Hadith 214: The example of Abu Bakr al Siddiq is like milk in its purity. ……

Hadith 213: The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said to us one day, “Do you know what is inscribed on the ‘Arsh? (The following words are) inscribed: ‘La ilah illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, Abu Bakr al Siddiq, ‘Umar al Faruq, ‘Uthman al Shahid, ‘Ali al Rida.’
February 5, 2019
Hadith 215: Whoever curses al Siddiq (i.e. Abu Bakr), he is a zindiq. Whoever curses ‘Umar, his abode is the Fire. Whoever curses ‘Uthman, his adversary is al Rahman. Whoever curses ‘Ali, his adversary is the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.
February 5, 2019

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Hadith 214

مثل أبي بكر الصديق مثل اللبن في الصفاء، ومثل عمر كالماء الزلال، نزل من السماء، ومثل عثمان كمثل العسل، ومثل علي كمثل الخمر لذة للشاربين، وهذه أربعة أنهار لأهل الجنة.

The example of Abu Bakr al Siddiq is like milk in its purity. The example of ‘Umar is that of pure fresh water, it descends from the sky. The example of ‘Uthman is like honey. The example of ‘Ali is that of alcohol, delicious to those who drink. These are four rivers for the inhabitants of Jannat.


Al Daylami narrates this hadith — from Mansur ibn ‘Abdullah al Harawi — Zakariyya ibn Yahya al Dimashqi narrated to us — al Hassan ibn ‘Abdul A’la al San’ani narrated to us — ‘Abdul Razzaq narrated to us — from Ma’mar — from Ayub — from ‘Ikrimah — from Ibn ‘Abbas who said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam…”[1]

This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated).

Abu Sa’d al Idrisi says that Mansur ibn ‘Abdullah al Harawi is a kadhdhab (liar) who cannot be depended upon.[2]

Ibn ‘Iraq also mentions this hadith in his work on fabrications.[3]


NEXT⇒ Hadith 215

[1] Al Suyuti: al Ziyadat ‘ala al Mawdu’at, 1/227.

[2] Al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 4/185; Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 6/96.

[3] Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/389.

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Hadith 214

مثل أبي بكر الصديق مثل اللبن في الصفاء، ومثل عمر كالماء الزلال، نزل من السماء، ومثل عثمان كمثل العسل، ومثل علي كمثل الخمر لذة للشاربين، وهذه أربعة أنهار لأهل الجنة.

The example of Abu Bakr al Siddiq is like milk in its purity. The example of ‘Umar is that of pure fresh water, it descends from the sky. The example of ‘Uthman is like honey. The example of ‘Ali is that of alcohol, delicious to those who drink. These are four rivers for the inhabitants of Jannat.


Al Daylami narrates this hadith — from Mansur ibn ‘Abdullah al Harawi — Zakariyya ibn Yahya al Dimashqi narrated to us — al Hassan ibn ‘Abdul A’la al San’ani narrated to us — ‘Abdul Razzaq narrated to us — from Ma’mar — from Ayub — from ‘Ikrimah — from Ibn ‘Abbas who said, “I heard the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam…”[1]

This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated).

Abu Sa’d al Idrisi says that Mansur ibn ‘Abdullah al Harawi is a kadhdhab (liar) who cannot be depended upon.[2]

Ibn ‘Iraq also mentions this hadith in his work on fabrications.[3]


NEXT⇒ Hadith 215

[1] Al Suyuti: al Ziyadat ‘ala al Mawdu’at, 1/227.

[2] Al Dhahabi: Mizan al I’tidal, 4/185; Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 6/96.

[3] Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/389.