Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam his Rabb in a lush garden, in front of him was a golden spread

Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam his Rabb as if his legs were on a meadow
March 4, 2019
I saw my Rabb at ‘Arafat on a red camel wearing a lower garment
March 4, 2019

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Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam his Rabb in a lush garden, in front of him was a golden spread


عن عبد الله بن أبي سلمة أن عبد الله بن عمر بن الخطاب بعث إلى عبد الله بن العباس يسأله هل رأى محمد ربه فأرسل إليه عبد الله بن العباس أن نعم فرد عليه عبد الله بن عمر رسوله أن كيف رآه قال فأرسل أنه رآه في روضة خضراء دونه فراش من ذهب على كرسي من ذهب يحمله أربعة من الملائكة ملك في صورة رجل و ملك في صورة ثور و ملك في صورة نسر و ملك في صورة أسد

‘Abdullah ibn Abi Salamah reports that ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar ibn al Khattab sent word to ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas asking him if Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saw his Rabb. ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas replied in the affirmative. So ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar send back the messenger to ask how he saw Him. He sent this message back, “He saw him in a lush green garden, before him was a golden mat, sitting on a golden chair carried by four angels. One angel in the form of a human, the second in the form of an ox, the third in the form of an eagle, and the fourth in the form of a lion.”


Ibn Khuziamah did not note any tashih[1], he simply remained silent. Silence is not proof, let alone it being tashih. However, the fraudster silently discarded our scholar’s tad’if of the narration.”

Al Suyuti quotes, “Al Bayhaqi classified it da’if.”[2]

Ibn al Jawzi declared, “This hadith is not sahih. Muhammad ibn Ishaq is the sole narrator. Malik has declared him a liar as well as Hisham ibn ‘Urwah.”[3]

It appears in Kitab al Sunnah of ‘Abdullah ibn al Imam Ahmed, “Its isnad is da’if.”[4]

They dig up unreliable narrations from our rubbish cans to use as evidence against us.


Next⇒ I saw my Rabb at ‘Arafat on a red camel wearing a lower garment

[1] Tashih: Authentication.

[2] Al Durr al Manthur vol. 7 pg. 648.

[3] Chapter on descending. Al ‘Ilal al Mutanahiyah vol. 1 pg. 37.

[4] Kitab al Sunnah vol. 1 pg. 176.

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Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam his Rabb in a lush garden, in front of him was a golden spread


عن عبد الله بن أبي سلمة أن عبد الله بن عمر بن الخطاب بعث إلى عبد الله بن العباس يسأله هل رأى محمد ربه فأرسل إليه عبد الله بن العباس أن نعم فرد عليه عبد الله بن عمر رسوله أن كيف رآه قال فأرسل أنه رآه في روضة خضراء دونه فراش من ذهب على كرسي من ذهب يحمله أربعة من الملائكة ملك في صورة رجل و ملك في صورة ثور و ملك في صورة نسر و ملك في صورة أسد

‘Abdullah ibn Abi Salamah reports that ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar ibn al Khattab sent word to ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas asking him if Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam saw his Rabb. ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Abbas replied in the affirmative. So ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar send back the messenger to ask how he saw Him. He sent this message back, “He saw him in a lush green garden, before him was a golden mat, sitting on a golden chair carried by four angels. One angel in the form of a human, the second in the form of an ox, the third in the form of an eagle, and the fourth in the form of a lion.”


Ibn Khuziamah did not note any tashih[1], he simply remained silent. Silence is not proof, let alone it being tashih. However, the fraudster silently discarded our scholar’s tad’if of the narration.”

Al Suyuti quotes, “Al Bayhaqi classified it da’if.”[2]

Ibn al Jawzi declared, “This hadith is not sahih. Muhammad ibn Ishaq is the sole narrator. Malik has declared him a liar as well as Hisham ibn ‘Urwah.”[3]

It appears in Kitab al Sunnah of ‘Abdullah ibn al Imam Ahmed, “Its isnad is da’if.”[4]

They dig up unreliable narrations from our rubbish cans to use as evidence against us.


Next⇒ I saw my Rabb at ‘Arafat on a red camel wearing a lower garment

[1] Tashih: Authentication.

[2] Al Durr al Manthur vol. 7 pg. 648.

[3] Chapter on descending. Al ‘Ilal al Mutanahiyah vol. 1 pg. 37.

[4] Kitab al Sunnah vol. 1 pg. 176.