sayed Sharaf al Din regarding Abu Hurairah.[2]


This is an admission from him that he adopted the ideas of his teachers in his approach towards the subject of criticising Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, whether it was criticism regarding his personality or his narrations. The most amazing aspect is that this ‘Doctor’ merely shadowed the books of Abu Rayyah and his teacher, ‘Abdul Hussain, in every matter. He also concocted a few more things in his book. His followers, on the other hand, fell prey to the deception and regarded him to be a master of narrations. Little did they know that he was simply plagiarising the works of others.

A summary of my observation regarding his book is as follows: he intentionally misconstrues the meanings of texts and bases his understanding upon his own desires, instead of academics. I will list a few examples to prove this. He says in his book:


إن أبا هريرة كان كذوباً غير معتمد عليه، إن كذب أبي هريرة في أحاديثه ملأ الخافقين ، وقد دلت أحاديث أهل السنة على التهمة له بالكذب كانت معلومة بين الصحابة حتى أن عمر ضربه بالدرة المعهودة ….وأن رسول الله (ص) أمر بقتل الكلاب إلا كلب صيد أو كلب غنم أو ماشية فقيل لابن عمر : أن أبا هريرة يقول أو كلب زرع فقال ابن عمر أن لإبي هريرة زرعا .وفي مسند أبي هريرة يروي عن النبي: من تبع جنازة فله قيراط من الأجر فقال ابن عمر لقد أكثر علينا أبو هريرة

Abu Hurairah was an incessant liar. He was definitely unreliable. The lies of Abu Hurairah in his ahadith were part of his system. The ahadith of the Ahlus Sunnah point out that he was accused of lying and this was even well-known among the Sahabah, to the extent that ‘Umar lashed him with his well-known whip… the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam commanded that all dogs should be killed except dogs which were used for hunting, herding, and farming. Ibn ‘Umar was informed that “Abu Hurairah says… ‘or a dog for farming.’’’ He replied: “Abu Hurairah has a farm.” Musnad Abu Hurairah contains his narration which he reports from the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, “Whoever attends a funeral will be granted one qirat of reward.” Ibn ‘Umar responded, “Abu Hurairah has exaggerated the matter for us.”[3]


There are many other examples of these lies and forgeries. With the help of Allah, we have already answered them in detail in the first chapter, when dealing with ‘Abdul Hussain. Thus, there is no need to repeat them here. As for exposing the lies of this ‘guided doctor’, we are compelled to reproduce some of his deception. In this way, the extent of his bigotry and hatred for the great narrator of Islam, Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu, will be brought to the fore. This will also highlight his hatred for the other Sahabah, his hunt for flaws in the Sunnah of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Sahihayn (al Bukhari and Muslim) as well as the ahadith of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, and the Ahlul Bayt. All of this will be manifested when we quote his rejection of a few authentic ahadith.

He says in his book, Fas’alu Ahl al Dhikr, under the chapter: “The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam compromises on the commands of Allah according to his whims”:


عن أبي هريرة قال: بينما نحن جلوس عند النبي إذ جاءه رجل فقال يا رسول الله هلكت قال: ما لك قال: وقعت على امرأتي وأنا صائم فقال هل تجد رقبة تعتقها قال: لا قال: فهل تستطيع أن تصوم شهرين متتابعين قال: لا فقال: فهل تجد إطعام ستين مسكيناً قال: لا قال فمكث النبي فبينا نحن على ذلك أتي النبي بعرق فيها تمر والعرق المكتل قال أين السائل فقال: أنا قال خذها فتصدق به فقال: الرجل أعلى أفقر مني يا رسول الله فوالله ما بين لابتيها يريد الحرتين أهل بيت أفقر من أهل بيتي فضحك النبي حتى بدت أنيابه ثم قال أطعمه أهلك

Abu Hurairah narrates, “A man came to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam while we were sitting with him and said, ‘O Messenger, I am doomed.’

He asked, ‘What is the matter with you?’

The man said, ‘I cohabited with my wife whilst I was fasting.’

