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إن النبي كلم حمارا فقال له قد سميتك يعفورا
Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam spoke to a donkey and said to it, “I have named you Ya’fur.”
Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentioned it in al Bidayah wa al Nihayah and said, “More than one of the senior Huffaz have rejected it.”
Hafiz Ibn Hajar says, “Ibn Hibban states, ‘It has no basis and its sanad is worthless.’”[1]
Al Dhahabi has stated that the concoctor of this false narration is Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Mazid.[2]
Hafiz Ibn Hajar concurred with him in Lisan al Mizan[3].
Hafiz quoted from Abu Musa that this hadith has no basis, neither its sanad nor its matn (text).[4]
Ibn al Jawzi became enraged at this narration and cussed, “May Allah curse its fabricator.”[5]
Next⇒ The first four that will enter Jannat (Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam told ‘Ali)
[1] Fath al Bari vol. 6 pg. 59; al Majruhin vol. 2 pg. 309.
[2] Mizan al Dhahabi vol. 6 pg. 330.
[3] Lisan al Mizan vol. 5 pg. 376.
[4] Al Isabah vol. 7 pg. 389.
[5] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 6 pg. 330; Lisan al Mizan.
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إن النبي كلم حمارا فقال له قد سميتك يعفورا
Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam spoke to a donkey and said to it, “I have named you Ya’fur.”
Hafiz Ibn Kathir mentioned it in al Bidayah wa al Nihayah and said, “More than one of the senior Huffaz have rejected it.”
Hafiz Ibn Hajar says, “Ibn Hibban states, ‘It has no basis and its sanad is worthless.’”[1]
Al Dhahabi has stated that the concoctor of this false narration is Abu Jafar Muhammad ibn Mazid.[2]
Hafiz Ibn Hajar concurred with him in Lisan al Mizan[3].
Hafiz quoted from Abu Musa that this hadith has no basis, neither its sanad nor its matn (text).[4]
Ibn al Jawzi became enraged at this narration and cussed, “May Allah curse its fabricator.”[5]
Next⇒ The first four that will enter Jannat (Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam told ‘Ali)
[1] Fath al Bari vol. 6 pg. 59; al Majruhin vol. 2 pg. 309.
[2] Mizan al Dhahabi vol. 6 pg. 330.
[3] Lisan al Mizan vol. 5 pg. 376.
[4] Al Isabah vol. 7 pg. 389.
[5] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 6 pg. 330; Lisan al Mizan.