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As far as I can recall, my parents adhered to the Din. No day passed by, except that the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would visit us at the ends of the day, morning and evening.
Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha
Umm al Mu’minin Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha was born in Makkah approximately four to five years after Nubuwwah.[1] Her birth was in the Islamic period. Hence, she never witnessed the period of ignorance. She was born to Muslim parents who believed in the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and pronounced his credibility in the very early stages. Her father is none other than Sayyidina Abu Bakr al Siddiq radiya Llahu ‘anhu, the first man to embrace the faith and the driving force behind the Islam of his wife, Sayyidah Umm Ruman, and his daughters, Sayyidah Asma’ and Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anhunna. As a result, the home in which Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha was nurtured is considered one of the first Muslim homes. Moreover, Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha is reckoned as one of the early Muslim girls.
Her parents—coupled with their unshakeable faith—had a definite bond and strong connection with the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam as affirmed by Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha:
فعن عروة بن الزبير أن عائشة زوج رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم قالت لم أعقل أبوي إلا وهما يدينان الدين ولم يمر علينا يوم إلا يأتينا فيه رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم طرفي النهار بكرة و عشية
From ‘Urwah ibn al Zubair that Aisha, the wife of the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, affirmed:
As far as I can recall, my parents adhered to the Din. No day passed by, except that the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would visit us at the ends of the day, morning and evening.[2]
She grew up in a benevolent affluent home, living in comfort and luxury[3]. Sayyidina Abu Bakr al Siddiq radiya Llahu ‘anhu was among the prominent traders of Makkah. People of his clan got along with him, did business with him, and sat in his company due to his vast knowledge and outstanding business ethics.
May Allah shower His mercy upon Sayyidina Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu. What great amount of wealth he spent in the path of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala to spread the word of Islam! He prepared two riding camels for the hijrah and carried 5000 silver coins with him on the journey. Furthermore, he purchased a number of Muslim slaves to free them from slavery, the most famous being Sayyidina Bilal radiya Llahu ‘anhu. The Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam declaration in his favour is sufficient for him:
ما لأحد عندنا يد إلا وقد كافيناه ما خلا أبا بكر فإن له عندنا يدا يكافئه الله بها يوم القيامة وما نفعني مال أحد قط ما نفعني مال أبي بكر ولو كنت متخذا خليلا لاتخذت أبا بكر خليلا ألا وإن صاحبكم خليل الله
No one assisted us [financially] except that we paid him back, apart from Abu Bakr of course who assisted us abundantly. Allah alone will recompensate him for that on the Day of Qiyamah. No one’s wealth has ever benefitted me the way Abu Bakr’s wealth benefitted me. Had I taken a bosom friend, I would have taken Abu Bakr as my close friend. Behold! Your companion is the bosom friend of Allah.[4]
The family of Sayyidina Abu Bakr al Siddiq radiya Llahu ‘anhu enjoyed a superb social standing. Ibn al Daghinah affirms the valuable presence of Sayyidina Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu in social affairs. When Sayyidina Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu set forth from Makkah on his way to Abyssinia, Ibn al Daghinah confirmed:
إن مثلك لا يخرج ولا يخرج فإنك تكسب المعدوم وتصل الرحم وتحمل الكل وتقري الضيف وتعين على نوائب الحق وأنا لك جار فارجع فاعبد ربك ببلادك
A person like you does not leave and is not driven out [of a town]. You help the needy earn their living, maintain family ties, bear the burden [of the expenses] of the destitute[5], show hospitality to the guest, and support in all social activities. I am your guardian. Return and worship your Rabb in your land.[6]
Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha grew up in this blessed family. She, like her other contemporaries, was very playful and active. Even at the age of nine, she had peers and friends with whom she would interreact. She had a swing upon which she would swing. She narrates how she was transported from her swing to her marital home:
فأتتني أم رومان وأنا على أرجوحة ومعي صواحبي فصرخت بي فأتيتها وما أدري ما تريد بي فأخذت بيدي فأوقفتني على الباب فقلت هه هه حتى ذهب نفسي فأدخلتني بيتا فإذا نسوة من الأنصار فقلن على الخير والبركة وعلى خير طائر
Umm Ruman came while I was playing on the swing[7] and my friends were with me. She called for me and I went to her, not knowing what she had planned for me. She took me by the hand and left me by a door. I asked, “What is this? What is this?”[8] gasping for air. She entered me into a house where many Ansari women were present. They exclaimed, “Upon goodness and blessings and upon the best fortune[9].[10]
She continued meeting with her friends even after marriage for a period of time. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam valued her young age and need for social interaction. He would send her friends to interreact with her. She also had dolls with which she played. She herself says in this regard:
كنت ألعب بالبنات
I would play with the girl [dolls].[11]
Once, the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam reached home while Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha was busy with her friends. He noticed that she had a toy horse which had two wings at its sides. He thus enquired:
ما هذا يا عائشة فقالت فرس فقال وهل يكون للفرس جناحان فردت قائلة أما كانت لخيل سليمان أجنحة فضحك النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم
“What is this, O Aisha?”