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked him, ‘Do you have a slave who you can set free?’

He replied, ‘No.’

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked, ‘Will you be able to fast for two consecutive months?’

He replied, ‘No.’

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam then asked him, ‘Will you be able to feed sixty poor people?’

He again replied, ‘No.’

Thereupon the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam remained (without saying anything) for a while. Whilst we were in this condition, a bunch of dates as well as a basket thereof was brought to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

He asked, ‘Where is the one who asked (concerning his matter)?’

The man replied, ‘I (am here).’

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, ‘Take this and give it out in charity.’

The man asked, ‘(Should I give) it to anyone who is poorer than me, O Messenger? By the oath of Allah, there is no family between the mountains poorer than my family.’

Thereupon the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam smiled until his canines became apparent and said, ‘Feed this to your family.’[4][5]


Al Tijani comments:


أنظر كيف تصبح أحكام الله وحدود الله التي رسمها لعباده من تحرير رقبة على الموسرين والذين لا يقدرون على تحرير رقبة فما عليهم إلا اطعام ستين مسكيناً وإذا تعذر وكان فقيراً فما عليه إلا بالصوم وهو كفّارة الفقراء الذين لا يجدون أموالا كافية لتحرير أو لإطعام المساكين ولكن هذه الرواية تتعدى حدود الله التي رسمها لعباده ويكفي أن يقول هذا  الجاني كلمة يضحك لها الرسول حتى تبدو أنيابه فيتساهل في حكم الله ويبيح له أن يأخذ الصدقة لأهل بيته، وهل هناك أكبر من هذه الفرية على الله ورسولهفيصبح الجاني مجازا على ذنبه الذي تعمده بدلا من العقوبة وهل هناك تشجيعاً أكبر من هذا لأهل المعاصي والفسقة الذين سيتشبثون بمثل هذه الروايات المكذوبة ويرقصون لها، وبمثل هذه الرويات أصبح دين الله وأحكامه لعباً وهزؤا وأصبح الزاني يفتخر بارتكابه الفاحشة ويتغنى باسم الزاني في الأعراس والمحافل كما أصبح المفطر في شهر الصيام يتحدى الصائمين

Look at how the commands of Allah, which he stipulated for his slaves (have been ignored). It is incumbent upon the wealthy to set free a slave. Those who cannot afford this are instructed to feed sixty poor people. When this too is not possible, due to the person’s poverty, then fasting becomes incumbent. This is the atonement for the poor ones who cannot afford to free slaves or feed the poor. However, this narration challenges the commands of Allah, which He stipulated for His servants. It was sufficient for this perpetrator to utter a statement which brought a smile to the face of the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam to the extent that his canines became visible. Thereupon he compromised upon the law of Allah and made the charity permissible for his family.

Is there a greater lie that has been attributed to Allah and His Messenger? A perpetrator is rewarded for his intentional disobedience instead of being taken to task for it! Is this not the greatest encouragement for perpetrators and sinners? Will they not latch onto these types of fabricated narrations to justify their persistence upon sin? Will they not dance in celebration, (upon reading this)? These types of narrations turn the din of Allah into an absolute joke. A fornicator will find leeway for him to brag about his sin, and he will announce it in many different public gatherings. Similarly, a person who eats during the month of fasting will not hesitate to challenge those who are fasting.


Our comment: I cannot understand how this man found guidance in his new religion, i.e. Shi’ism. He does not even know that this hadith has been narrated by his Imams who he considers infallible! I will now reproduce for you the narrations which have been established from ‘Ali, al Baqir, and al Sadiq from the books of hadith and other books of your new religion. It has been narrated to us from ‘Ali ‘alayh al Salam that he said:


أتى رجل إلى رسول اللهفي شهر رمضان فقال: يا رسول الله إني قد هلكت، قال: وما ذاك؟ قال: باشرت أهلي فغلبتني شهوتي حتى وصلت قال: هل تجد عتقاً ؟ قال: لا والله، وما ملكت مملوكا قط قال: فصم شهرين قال: والله ما أطيق عليّ الصوم قال: فانطلق فاطعم ستين مسكينا قال: والله ما أقوى عليه قال: فأمر له رسول اللهبخمسة عشر صاعاً وقال: اذهب فاطعم ستين مسكيناً لكل مسكين مدّ، قال: يا رسول الله والذي بعثك ما بين لابتيها من بيت أحوج منّا، قال: فانطلق فكله أنت وأهلك .

