Is there any Solution to Deliver the Shia from their Distress besides the Reformation Movement?

Why is the Shia Opposition unable to overthrow the Shia Religious Authority?
October 19, 2023
Obstacles and Expectations
October 19, 2023

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Is there any Solution to Deliver the Shia from their Distress besides the Reformation Movement?


There is a temporary solution which is salvation from the Ruling Authority; this is hoped by those opposing the Authority ruling over the Shia Imamiyyah in Iran. All opponents are working in their respective ways to attain salvation from this Authority. The Opposition has succeeded on a small or minute scale. Nonetheless, I believe that this Authority which has no connection at all to humaneness in any of its forms or to any of the divine religions in any of its forms, is an odd system and cannot possibly survive for very long. However, I see the problem from a different dimension, i.e., after the toppling of the Authority—and as I said—the Shia remain threatened with danger and annihilation as long as in their depths there are unsound fundamentals which the Jurists and Mujtahids planted falsely and incorrectly. Likewise, I do not consider unlikely the Authority taking up another undertaking in the district, exploiting the naïve and weak in intellect. At this time, it will be the major overwhelming calamity.

Yes, I see myself in a position, it being incumbent upon me to be explicit with the Shia and Ahlus Sunnah the moment I announce this plea. The danger which threatens the Shia is greater than what the Shia and the Islamic world suppose. The danger is directed at the Shia themselves in their own homes before the neighbouring states. I hope that a questioner will not question why I speak of the Shia in this plea and why I do not mention anything about the millions from other Islamic sects who live in the large Shia country, Iran. The purpose of this plea is to address the Shia majority who reside in Iran, where their existence, opportunities, and resources lie. This is what caused the misfortune for itself and the Muslims residing in Iran and out of Iran.

I return to what I was discussing and I here wish to expose and divulge the secret of the great danger to which I indicated earlier: the eight-year war the Shia Religious Authority of Iran waged thereby killing the Shia and others of Iraq, and in this manner establishing that when nationalism clashes with religion, nationalism conquers the latter. Otherwise, the Religious Authority would not have commanded the killing of the Shia of Iraq and destroying the southern cities, which are all Shia cities, with missiles and bombs over the span of eight whole years. When the Authority accepted a ceasefire, it did not accept due a religious, moral, or international reason. Rather, it humbled before the disgusting defeat with which it was afflicted, which the Guardian Jurist referred to as drinking a cup of poison as heard by the world. This means that the basic fundamentals in the Shia faith, according to the formation of the Jurists, approves the repetition of this action. It is very likely to gather forces again and exploit the naïve and the supporters of Wilayat al Faqih to wage a new war, greater in dimensions and graver, to export the Shia revolution, which they call Islamic [deceptively] through Taqiyyah.

The Shia, no matter how great their power and strength, are reckoned a minority in the Islamic world. Their numbers do not exceed ten percent of the Muslims. Overpowering the Islamic Ummah’s spacious and broad volume is an issue the mind finds impossible, and logic as well as the essentials of time and place reject. However, the risk takers who risked the Shia over the span of eight years and risked them in the previous catastrophes[1] across history would be ready to take another risk when they find an available opportunity for them, according to their thinking.

We all know that in wars, flowers are not offered. Rather, lethal weapons talk. Our contemporary history bears testimony that deadly and destructive weapons, chemical and nuclear bombs, and other cause obliteration and annihilation unmatched in human history. I summarise my view in one sentence: Do the Shia wish to test out these destructive weapons upon themselves for the eyeballs of the Guardian Jurists and Mujtahids? Do the Shia wish to be exterminated and annihilated in the path of pleasing this group who used them across history, like a butcher experiments upon the flock?

I hope that the Shia Imamiyyah will allow me to expound on my words with another text. As long as we, the Shia Imamiyyah, believe that we are the only saved sect among the Islamic sects, as long as we hear from Jurists that killing Muslims—whether they are Shia or Sunni in the path of including them in the saved sect—is permitted according to religious belief and the one slain in this path is a martyr who will go to Jannat and be grabbed by the large-eyed damsels from every direction, as long as experience established what I say for the duration of eight complete years and the Islamic world witnessed each day on the television screen, and as long as the rulers over the Shia are the personalities who themselves possess backward, fanatic logic, whose leader would say, “If we are victorious, we are victorious. And if we are defeated, we are also victorious,” the least that can possibly be said about them is that they are criminals of war and an extension of the nationalism with which we suffered what we suffered.