“A horse,” she replied.
“Does a horse have wings?”
“Did not the horse of Sulaiman have wings?” she asked.
The Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam smiled at her witty answer.[12]
This reveals her admirable culture and education and burning intelligence.
She would recall many occurrences of her childhood and remember those ahadith that were simple for her. She says:
لقد أنزل على محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم بمكة وإني لجارية ألعب بَلِ السَّاعَةُ مَوْعِدُهُمْ وَالسَّاعَةُ أَدْهىٰ وَأَمَرُّ
The following verse was revealed upon Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam in Makkah. At the time, I was a young girl playing: Better yet, the Hour is their appointed time—and the Hour will be most catastrophic and most bitter[13].[14]
At the time of the Messenger of Allah’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam emigration to Madinah, Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha was only 8 years old. Yet, she comprehended, memorised, and retained the secrets of the happenings of the prophetic hijrah.[15]
What is worthy of highlighting at this point is the unique relationship she and her father radiya Llahu ‘anhuma enjoyed. It was a bond founded upon love and appreciation. She considered him the most superior Companion of the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and appreciated his support of the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, making her feel honoured to be related to him. He, on the other hand, regarded her as the spouse of the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and the mother of the believers. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam had refined her knowledge with hadith and fiqh. Owing to this, Sayyidina Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu venerated her, trusted her, and had confidence in her opinion. He would consult with her in matters of Din, practice on her view[16], and report ahadith from her.[17]
He displayed intense compassion and affection towards her. He would tell her:
انظري حاجتك فاطلبيها إلي
Seek your needs from me, whatever they may be.[18]
عن البراء قال دخلت مع أبي بكر على أهله فإذا عائشة ابنته مضطجعة قد أصابتها حمى فرأيت أباها يقبل خدها وقال كيف أنت يا بنية
Bara’[19] recalls:
I entered alongside Abu Bakr upon his family. His daughter Aisha was lying down, afflicted with fever. I saw her father kissing her on her cheek and asking, “How are you feeling, beloved daughter?”[20]
When death drew close to him, he said to her:
يا بنية ما من الناس أحد أحب إلي غنى بعدي منك ولا أعز على فقرا منك
O beloved daughter, there is no one whom I wish to see affluent after me and whose poverty pains me more than you.[21]
During his lifetime, he gifted her a share[22] of 20 wasaq of his wealth.[23]
Sayyidina Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu nurtured and developed his children with firmness and resolve. Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha feared her father and steered clear from his anger even after marriage. Sayyidina Anas[24] radiya Llahu ‘anhu reports:
كان للنبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تسع نسوة فكان إذا قسم بينهن لا ينتهي إلى المرأة الأولى إلا في تسع فكن يجتمعن في كل ليلة في بيت التي يأتيها فكان في بيت عائشة فجاءت زينب فمد يده إليها فقالت هذه زينب فكف النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يده فتقاولتا حتى استخبتا وأقيمت الصلاة فمر أبو بكر على ذلك فسمع أصواتهما فقال اخرج يا رسول الله إلى الصلاة واحث في أفواههن التراب فخرج النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم فقالت عائشة الآن يقضي النبي صلاته فيجيء أبو بكر فيفعل بي ويفعل فلما قضى النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم صلاته أتاها أبو بكر فقال لها قولا شديدا وقال أتصنعين هذا
The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam had nine wives. He would identify nights for them and return to the first wife after nine nights had passed. They would gather every night at the house of the wife he is staying with.
