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لو أن عبدا عبد الله مثل ما أقام نوح في قومه، وكان له مثل أحد ذهبا، فأنفقه في سبيل الله، ومد في عمره حتى يحج ألف عام على قدميه، ثم قتل بين الصفا والمروة مظلوما، ثم لم يوالك يا علي، لم يشم رائحة الجنة، ولم يدخلها.
If a servant worships Allah similar to (how long) Nuh remained (inviting) his people, and he had the likes of Mount Uhud in gold that he spent in the path of Allah, and his lifespan was expanded such that he performed Hajj for a thousand years by feet and then subsequently he was killed unjustly between al Safa and al Marwah, and thereafter he does not support you, O ‘Ali, he will not smell the fragrance of Jannat, nor will he enter it.
Al Daylami narrates this hadith — from Muhammad ibn Sahl al ‘Attar — ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad al Balawi — Ibrahim ibn ‘Ubaidullah narrated to us — from his father — from Zaid ibn ‘Ali ibn al Hussain — from his father — from his grandfather who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”
Al Suyuti mentions this hadith in his work on fabrications.[1]
The hadith is also mentioned by al Daylami in Musnad al Firdaws without a chain of transmission.[2]
It is a mawdu’ (fabricated) hadith. The chain of transmission contains the following defects:
Both Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn ‘Iraq ruled this hadith to be a lie.[3]
[1] Al Suyuti: al Ziyadat ‘ala al Mawdu’at, 1/259.
[2] Al Daylami: Musnad al Firdaws, 3/5103.
[3] Ibn Taymiyyah: Minhaj al Sunnah, 5/37-42; Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/398.
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لو أن عبدا عبد الله مثل ما أقام نوح في قومه، وكان له مثل أحد ذهبا، فأنفقه في سبيل الله، ومد في عمره حتى يحج ألف عام على قدميه، ثم قتل بين الصفا والمروة مظلوما، ثم لم يوالك يا علي، لم يشم رائحة الجنة، ولم يدخلها.
If a servant worships Allah similar to (how long) Nuh remained (inviting) his people, and he had the likes of Mount Uhud in gold that he spent in the path of Allah, and his lifespan was expanded such that he performed Hajj for a thousand years by feet and then subsequently he was killed unjustly between al Safa and al Marwah, and thereafter he does not support you, O ‘Ali, he will not smell the fragrance of Jannat, nor will he enter it.
Al Daylami narrates this hadith — from Muhammad ibn Sahl al ‘Attar — ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad al Balawi — Ibrahim ibn ‘Ubaidullah narrated to us — from his father — from Zaid ibn ‘Ali ibn al Hussain — from his father — from his grandfather who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”
Al Suyuti mentions this hadith in his work on fabrications.[1]
The hadith is also mentioned by al Daylami in Musnad al Firdaws without a chain of transmission.[2]
It is a mawdu’ (fabricated) hadith. The chain of transmission contains the following defects:
Both Ibn Taymiyyah and Ibn ‘Iraq ruled this hadith to be a lie.[3]
[1] Al Suyuti: al Ziyadat ‘ala al Mawdu’at, 1/259.
[2] Al Daylami: Musnad al Firdaws, 3/5103.
[3] Ibn Taymiyyah: Minhaj al Sunnah, 5/37-42; Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/398.