A man came to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam during the month of Ramadan and said, “O Messenger, I am doomed.”

He asked, “What is the matter with you?”

The man said, “I touched my wife, which resulted in my passions going out of my control, until I eventually cohabited with her.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam asked him, “Can you set a slave free?”

He replied, “By the oath of Allah, No. I have never owned a slave.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Then fast for two consecutive months.”

He replied, “By the oath of Allah, I am unable to fast.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam commanded him, “Go and feed sixty poor people.”

He replied, “By the oath of Allah, I am unable to do that.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam then ordered that he should be given twenty five sa’[6]  and then said to him, “Go and feed sixty poor people, one mudd[7] for each poor person.”

The man said, “O Messenger? By One Who sent you (as a Messenger), there is no family between the mountains more in need of it than us.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “Go, you and your family may consume it.”[8]


‘Abdul Mu’min al Ansari narrates from al Baqir rahimahu Llah:


إن رجلا أتى النبي فقال: هلكت هلكت، فقال: وما أهلكك؟ قال: أتيت امرأتي في شهر رمضان وأنا صائم فقال له النبي أعتق رقبة فقال: لا أجد قال: فصم شهرين متتابعين فقال: لا أطيق فقال: تصدق على ستين مسكيناً قال: لا أجد قال: فأتى النبي بعرق أو مكتل فيه خمسة عشر صاعا من تمر فقال النبي خذها وتصدق بها فقال: والذي بعثك بالحق بينا ما بين لابتيها أهل بيت أحوج إليه منا فقال: خذه وكله أنت وأهلك فإنه كفّارة لك

A man came to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and said, “O Messenger, I am doomed. I am doomed”

He asked, “What is the cause of your doom?”

The man said, “I cohabited with my wife during the month of Ramadan whilst I was fasting.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam instructed him, “Free a slave.”

He replied, “I am unable to do so.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Then fast for two consecutive months.”

He replied, “By the oath of Allah, I am unable to do that.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam commanded him, “Go and feed sixty poor people.”

He replied, “I am unable to do that.”

Thereafter, a bunch of dates as well as a basket thereof, which contained twenty five sa’, was brought to the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Take it and give it out in charity.”

He replied, “By the oath of the being who sent you with the truth, there is no family between the mountains more in need of it than us.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “Take it, you and your family may consume it. It will serve as an atonement for you.”[9]


Jamil ibn Diraj narrates that Imam Jafar rahimahu Llah was asked about a man who intentionally eats during the day in Ramadan and he replied:


إن رجلا أتى النبي فقال : هلكت يا رسول الله ! فقال : ومالك ؟ فقال : النار يا رسول الله فقال: وما لك؟ فقال: إني وقعت بأهلي في رمضان قال: تصدق واستغفر الله فقال الرجل: فوالذي عظم حقك .

وقال ابن أبي عمير: فـوالذي بعـثك بالحق – مـا تركت في البيت شيئـاً قليلا ولا كثيراً قال: فدخل رجل من الناس بمكتل تمر فيه عشرون صاعا يكون عشرة أصوع بصاعنا هذا هنا فقال رسول الله خذ هذا التمر فتصدق فقال: يا رسول الله على من أتصدق به وقد أخبرتك أنه ليس في بيتي قليل ولا كثير فقال: خذه واطعمه عيالك واستغفر الله

A man came to the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and said, “O Messenger, I am doomed.”

He asked, “What is the cause of your doom?”

The man said, “The fire.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam (again) asked, “What is the cause of your doom?”

