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Khomeini believed that representation of the Imam was true in all aspects besides that of jihad. He says:
في عصر غيبة ولي الأمر وسلطان العصر عجل الله فرجه الشريف يقوم نواب العامه وهم الفقهاء الجامعون لشرائط الفتوى والقضاء في اجراء السياسات وسائر ما للامام عليه السلام الا البداءة في الجهاد
During the occultation of the Imam, may Allah hasten his return, the nobles—i.e. the jurists who fulfil the requirements of issuing verdicts and passing judgments—will represent the public in the execution of policies and in all the workings of the Imam ‘alayh al Salam, besides that of jihad.[1]
NEXT⇒ Khomeini And The Jumu’ah Prayer
[1] Tahrir al Wasilah, vol. 1 pg. 482.