I saw in the era of ignorance a female monkey who had committed adultery being stoned

I saw inscribed on the door of Jannat: There is no deity besides Allah; Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; ‘Ali is the brother of Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
March 4, 2019
I saw inscribed on the leg of the ‘Arsh: I supported him and assisted him with ‘Ali
March 4, 2019

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I saw in the era of ignorance a female monkey who had committed adultery being stoned


رأيت في الجاهلية قردة قد زنت فرجموها

I saw in the era of ignorance a female monkey who had committed adultery being stoned (by the other monkeys).


A Sahabi reports what he saw in the days of ignorance. There is no problem with that especially when it is what he thinks. It appears in a narration that he saw a male and female monkey mating. Another male monkey came and took her from him. Thereafter, many other monkeys gathered and stoned both of them. This is the gist of the incident which he supposed to be stoning due to adultery. He did not report this incident from Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Had Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam related it and the sanad been sahih, we would have accepted it. We have believed him in much greater things.

If this story is correct, it proves that monkeys are cleaner than swine. The Rawafid’s practice of lending the female private organ is very similar to the practice of swine.

فقد روى الطوسي عن محمد عن أبي جعفر قال قلت الرجل يحل لأخيه فرج قال نعم لا بأس به له ما أحل له منها

Al Tusi reports from Muhammad ibn Abi Jafar:

I said, “A man permits his wife’s private organ for his brother.”

He replied, “Yes, there is no sin in this. Whatever section of hers he permits for him is permissible for him.”[1]


عن أبي الحسن الطارئ أنه سأل أبا عبد الله عن عارية الفرج فقال لا بأس به

Abu al Hassan al Tari’ reports that he asked Abu ‘Abdullah regarding lending the female private organ. He replied, “There is no problem with that.”[2]


Next⇒ I saw inscribed on the leg of the ‘Arsh: I supported him and assisted him with ‘Ali

[1] Kitab al Istibsar vol. 3 pg. 136.

[2] Ibid vol. 3 pg. 141.

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I saw in the era of ignorance a female monkey who had committed adultery being stoned


رأيت في الجاهلية قردة قد زنت فرجموها

I saw in the era of ignorance a female monkey who had committed adultery being stoned (by the other monkeys).


A Sahabi reports what he saw in the days of ignorance. There is no problem with that especially when it is what he thinks. It appears in a narration that he saw a male and female monkey mating. Another male monkey came and took her from him. Thereafter, many other monkeys gathered and stoned both of them. This is the gist of the incident which he supposed to be stoning due to adultery. He did not report this incident from Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Had Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam related it and the sanad been sahih, we would have accepted it. We have believed him in much greater things.

If this story is correct, it proves that monkeys are cleaner than swine. The Rawafid’s practice of lending the female private organ is very similar to the practice of swine.

فقد روى الطوسي عن محمد عن أبي جعفر قال قلت الرجل يحل لأخيه فرج قال نعم لا بأس به له ما أحل له منها

Al Tusi reports from Muhammad ibn Abi Jafar:

I said, “A man permits his wife’s private organ for his brother.”

He replied, “Yes, there is no sin in this. Whatever section of hers he permits for him is permissible for him.”[1]


عن أبي الحسن الطارئ أنه سأل أبا عبد الله عن عارية الفرج فقال لا بأس به

Abu al Hassan al Tari’ reports that he asked Abu ‘Abdullah regarding lending the female private organ. He replied, “There is no problem with that.”[2]


Next⇒ I saw inscribed on the leg of the ‘Arsh: I supported him and assisted him with ‘Ali

[1] Kitab al Istibsar vol. 3 pg. 136.

[2] Ibid vol. 3 pg. 141.