Once, he was at the home of Aisha. Zainab[25] arrived and he stretched his hand towards her. Aisha said, “This is Zainab,” so the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam withdrew his hand. They [Aisha and Zainab] began to argue and raise their voices.[26] Meanwhile, the iqamah for the salah was called out. Abu Bakr happened to pass by and heard their voices. He said, “Come out for salah, O Messenger of Allah, and throw sand in their mouths.” The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam came out. Aisha lamented, “Just now, the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam will complete his salah and Abu Bakr will come sort me out.” After the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam completed his salah, Abu Bakr came to her and reprimanded her severely saying, “Do you conduct yourself in this manner?”[27]
Once, he heard her raising her voice. He entered and grabbed her to smack her saying:
لا أراك ترفعين صوتك على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم
I do not want to see you raising your voice at the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
The Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam prevented him from slapping her and Sayyidina Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu left enraged.[28]
In the Takhyir incident, the following transpired:
دخل أبو بكر يستأذن على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فوجد الناس جلوسا ببابه لم يؤذن لأحد منهم قال فأذن لأبي بكر فدخل ثم أقبل عمر فاستأذن فأذن له فوجد النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم جالسا حوله نسائه واجما ساكتا
Abu Bakr came in and sought permission to enter upon the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He found people seated at his door; none of them had been given permission to enter. The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam allowed Abu Bakr and he entered. Next, ‘Umar arrived and sought permission to enter and he was awarded the same. He found the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam seated with his wives around him, dejected and silent.
The narration goes on to recall:
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال هن حولي كما ترى يسألنني النفقة فقام أبو بكر إلى عائشة يجأ عنقها فقام عمر إلى حفصة يجأ عنقها كلاهما يقول تسألن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ما ليس عنده فقلن والله لا نسأل رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم شيئا أبدا ليس عنده
The Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “They are around me as you can see. They are asking me for money.”
Abu Bakr went up to Aisha and slapped her neck while ‘Umar went up to Hafsah and slapped her neck. Both of them shouted, “Are you asking the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam for what he does not have?”
They submitted, “By Allah, we will never ever ask the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam for what he does not have.”[29]
Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha grew up in the midst of this blessed family and flourished in a home of truthfulness and iman. From birth, she resided in the shadow of the teachings of the orthodox Islamic faith. During her childhood, she witnessed the most challenging times faced by the call of Islam and the persecution and suffering which the Muslims endured. Sayyidah Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha has reported to us some details of the harassment her father al Siddiq radiya Llahu ‘anhu tolerated for his religion and faith to the extent that he was coerced once to leave Makkah and emigrate to Abyssinia with the intention of joining up with his Muslim brethren there. As he reached Bark al Ghamad, Ibn al Daghinah—the leader of the Qarah tribe—met him. Ibn al Daghinah encouraged him to return to Makkah and promised him his protection from the Quraysh’s persecution. One of the things he said to him was:
إن مثلك يا أبا بكر لا يخرج ولا يخرج إنك تكسب المعدوم وتصل الرحم وتحمل الكل وتقري الضيف وتعين على نوائب الحق وأنا لك جار فارجع فاعبد الله ببلدك
A person like you, O Abu Bakr, does not leave and is not driven out [of a town]. You help the needy earn their living, maintain family ties, bear the burden [of the expenses] of the destitute, show hospitality to the guest, and support in all social activities. I am your guardian. Return and worship Allah in your land.[30]
She stayed in her father’s home until her immigration to Madinah. It is well known that the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam immigrated with his Companion and friend, Sayyidina Abu Bakr al Siddiq radiya Llahu ‘anhu, to Madinah. Their families stayed behind in Makkah. After settling in Madinah, the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam sent someone to bring his family and the family of Sayyidina Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu to Madinah. This came after bearing the hardships of life.
فعن أسماء بنت أبي بكر قالت لما خرج رسول الله صل الله عليه و سلم وخرج أبو بكر معه احتمل أبو بكر ماله كله ومعه خمسة آلاف درهم أو ستة آلاف فانطلق بها معه قالت فدخل علينا جدي أبو قحافة وقد ذهب بصره فقال والله إني لأراه قد فجعكم بماله مع نفسه قالت قلت كلا يا أبت إنه قد ترك لنا خيرا كثيرا قالت فأخذت أحجارا فوضعتها في كوة في البيت الذي كان أبي يضع ماله فيها ثم وضعت عليها ثوبا ثم أخذت بيده فقلت يا أبت ضع يدك على هذا المال قالت فوضع يده عليه فقال لا بأس إذا كان ترك لكم هذا فقد أحسن وفي هذا بلاغ لكم ولا والله ما ترك لنا شيئا ولكني أردت أن أسكن الشيخ بذلك
Asma’ bint Abi Bakr recalls:
When the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and Abu Bakr departed, the latter carried away all of his wealth which amounted to 5000 or 6000 silver coins. Our grandfather, Abu Quhafah, entered our presence—his sight had been lost by then—and remarked, “By Allah, I most certainly feel that he left you suddenly with his wealth.”
