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Khomeini states in mentioning the status of the Imams according to their belief:
فان للامام مقاما محمودا ودرجة سامية وخلافة تكوينية تخضع لولايتها وسيطرتها جميع ذرات هذا الكون
The Imam occupies a glorious station and a supreme place and wields such a delegated authority of genesis that everything in this universe submits to his surpassing glory.[1]
Khomeini further states:
والأئمة الذين لا نتصور فيهم السهو أو الغفلة
We cannot assume mistakes or blunders in relation to the Imams.
This is resigning them to the status of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and removing them from their human qualities.
Khomeini says:
ومن ضروریات مذهبنا أن لأئمتنا مقاما لا يبلغه ملك مقرب ولا نبي مرسل
Part of our doctrine is that our Imams occupy a status that cannot be attained by a lofty Angel or Prophet. [2]
Khomeini extends his extremist fringe views and states regarding the teachings of the Imams:
ان تعاليم الأئمة كتعاليم القرآن يجب تنفيذها واتباعها
The teachings of the Imams is like the teachings of the Qur’an. It is compulsory to implement and follow. [3]
There is consensus on the fact that whosoever holds such beliefs has in fact committed and act of disbelief:
من اعتقد في غير الأنبياء كونه أفضل منهم أو مساو لهم فقد کفر
Whoever believes that anyone besides the Prophets are equal to or more virtuous than them has committed an act of disbelief.[4]
NEXT⇒ Khomeini And Acting On Behalf Of The Infallible Imam
[1] Al Hukumah al Islamiyyah, pg.
[2] Al Hukumah al Islamiyyah, pg. .52
[3] Ibid, pg. 13.
[4] Al Radd ‘ala al Rafidah, pg. 33. (Manuscript)
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Khomeini states in mentioning the status of the Imams according to their belief:
فان للامام مقاما محمودا ودرجة سامية وخلافة تكوينية تخضع لولايتها وسيطرتها جميع ذرات هذا الكون
The Imam occupies a glorious station and a supreme place and wields such a delegated authority of genesis that everything in this universe submits to his surpassing glory.[1]
Khomeini further states:
والأئمة الذين لا نتصور فيهم السهو أو الغفلة
We cannot assume mistakes or blunders in relation to the Imams.
This is resigning them to the status of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala and removing them from their human qualities.
Khomeini says:
ومن ضروریات مذهبنا أن لأئمتنا مقاما لا يبلغه ملك مقرب ولا نبي مرسل
Part of our doctrine is that our Imams occupy a status that cannot be attained by a lofty Angel or Prophet. [2]
Khomeini extends his extremist fringe views and states regarding the teachings of the Imams:
ان تعاليم الأئمة كتعاليم القرآن يجب تنفيذها واتباعها
The teachings of the Imams is like the teachings of the Qur’an. It is compulsory to implement and follow. [3]
There is consensus on the fact that whosoever holds such beliefs has in fact committed and act of disbelief:
من اعتقد في غير الأنبياء كونه أفضل منهم أو مساو لهم فقد کفر
Whoever believes that anyone besides the Prophets are equal to or more virtuous than them has committed an act of disbelief.[4]
NEXT⇒ Khomeini And Acting On Behalf Of The Infallible Imam
[1] Al Hukumah al Islamiyyah, pg.
[2] Al Hukumah al Islamiyyah, pg. .52
[3] Ibid, pg. 13.
[4] Al Radd ‘ala al Rafidah, pg. 33. (Manuscript)