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دخلت على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو نائم، أو يوحى إليه، وإذا حية في جانب البيت، فكرهت أن أقتلها فأوقظه، فاضطجعت بينه وبين الحية، فإن كان شيء، كان بي دونه، فاستيقظ وهو يتلو هذه الآية: إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ ٱللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُۥ وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ [المائدة: 55 ] الآية، قال: الحمد لله. فرآني إلى جانبه، فقال: ما أضجعك ههنا؟ قلت: لمكان هذه الحية، قال: قم إليها فاقتلها. فقتلتها، فحمد الله، ثم أخذ بيدي، فقال: يا أبا رافع، سيكون بعدي قوم يقاتلون عليا، حقا على الله جهادهم، فمن لم يستطع جهادهم بيده فبلسانه، فمن لم يستطع بلسانه فبقلبه، ليس وراء ذلك شيء.
(Abu Rafi’ said,) “I entered the presence of the Messenger of Allah while he was asleep, or wahi (revelation) was descending upon him. Suddenly, there appeared a snake in the house. I was averse to killing it for fear that I would wake up the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. I lie down between him and the snake; if something happened, I would be there in-between him (to protect him). The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam woke up and he was reciting the verse, ‘Your ally is none but Allah and [therefore] His Messenger and those who have believed…’[1] He said, ‘AlhamduliLlah.’ He saw me next to him and said, ‘What makes you lie down here?’ I said, ‘Because of where this snake is positioned.’ He said, ‘Stand before it and kill it.’ And so I killed it. The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam praised Allah and then took my hand and said, ‘O Abu Rafi’, there will be a group of people after me who will fight ‘Ali; incumbent upon Allah is to wage jihad against them. Whoever is unable to wage jihad against them with his hand should do so with his tongue. And whoever is unable to do so with his tongue should do so with his heart. There is nothing beyond that.’”
Al Tabarani narrates (and Abu Nuaim in a similar manner) this hadith — Muhammad ibn ‘Uthman ibn Abi Shaybah narrated to us — Yahya ibn al Hassan ibn Furat narrated to us — ‘Ali ibn Hashim narrated to us — from Muhammad ibn ‘Ubaidullah ibn Abi Rafi’ — ‘Awn ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Abi Rafi’ narrated to us — from his father — from his grandfather, Abu Rafi’…[2]
This chain of transmission is saqit (wholly unreliable). It contains the following (defects):
Al Albani said that this hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated).[3]
[1] Surah al Maʾidah: 55.
[2] Al Tabarani: al Mujam al Kabir, 1/955.
[3] Al Albani: Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah, 10/4910.
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دخلت على رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وهو نائم، أو يوحى إليه، وإذا حية في جانب البيت، فكرهت أن أقتلها فأوقظه، فاضطجعت بينه وبين الحية، فإن كان شيء، كان بي دونه، فاستيقظ وهو يتلو هذه الآية: إِنَّمَا وَلِيُّكُمُ ٱللَّهُ وَرَسُولُهُۥ وَٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ [المائدة: 55 ] الآية، قال: الحمد لله. فرآني إلى جانبه، فقال: ما أضجعك ههنا؟ قلت: لمكان هذه الحية، قال: قم إليها فاقتلها. فقتلتها، فحمد الله، ثم أخذ بيدي، فقال: يا أبا رافع، سيكون بعدي قوم يقاتلون عليا، حقا على الله جهادهم، فمن لم يستطع جهادهم بيده فبلسانه، فمن لم يستطع بلسانه فبقلبه، ليس وراء ذلك شيء.
(Abu Rafi’ said,) “I entered the presence of the Messenger of Allah while he was asleep, or wahi (revelation) was descending upon him. Suddenly, there appeared a snake in the house. I was averse to killing it for fear that I would wake up the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. I lie down between him and the snake; if something happened, I would be there in-between him (to protect him). The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam woke up and he was reciting the verse, ‘Your ally is none but Allah and [therefore] His Messenger and those who have believed…’[1] He said, ‘AlhamduliLlah.’ He saw me next to him and said, ‘What makes you lie down here?’ I said, ‘Because of where this snake is positioned.’ He said, ‘Stand before it and kill it.’ And so I killed it. The Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam praised Allah and then took my hand and said, ‘O Abu Rafi’, there will be a group of people after me who will fight ‘Ali; incumbent upon Allah is to wage jihad against them. Whoever is unable to wage jihad against them with his hand should do so with his tongue. And whoever is unable to do so with his tongue should do so with his heart. There is nothing beyond that.’”
Al Tabarani narrates (and Abu Nuaim in a similar manner) this hadith — Muhammad ibn ‘Uthman ibn Abi Shaybah narrated to us — Yahya ibn al Hassan ibn Furat narrated to us — ‘Ali ibn Hashim narrated to us — from Muhammad ibn ‘Ubaidullah ibn Abi Rafi’ — ‘Awn ibn ‘Abdullah ibn Abi Rafi’ narrated to us — from his father — from his grandfather, Abu Rafi’…[2]
This chain of transmission is saqit (wholly unreliable). It contains the following (defects):
Al Albani said that this hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated).[3]
[1] Surah al Maʾidah: 55.
[2] Al Tabarani: al Mujam al Kabir, 1/955.
[3] Al Albani: Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah, 10/4910.