I said, “Never, O my beloved [grand] father! He has left for us an abundance of wealth.”
I took some stones and placed it in a niche[31] in the house where my father would place his money and placed a cloth over it. I then took him by the hand and said, “O my beloved [grand] father, place your hand on this wealth.”
He put his hand on it and commented, “No problem. When he has left this for you, then he has done good. And this will be sufficient to pull you through.”
By Allah, he never left a cent with us. I only intended to calm the sheikh with this trick.”[32]
[1] Hafiz Ibn Hajar says:
ولدت بعد المبعث بأربع سنين أو خمس فقد ثبت في الصحيح أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تزوجها وهي بنت ست وقيل سبع ويجمع بأنها كانت أكملت السادسة ودخلت في السابعة
She was born four to five years after nubuwwah. It is established in Sahih al Bukhari that the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam married her when she was 6 years of age, or seven according to a weaker report. These two reports can be meaningfully combined in the sense that she had completed her sixth year and entered into her seventh. Al Isabah, vol. 8 pg. 231.
Sheikh Salman al Nadwi gave preference to the opinion that her birth occurred in the ninth year [of nubuwwah], before the hijrah. He says:
أصح تاريخ لولادتها هو شهر شوال قبل الهجرة الموافق يوليو (تموز) عام 614م وهو نهاية السنة الخامسة من البعثة
The most accurate date of her birth is the month of Shawwal before the hijrah, coinciding with July 614, towards the end of the fifth year of nubuwwah. Al Nadwi: Sirat al Sayyidah Aisha, pg. 40.
[2] Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith: 476.
[3] Raghid: wide, good. Al Zabidi: Taj al ‘Arus, vol. 8 pg. 106.
[4] Jami’ al Tirmidhi, Hadith: 3661; Sunan Ibn Majah, Hadith: 94; Musnad Ahmed, Hadith: 7439. Al Albani declared it sahih.
[5] Al kall: A person who is not capable of working and earning. Al kall: heaviness from everything entrusted. Al kall: dependents. Al Nihayah fi Gharib al Hadith wa al Athar, vol. 4 pg. 198; Fath al Bari, vol. 1 pg. 180; Taj al ‘Arus.
[6] Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith: 2297.
[7] Al Urjuhah: A rope, the two ends of which are hung on two sides. The one mounted is swung from side to side. Al Jawhari: al Sihah, vol. 1 pg. 364; Qadi ‘Iyad: Mashariq al Anwar, vol. 1 pg. 282.
[8] There are two views elucidating her exclamation: hah. It is on account of breathing heavily or on account of sobbing profusely. It is uttered by one out of breath before he returns to a state of calmness. Mashariq al Anwar, vol. 1 pg. 272; al Harbi: Gharib al Hadith, vol. 2 pg. 506; al Nawawi: Sharh Muslim, vol. 9 pg. 207.
[9] ‘Ala khayr ta’ir: You are advancing to the most fortunate share. This is a supplication for fortune and success. It was originally said by the Arabs to take good omens from birds. Sometimes, the purport of al ta’ir here is share and luck. Mashariq al Anwar, vol. 1 pg. 324; Fath al Bari, vol. 7 pg. 224; al Suyuti: Sharh Muslim, vol. 4 pg. 27.
[10] Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith: 3894; Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1422.
[11] Al Sayyidah Aisha Umm al Mu’minin wa ‘Alimat Nisa’ al ‘Alamin, pg. 22, 23.
[12] Sunan Abi Dawood, Hadith: 4932; Sunan al Nasa’i, vol. 5 pg. 306, Hadith: 8950; Sunan al Bayhaqi, vol. 10 pg. 219, Hadith: 21510. The hadith of Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha. Al Albani in Sahih Sunan Abi Dawood, Hadith: 4932 and Ahmed Shakir in Tahqiq al Musnad, vol. 14 pg. 264 classified it sahih.
[13] Surah al Qamar: 46.
[14] Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith: 4993.
[15] Sirat al Sayyidah Aisha, pg. 43, with revision.