As long as the Commander of the Armed Forces of this Authority addresses the Guardian Jurist with the words, “If you told us that this watermelon, half of it is permissible and half is impermissible, we would eat the permissible half and avoid the forbidden half,” as long as there is a large group that claps and agrees to this type of speech and does not ever reflect that had this been uttered by the commander and military leader in a civilised democratic land, he would, in one moment, land up in a mad hospital, and as long as there is a large group representing the group that mourned Amphasis upon his death, the danger of involving the Shia in a great hazard is imminent. It is the threat which will have the extermination of the Shia and a large number from other Islamic sects. Indeed, it is dreadful and frightening, truly. From here, I only see a single solution to stop this danger which might encompass us the Shia Imamiyyah, before others, or more explicitly, encompass all the Islamic sects. If you intend the correct expression, the danger that will encompass Islam and the Muslims wherever they are found.

This solution will materialise through one measure: awakening the Shia to recognise the innovations through the medium of which it accepted to endure the misfortunes it incurred upon itself and other Muslim brethren. It is not possible for this to happen except when the call to Reformation reaches those who have been misguided by the Guardian Jurists and the Religious Ruling Authority. Thereupon, we may give the calamities which befell the Shia in the shade of Wilayat al Faqih their true dimensions and expose them, as we said, in their Shia capacity.

What is your opinion when the Ruling Authority executed, on the day of ceasefire in its war with the Shia of Iraq, a few thousand Shia political prisoners in Shia Iranian jails? Every international news channel covered this heartbreaking tragedy, and international marches occurred which the Shia and non-Shia Opposition organised. Among those executed were hundreds of young girls, hundreds of the aged, and hundreds of wounded; and many of them had completed their sentences and were on their way out of prison. Suddenly, the Guardian Jurist wished to take revenge for his defeat in the war with these prisoners, fettered with chains and collars, so he commanded their execution. He implemented the verdict of their execution within a week and did not have mercy on a single one of them. With all of this, the Shia of Iran learnt of this disastrous news and faced the greatest massacre in Shia history with great listlessness. Why?

This is because the Opposition did not portray the genocide in its true sense. The mass slaughter was not described as the killing of a couple of thousands of Shia; elderly, youth, adolescent and non-adolescent females, at the hands of the Shia Religious Authority and at the command of the Shia Guardian Jurist. Rather, it described those killed at the hands of the Authority as political opponents, martyrs; the Authority described them as hypocrites. The hearts of the Shia loyal to the Ruling Authority were not moved by such a bloodbath.

Among these Shia are the Shia of the world who are loyal to the Ruling Authority in Iran. So why were their feelings not stirred at this catastrophe? Since it, in their sight, was an Iranian national catastrophe, nothing more. As if it is beyond the domain of the religion they believe in. Had they heard, kept in mind, and realised that these prisoners whom the Ruling Authority executed were Shia like them—praying on the Hussaini sand in their prayers and saying ‘I testify that ‘Ali is the Wali of Allah’ in their Adhan—the Shia of the world would have broken through their frightening silence over what happened to their brethren in Iran and changed their stance towards the Ruling Authority.

Here, I deem it necessary to disclose some aspects which the Shia from other nationalities need to be aware of and comprehend so that they realise that when I speak of the danger encompassing the Shia at the hands of the Religious Authority, I am not speaking haphazardly. Instead, I determine that the Shia Religious Authority in Iran is led by racism and ethnocentrism in their dealing with non-Iranian Shia and intend to make them the ram of sacrifice for the Iranian Shia.

The Ruling Authority in Iran, during its Shia war, sent a delegation to Pakistan seeking from its prime minister, the deceased Diya’ al Haqq, authorisation for the participation of volunteers from the Shia of Pakistan in the war, to take their positions at the head of the Shia Revolutionary Guards. However, Diya’ al Haqq refused this request. On another occasion, the Shia leadership in Iran commanded the mobilisation of all Iraqi Shia refugees in Iran and dispatching them in various directions of fighting and placing them at the head of the Revolutionary Guards. When one of the leaders objected to this, he was told with arrogance and sternness, “Certainly, you, people of Kufah, killed Imam Hussain. The time has come to expiate this with your self-sacrifice in promoting the Shia creed.”

