Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would visit all of his wives with one ghusl

Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam urinated while standing
August 17, 2018
Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam spoke to a donkey and said to it, “I have named you Ya’fur.”
August 20, 2018

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Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would visit all of his wives with one ghusl


إن النبي كان يطوف على نسائه بغسل واحد

Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would visit all of his wives (having conjugal relations with them) with one ghusl.


The hadith is sahih.

The Shia despise this narration and condemn it saying that it is lewdness and carnal lusts which is unbefitting of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It is defamation of the personality of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and portrays him as a lustful person.

Lust and lewdness is apparent among them for they have unanimously permitted anal sex and they permitted a man to have 12 son-in-laws for his daughter in all twelve months. They have forgotten that this is what their books have documented. Owing to this, the Christians greet the Shia and tell them: You have spoken the truth, O Shia, with regards to slandering Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam with that which we slander him.

The Shia have conveniently forgotten that al Tusi has furnished this narration as proof for the validity of having conjugal relations with few women and taking only one ghusl at the end. He says:


فقد روي أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم طاف على نسائه فاغتسل غسلا واحدا و كن تسعا

It is reported that the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam had conjugal relations with his wives and took one ghusl at the end. They were 9 wives at that time.[1]


Muhaqqiq al Hilli has narrated it in al Mutabar[2], Muntaha al Talab[3], and Tadhkirat al Fuqaha[4].

In fact, al Hilli has stated:


يجوز أن يطوف على نسائه و إمائه بغسل واحد مطلقا

It is permissible to have conjugal relations with his wives and slave girls with one ghusl, without any restriction.[5]


He also mentioned:

و لا بأس بتكرار الجماع من غير غسل يتخللها لأنه عليه السلام كان يطوف على نسائه بغسل واحد

There is no problem with having intercourse many times without taking a ghusl in between them since he salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would have intercourse with his wives and take one ghusl at the end.[6]


Sayyid Muhammad Sa’id al Hakim has related it and mentioned that scholars like al Hilli and others have provided many statements of their scholars as evidence for it.[7]


Next⇒ Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam spoke to a donkey and said to it, “I have named you Ya’fur.”

[1] Al Mabsut vol. 4 pg. 243.

[2] Al Mu’tabar vol. 1 pg. 193.

[3] Muntaha al Talab vol. 1 pg. 89 and 93, vol. 2 pg. 234 and 257.

[4] Tadhkirat al Fuqaha’ vol. 1 pg. 25, vol. 2 pg. 575.

[5] Tadhkirat al Fuqaha’ vol. 2 pg. 577.

[6] Tadhkirat al Fuqaha’ vol. 1 pg. 243; Nihayat al Ahkam vol. 1 pg. 104; al Karaki: Jami’ al Maqasid vol. 12 pg. 24; al Shahid al Thani: Masalik al Afham vol. 7 pg. 35.

[7] Misbah al Minhaj vol. 3 pg. 491.

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Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would visit all of his wives with one ghusl


إن النبي كان يطوف على نسائه بغسل واحد

Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would visit all of his wives (having conjugal relations with them) with one ghusl.


The hadith is sahih.

The Shia despise this narration and condemn it saying that it is lewdness and carnal lusts which is unbefitting of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. It is defamation of the personality of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and portrays him as a lustful person.

Lust and lewdness is apparent among them for they have unanimously permitted anal sex and they permitted a man to have 12 son-in-laws for his daughter in all twelve months. They have forgotten that this is what their books have documented. Owing to this, the Christians greet the Shia and tell them: You have spoken the truth, O Shia, with regards to slandering Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam with that which we slander him.

The Shia have conveniently forgotten that al Tusi has furnished this narration as proof for the validity of having conjugal relations with few women and taking only one ghusl at the end. He says:


فقد روي أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم طاف على نسائه فاغتسل غسلا واحدا و كن تسعا

It is reported that the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam had conjugal relations with his wives and took one ghusl at the end. They were 9 wives at that time.[1]


Muhaqqiq al Hilli has narrated it in al Mutabar[2], Muntaha al Talab[3], and Tadhkirat al Fuqaha[4].

In fact, al Hilli has stated:


يجوز أن يطوف على نسائه و إمائه بغسل واحد مطلقا

It is permissible to have conjugal relations with his wives and slave girls with one ghusl, without any restriction.[5]


He also mentioned:

و لا بأس بتكرار الجماع من غير غسل يتخللها لأنه عليه السلام كان يطوف على نسائه بغسل واحد

There is no problem with having intercourse many times without taking a ghusl in between them since he salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam would have intercourse with his wives and take one ghusl at the end.[6]


Sayyid Muhammad Sa’id al Hakim has related it and mentioned that scholars like al Hilli and others have provided many statements of their scholars as evidence for it.[7]


Next⇒ Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam spoke to a donkey and said to it, “I have named you Ya’fur.”

[1] Al Mabsut vol. 4 pg. 243.

[2] Al Mu’tabar vol. 1 pg. 193.

[3] Muntaha al Talab vol. 1 pg. 89 and 93, vol. 2 pg. 234 and 257.

[4] Tadhkirat al Fuqaha’ vol. 1 pg. 25, vol. 2 pg. 575.

[5] Tadhkirat al Fuqaha’ vol. 2 pg. 577.

[6] Tadhkirat al Fuqaha’ vol. 1 pg. 243; Nihayat al Ahkam vol. 1 pg. 104; al Karaki: Jami’ al Maqasid vol. 12 pg. 24; al Shahid al Thani: Masalik al Afham vol. 7 pg. 35.

[7] Misbah al Minhaj vol. 3 pg. 491.