[16] Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith: 1387; Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 941.
[17] Al Zarkashi: al Ijabah li Irad ma istadrakathu Aisha ‘ala al Sahabah, pg. 75.
[18] Al Tabaqat al Kubra, vol. 8 pg. 179. The hadith of Jabir radiya Llahu ‘anhu.
[19] He is Bara’ ibn ‘Azib ibn al Harith, Abu ‘Umarah al Awsi al Madani radiya Llahu ‘anhu. He is a Sahabi and son of a Sahabi as well as a great jurist. He participated in 15 battles alongside the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He is among the conquerors among the Sahabah radiya Llahu ‘anhum, conquering Rayy and other cities. He passed away in 72 A.H. Siyar A’lam al Nubala’, vol. 5 pg. 191; Tahdhib al Tahdhib, vol. 4 pg. 11.
[20] Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith: 3917.
[21] Muwatta’ Malik, vol. 4 pg. 1089; Musannaf ‘Abdur Razzaq, vol. 9 pg. 101; Sunan al Bayhaqi, vol. 6 pg. 169, Hadith: 12298. The hadith of Aisha radiya Llahu ‘anha. Ibn Kathir in Irshad al Faqih, vol. 2 pg. 104, Ibn al Mulqin in al Badr al Munir, vol. 7 pg. 144, and al Albani in Irwa’ al Ghalil, vol. 6 pg. 61, authenticated the isnad.
[22] Jadad: portion of dates. Al wasaq: a measure, the Shar’i amount of which is 60 sa’ [equal to approximately 130.56 kgs.] Al Nihayah fi Gharib al Hadith wa al Athar, vol. 1 pg. 244, vol. 2 pg. 380.
[23] Muwatta’ Malik, pg. 752; Musannaf ‘Abdur Razzaq, vol. 9 pg. 101.
[24] He is Anas ibn Malik ibn al Nadr radiya Llahu ‘anhu, Abu Hamzah al Ansari al Khazraji. The servant of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and one of his prolific transmitters. He is the last Sahabi to pass away in Basrah. He passed away in 92 A.H. or 93 A.H. Al Isti’ab, vol. 1 pg. 35; al Isabah, vol. 1 pg. 126.
[25] She is Zainab bint Jahsh ibn Ri’ab al Asadiyyah, Umm al Mu’minin radiya Llahu ‘anha. Regarding her was the verse revealed:
فَلَمَّا قَضىٰ زَيْدٌ مِّنْهَا وَطَرًا زَوَّجْنَاكَهَا
So when Zaid had no longer any need for her, We married her to you. Surah al Ahzab: 37.
Due to her was the verse of hijab revealed. Moreover, she was the first wife of the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam to join him (i.e. pass away after him). She passed away in 20 A.H. Al Isti’ab, vol. 2 pg. 97; al Isabah, vol. 6 pg. 257.
[26] Istakhabata: The mixing and raising of voices. Al Nawawi: Sharh Muslim, vol. 10 pg. 47.
[27] Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1462; Sirat al Sayyidah Aisha, pg. 59, with variation.
[28] Sunan Abi Dawood, Hadith: 4999; Musnad Ahmed, vol. 4 pg. 271, Hadith: 18418. The hadith of No’man ibn Bashir radiya Llahu ‘anhu. The hadith has been declared sahih li ghayrihi by al Albani in Silsilat al Ahadith al Sahihah, vol. 6 pg. 944, and sahih by al Wadi’i in al Sahih al Musnad, Hadith: 1172.
[29] Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 1478.
[30] Sahih al Bukhari, Hadith: 2297; Muhammad ‘Ali Qutub: Aisha Mu’allimat al Rijal wa al Ajyal, pg. 15.
[31] Al Kuwwah: Crack in the wall; hole in the house, etc. Ibn Manzur: Lisan al ‘Arab, vol. 15 pg. 235.
[32] Musnad Ahmed, Hadith: 27002; al Mujam al Kabir, vol. 17 pg. 334; al Mustadrak, vol. 3 pg. 6. Al Hakim comments, “Sahih according to the standards of Muslim but they have not recorded it.” Al Haythami says in Majma’ al Zawa’id, vol. 6 pg. 62, “The narrators of this narration are the narrators of Sahih al Bukhari besides Ibn Ishaq who has clearly mentioned his direct listening.” Al Wadi’i classified it hasan in al Sahih al Musnad, Hadith: 1545.