I do not know whether the Shia know of this. This Terrorist Authority governs the Shia and warns the world of terrorists—whom they hire and pay large amounts of money to and then warn America, France, and England of, thus collecting taxes from these countries; why did it not utilise the services of a single terrorist from the Shia of Iran for its motives? Rather, all of them are from the Shia who do not affiliate with the Iranian nation in any way. They are Kuwaiti Shia, Lebanese Shia, Pakistani Shia, or Iraqi Shia. Where are the Iranian Shia in this huge list? Why does the Shia Ruling Authority not use a single Iranian Shia for their despicable motives? Is this not clear proof that the Religious Ruling Authority in Shia Iran is a Religious Ethnocentric Authority; when the religion is at loggerheads with ethnicity, ethnicity is given superiority over religion and all ethnicities are annihilated in its path. Do the Shia of the world wish to sacrifice themselves for the ambitions of the Iranian Shia leadership? O Allah, I have indeed conveyed [the message].

The Shia world witnessed the greatest comedy in the history of the Shia Ummah, when the council of experts [majles-e khobregân] made up of a hundred or more Jurists chose a man [Khamenei] for the Shia leadership, all the virtue and knowledge he possessed [set aside], on the basis that he was an obedient servant of the Guardian Jurist [Khomeini] for the duration of eight years of his rule, and he would recite taziyah (consolation) beautifully in gatherings of mourning. The Religious Leadership has reached this ebb of impoverishment; every bankrupt person haggles for it. The Mujtahids and Jurists—who know that they are more suitable and fitting to take up this position—remained silent. Instead, they blessed such religious unethical confusion in word and action coming forth from the Jurists so that the Religious Leadership may continue running in its tyrannical form for a while. This means that the Shia have become like a ball, kicked around and tossed from pillar to post. All of this so that the religious game continues according to the understanding of the Shia and those holding the reins of power over them; while the hours of the night and periods of the day are destroyed.

From here I go on to state: Indeed, reformation and restoration of the Shia belief to the Shi’ism which prevailed in the era of the Imams, i.e. adhering to the Fiqhi school of Imam al Sadiq and returning to the era of Prophethood and what the pious predecessors were upon, is definitely the best guarantee to ensure that the tragedies that befell the Shia do not repeat ever again, and so that criminal midgets do not become courageous to rule over the Shia with fire and iron or with beliefs and innovations crueler and worse than fire and iron.


NEXT⇒ Obstacles and Expectations

[1] Refer to the book: ‘Aqidat al Shia al Imamiyyah fi ‘Asr al A’immah wa Ba’dahum.

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Is there any Solution to Deliver the Shia from their Distress besides the Reformation Movement?


There is a temporary solution which is salvation from the Ruling Authority; this is hoped by those opposing the Authority ruling over the Shia Imamiyyah in Iran. All opponents are working in their respective ways to attain salvation from this Authority. The Opposition has succeeded on a small or minute scale. Nonetheless, I believe that this Authority which has no connection at all to humaneness in any of its forms or to any of the divine religions in any of its forms, is an odd system and cannot possibly survive for very long. However, I see the problem from a different dimension, i.e., after the toppling of the Authority—and as I said—the Shia remain threatened with danger and annihilation as long as in their depths there are unsound fundamentals which the Jurists and Mujtahids planted falsely and incorrectly. Likewise, I do not consider unlikely the Authority taking up another undertaking in the district, exploiting the naïve and weak in intellect. At this time, it will be the major overwhelming calamity.

Yes, I see myself in a position, it being incumbent upon me to be explicit with the Shia and Ahlus Sunnah the moment I announce this plea. The danger which threatens the Shia is greater than what the Shia and the Islamic world suppose. The danger is directed at the Shia themselves in their own homes before the neighbouring states. I hope that a questioner will not question why I speak of the Shia in this plea and why I do not mention anything about the millions from other Islamic sects who live in the large Shia country, Iran. The purpose of this plea is to address the Shia majority who reside in Iran, where their existence, opportunities, and resources lie. This is what caused the misfortune for itself and the Muslims residing in Iran and out of Iran.

I return to what I was discussing and I here wish to expose and divulge the secret of the great danger to which I indicated earlier: the eight-year war the Shia Religious Authority of Iran waged thereby killing the Shia and others of Iraq, and in this manner establishing that when nationalism clashes with religion, nationalism conquers the latter. Otherwise, the Religious Authority would not have commanded the killing of the Shia of Iraq and destroying the southern cities, which are all Shia cities, with missiles and bombs over the span of eight whole years. When the Authority accepted a ceasefire, it did not accept due a religious, moral, or international reason. Rather, it humbled before the disgusting defeat with which it was afflicted, which the Guardian Jurist referred to as drinking a cup of poison as heard by the world. This means that the basic fundamentals in the Shia faith, according to the formation of the Jurists, approves the repetition of this action. It is very likely to gather forces again and exploit the naïve and the supporters of Wilayat al Faqih to wage a new war, greater in dimensions and graver, to export the Shia revolution, which they call Islamic [deceptively] through Taqiyyah.

