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النظر إلى وجه علي عبادة
Looking at the face of ‘Ali is worship
Al Hakim reports it via two chains and classifies both sahih.[1] Al Dhahabi rectifies him saying that both are in fact mawdu’.[2]
Al Suyuti, Mulla ‘Ali Qari, and Ibn al Jawzi declared it mawdu’.[3]
Here is a list of the weak narrators and fabricators who are spreading this batil narration:
Hafiz remarks, “It is a batil hadith.”[11] and he labelled it munkar in al Lisan.[12]
Next⇒ What a beautiful bid’ah this is! (‘Umar’s statement)
[1] Al Mustadrak vol. 3 pg. 140, 141.
[2] Mukhtasar Istidrak vol. 3 pg. 1505.
[3] Al La’ali al Masnu’ah vol. 1 pg. 314; al Asrar al Marfu’ah vol. 1 pg. 371; al Mawdu’at vol. 1 pg. 268.
[4] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 6 pg. 73.
[5] Ibid vol. 6 pg. 445.
[6] Ibid vol. 7 pg. 60.
[7] Ibid vol. 7 pg. 211.
[8] Al Isabah vol. 4 pg. 402.
[9] Vol. 1 pg. 361.
[10] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 9 pg. 119.
[11] Al Isabah vol. 4 pg. 402.
[12] Lisan al Mizan vol. 3 pg. 237.
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النظر إلى وجه علي عبادة
Looking at the face of ‘Ali is worship
Al Hakim reports it via two chains and classifies both sahih.[1] Al Dhahabi rectifies him saying that both are in fact mawdu’.[2]
Al Suyuti, Mulla ‘Ali Qari, and Ibn al Jawzi declared it mawdu’.[3]
Here is a list of the weak narrators and fabricators who are spreading this batil narration:
Hafiz remarks, “It is a batil hadith.”[11] and he labelled it munkar in al Lisan.[12]
Next⇒ What a beautiful bid’ah this is! (‘Umar’s statement)
[1] Al Mustadrak vol. 3 pg. 140, 141.
[2] Mukhtasar Istidrak vol. 3 pg. 1505.
[3] Al La’ali al Masnu’ah vol. 1 pg. 314; al Asrar al Marfu’ah vol. 1 pg. 371; al Mawdu’at vol. 1 pg. 268.
[4] Mizan al I’tidal vol. 6 pg. 73.
[5] Ibid vol. 6 pg. 445.
[6] Ibid vol. 7 pg. 60.
[7] Ibid vol. 7 pg. 211.
[8] Al Isabah vol. 4 pg. 402.
[9] Vol. 1 pg. 361.
[10] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 9 pg. 119.
[11] Al Isabah vol. 4 pg. 402.
[12] Lisan al Mizan vol. 3 pg. 237.