He replied, “I cohabited with my wife during the month of Ramadan.”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “Give charity and ask Allah for forgiveness.”

He replied, “By the oath of the being who granted you great rights,” Ibn Abi ‘Umair reported, “By the oath of the being who sent you with the truth, I did not leave anything behind at home.”

Just then, a man entered with twenty sa’ of dates—ten of those sa’s are equivalent to one of our sa’s here. Thus, the Messenger salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “Take these dates and give them out in charity.”

The man asked, “O Messenger, who should I give it to when I have already informed you that there is nothing in my house?”

The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam replied, “Take it, feed it to your family and seek forgiveness from Allah.”[10]


Why did you not take to task your Imams and ask them, “How the commands of Allah, which he stipulated for his slaves (have been ignored). It is incumbent upon the wealthy to set free a slave. Those who cannot afford this are instructed to feed sixty poor people…” Why did you not take them to task for forging narrations against the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, just as Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu had done (according to you)? The reader will notice the extent of ignorance and deception resorted to by al Tijani in supporting his new religion.

Al Tijani failed to produce any new information. He was the last one to try and find fault and discredit Sahih al Bukhari and Sahih Muslim by objecting to some ahadith. This is irrespective of whether the narrator was Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu or any other Sahabi. They wish to tell the Ahlus Sunnah that our religion is false and the religion of the Ahlul Bayt is the true religion. This is their only goal. However, it has been proven that all the narrations of Abu Hurairah radiya Llahu ‘anhu were corroborated by the Ahlul Bayt. Thus, there is no weight to their claim.



NEXT⇒ Al Tijani Rejects the Hadith: “Salah was Reduced from Fifty to Five”

[1]  Al Tijani: This is with reference to a Sufi order. Refer to the book al Tijaniyyah — A Study of the Important Beliefs of the Tijanis in the Light of the Qur’an and Sunnah by ‘Ali ibn Muhammad ibn al Dakhil Allah. Indeed, he lied when he said that he was previously from the Ahlus Sunnah. Does he think that the Ahlus Sunnah are ignorant people who could be mocked, just as the Shia are mocked? He is nothing but a Batini Sufi come Shia. This man was guided towards the Shia by his greed for wealth. He admits this in his own words in his book, Tariq al Huda (page 175). His exact words are: “Just as Sayed al Khu’i, who we were following, granted me the authority to control the khums and zakat.”

He further states (page 46): “My friend asked me, whilst offering me dry clay, if I wanted to perform salah. I replied in a harsh manner that we do not perform salah around graves. He then said, ‘Wait a little for me, so that I may perform two raka’at.’ Whilst waiting for him, I began reading the plaque on the tomb, and I began staring at the golden pocket behind it which had inscriptions on it. I saw that it was full of cash, containing currencies of different types; dirhams, riyals, dinars, liras, etc. The visitors donate this, hoping for blessings and fulfilling the religious rite of charity demanded by the occasion. Due to its large amount, I thought that it was accumulated over a period of a few months; however, my friend later informed me that those who are responsible for cleaning the place remove it every night after Salat al ‘Isha. I remained baffled! It is as if I wished that they would grant me a share from it, or they would distribute it among the poor and destitute, who were many in number in that area.”

For more information regarding his lies and propaganda, refer to the books, Kashf al Jani Muhammad al Tijani, Bal Dalalta, al Intisar.

[2] Ittaqu Allah, pg. 55.

[3] Ittaqu Allah, pg. 54-55.

[4]Al Bukhari Kitab al Sawm, Hibah, al Nafaqat, al Adab, Kaffarat, al Ayman, Muslim Kitab al Siyam

[5] Fas’alu Ahl al Dhikr, pg. 272.

[6]  A unit of measurement equal to approximately 3 litres.

[7]  A unit of measurement equal to approximately 750 ml.

[8] Bihar al Anwar, 96/282 # 13, the book of fasting, the chapter regarding those acts which necessitate a penalty and the laws thereof.

[9] Ibid., 96/276 # 2.

[10] Ibid., pg. 208 # 9.