The Shia, no matter how great their power and strength, are reckoned a minority in the Islamic world. Their numbers do not exceed ten percent of the Muslims. Overpowering the Islamic Ummah’s spacious and broad volume is an issue the mind finds impossible, and logic as well as the essentials of time and place reject. However, the risk takers who risked the Shia over the span of eight years and risked them in the previous catastrophes[1] across history would be ready to take another risk when they find an available opportunity for them, according to their thinking.

We all know that in wars, flowers are not offered. Rather, lethal weapons talk. Our contemporary history bears testimony that deadly and destructive weapons, chemical and nuclear bombs, and other cause obliteration and annihilation unmatched in human history. I summarise my view in one sentence: Do the Shia wish to test out these destructive weapons upon themselves for the eyeballs of the Guardian Jurists and Mujtahids? Do the Shia wish to be exterminated and annihilated in the path of pleasing this group who used them across history, like a butcher experiments upon the flock?

I hope that the Shia Imamiyyah will allow me to expound on my words with another text. As long as we, the Shia Imamiyyah, believe that we are the only saved sect among the Islamic sects, as long as we hear from Jurists that killing Muslims—whether they are Shia or Sunni in the path of including them in the saved sect—is permitted according to religious belief and the one slain in this path is a martyr who will go to Jannat and be grabbed by the large-eyed damsels from every direction, as long as experience established what I say for the duration of eight complete years and the Islamic world witnessed each day on the television screen, and as long as the rulers over the Shia are the personalities who themselves possess backward, fanatic logic, whose leader would say, “If we are victorious, we are victorious. And if we are defeated, we are also victorious,” the least that can possibly be said about them is that they are criminals of war and an extension of the nationalism with which we suffered what we suffered.

As long as the Commander of the Armed Forces of this Authority addresses the Guardian Jurist with the words, “If you told us that this watermelon, half of it is permissible and half is impermissible, we would eat the permissible half and avoid the forbidden half,” as long as there is a large group that claps and agrees to this type of speech and does not ever reflect that had this been uttered by the commander and military leader in a civilised democratic land, he would, in one moment, land up in a mad hospital, and as long as there is a large group representing the group that mourned Amphasis upon his death, the danger of involving the Shia in a great hazard is imminent. It is the threat which will have the extermination of the Shia and a large number from other Islamic sects. Indeed, it is dreadful and frightening, truly. From here, I only see a single solution to stop this danger which might encompass us the Shia Imamiyyah, before others, or more explicitly, encompass all the Islamic sects. If you intend the correct expression, the danger that will encompass Islam and the Muslims wherever they are found.

This solution will materialise through one measure: awakening the Shia to recognise the innovations through the medium of which it accepted to endure the misfortunes it incurred upon itself and other Muslim brethren. It is not possible for this to happen except when the call to Reformation reaches those who have been misguided by the Guardian Jurists and the Religious Ruling Authority. Thereupon, we may give the calamities which befell the Shia in the shade of Wilayat al Faqih their true dimensions and expose them, as we said, in their Shia capacity.

What is your opinion when the Ruling Authority executed, on the day of ceasefire in its war with the Shia of Iraq, a few thousand Shia political prisoners in Shia Iranian jails? Every international news channel covered this heartbreaking tragedy, and international marches occurred which the Shia and non-Shia Opposition organised. Among those executed were hundreds of young girls, hundreds of the aged, and hundreds of wounded; and many of them had completed their sentences and were on their way out of prison. Suddenly, the Guardian Jurist wished to take revenge for his defeat in the war with these prisoners, fettered with chains and collars, so he commanded their execution. He implemented the verdict of their execution within a week and did not have mercy on a single one of them. With all of this, the Shia of Iran learnt of this disastrous news and faced the greatest massacre in Shia history with great listlessness. Why?

This is because the Opposition did not portray the genocide in its true sense. The mass slaughter was not described as the killing of a couple of thousands of Shia; elderly, youth, adolescent and non-adolescent females, at the hands of the Shia Religious Authority and at the command of the Shia Guardian Jurist. Rather, it described those killed at the hands of the Authority as political opponents, martyrs; the Authority described them as hypocrites. The hearts of the Shia loyal to the Ruling Authority were not moved by such a bloodbath.

