Love and appreciation for Abu Bakr is compulsory upon my ummah

 ‘Ali began washing the Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
March 1, 2019
Hassan and Hussain and Imams, whether they stand up or sit down
March 1, 2019

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Love and appreciation for Abu Bakr is compulsory upon my ummah


حب أبي بكر و شكره واجب على أمتي

Love and appreciation for Abu Bakr is compulsory upon my ummah.


Al Khatib reported this in his Tarikh[1] from the chain of ‘Umar ibn Ibrahim al Kurdi and commented, “‘Umar is the sole narrator.”

‘Umar ibn Ibrahim al Kurdi

  • Al Daraqutni remarks, “ Khabith (wretched).”

Al Dhahabi says, “The hadith is extremely munkar.”[2]


Next⇒ Hassan and Hussain and Imams, whether they stand up or sit down

[1] Vol. 5 pg. 453.

[2] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 2 pg. 249.

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Love and appreciation for Abu Bakr is compulsory upon my ummah


حب أبي بكر و شكره واجب على أمتي

Love and appreciation for Abu Bakr is compulsory upon my ummah.


Al Khatib reported this in his Tarikh[1] from the chain of ‘Umar ibn Ibrahim al Kurdi and commented, “‘Umar is the sole narrator.”

‘Umar ibn Ibrahim al Kurdi

  • Al Daraqutni remarks, “ Khabith (wretched).”

Al Dhahabi says, “The hadith is extremely munkar.”[2]


Next⇒ Hassan and Hussain and Imams, whether they stand up or sit down

[1] Vol. 5 pg. 453.

[2] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 2 pg. 249.