Among these Shia are the Shia of the world who are loyal to the Ruling Authority in Iran. So why were their feelings not stirred at this catastrophe? Since it, in their sight, was an Iranian national catastrophe, nothing more. As if it is beyond the domain of the religion they believe in. Had they heard, kept in mind, and realised that these prisoners whom the Ruling Authority executed were Shia like them—praying on the Hussaini sand in their prayers and saying ‘I testify that ‘Ali is the Wali of Allah’ in their Adhan—the Shia of the world would have broken through their frightening silence over what happened to their brethren in Iran and changed their stance towards the Ruling Authority.

Here, I deem it necessary to disclose some aspects which the Shia from other nationalities need to be aware of and comprehend so that they realise that when I speak of the danger encompassing the Shia at the hands of the Religious Authority, I am not speaking haphazardly. Instead, I determine that the Shia Religious Authority in Iran is led by racism and ethnocentrism in their dealing with non-Iranian Shia and intend to make them the ram of sacrifice for the Iranian Shia.

The Ruling Authority in Iran, during its Shia war, sent a delegation to Pakistan seeking from its prime minister, the deceased Diya’ al Haqq, authorisation for the participation of volunteers from the Shia of Pakistan in the war, to take their positions at the head of the Shia Revolutionary Guards. However, Diya’ al Haqq refused this request. On another occasion, the Shia leadership in Iran commanded the mobilisation of all Iraqi Shia refugees in Iran and dispatching them in various directions of fighting and placing them at the head of the Revolutionary Guards. When one of the leaders objected to this, he was told with arrogance and sternness, “Certainly, you, people of Kufah, killed Imam Hussain. The time has come to expiate this with your self-sacrifice in promoting the Shia creed.”

I do not know whether the Shia know of this. This Terrorist Authority governs the Shia and warns the world of terrorists—whom they hire and pay large amounts of money to and then warn America, France, and England of, thus collecting taxes from these countries; why did it not utilise the services of a single terrorist from the Shia of Iran for its motives? Rather, all of them are from the Shia who do not affiliate with the Iranian nation in any way. They are Kuwaiti Shia, Lebanese Shia, Pakistani Shia, or Iraqi Shia. Where are the Iranian Shia in this huge list? Why does the Shia Ruling Authority not use a single Iranian Shia for their despicable motives? Is this not clear proof that the Religious Ruling Authority in Shia Iran is a Religious Ethnocentric Authority; when the religion is at loggerheads with ethnicity, ethnicity is given superiority over religion and all ethnicities are annihilated in its path. Do the Shia of the world wish to sacrifice themselves for the ambitions of the Iranian Shia leadership? O Allah, I have indeed conveyed [the message].

The Shia world witnessed the greatest comedy in the history of the Shia Ummah, when the council of experts [majles-e khobregân] made up of a hundred or more Jurists chose a man [Khamenei] for the Shia leadership, all the virtue and knowledge he possessed [set aside], on the basis that he was an obedient servant of the Guardian Jurist [Khomeini] for the duration of eight years of his rule, and he would recite taziyah (consolation) beautifully in gatherings of mourning. The Religious Leadership has reached this ebb of impoverishment; every bankrupt person haggles for it. The Mujtahids and Jurists—who know that they are more suitable and fitting to take up this position—remained silent. Instead, they blessed such religious unethical confusion in word and action coming forth from the Jurists so that the Religious Leadership may continue running in its tyrannical form for a while. This means that the Shia have become like a ball, kicked around and tossed from pillar to post. All of this so that the religious game continues according to the understanding of the Shia and those holding the reins of power over them; while the hours of the night and periods of the day are destroyed.

From here I go on to state: Indeed, reformation and restoration of the Shia belief to the Shi’ism which prevailed in the era of the Imams, i.e. adhering to the Fiqhi school of Imam al Sadiq and returning to the era of Prophethood and what the pious predecessors were upon, is definitely the best guarantee to ensure that the tragedies that befell the Shia do not repeat ever again, and so that criminal midgets do not become courageous to rule over the Shia with fire and iron or with beliefs and innovations crueler and worse than fire and iron.


NEXT⇒ Obstacles and Expectations

[1] Refer to the book: ‘Aqidat al Shia al Imamiyyah fi ‘Asr al A’immah wa Ba’dahum.