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أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان بعرفة، وعلي تجاهه، فقال: يا علي، ادن مني، ضع خمسك في خمسي، يا علي خلقت أنا وأنت من شجرة، أنا أصلها، وأنت فرعها، والحسن والحسين أغصانها، من تعلق بغصن منها، أدخله الله الجنة.
زاد ابن زاطيا: يا علي لو أن أمتي صاموا حتى يكونوا كالأوتار، ثم أبغضوك، لأكبهم الله عز وجل على وجوههم في النار.
Verily the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was on ‘Arafah and ‘Ali was in front of him. He said, “O ‘Ali, come close to me; place your five (fingers) in my five (fingers). O ‘Ali, you and I were created from a tree, I am its root and you are its branch. Al Hassan and al Hussain are its twigs. Whoever holds to a branch from the tree, Allah will enter him into Jannat.”
Ibn Zatiya added, “O ‘Ali, if my Ummah fasted such that they (eventually) became (thin) like strings, and then they displayed hatred towards you, Allah will drag them face-first in the Fire (of Jahannam).”
Ibn ‘Adi narrates this hadith — Al Hinnaʾi and ‘Ali ibn Ishaq ibn Zatiya narrated to us — ‘Uthman ibn ‘Abdullah al Shami narrated to us — Ibn Lahi’ah informed us — from Abu al Zubair — from Jabir…[1]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated). Ibn ‘Adi ruled it a fabrication.
‘Uthman al Shami is accused of fabricating hadith.[2]
Al Suyuti mentions this hadith in his work on fabrications.[3]
[1] Ibn ‘Adi: al Kamil, 5/177.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 4/143; Burhan al Din al Halabi: al Kashf al Hathith, p. 179.
[3] Al Suyuti: al Ziyadat ‘ala al Mawdu’at, 1/264.
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أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم كان بعرفة، وعلي تجاهه، فقال: يا علي، ادن مني، ضع خمسك في خمسي، يا علي خلقت أنا وأنت من شجرة، أنا أصلها، وأنت فرعها، والحسن والحسين أغصانها، من تعلق بغصن منها، أدخله الله الجنة.
زاد ابن زاطيا: يا علي لو أن أمتي صاموا حتى يكونوا كالأوتار، ثم أبغضوك، لأكبهم الله عز وجل على وجوههم في النار.
Verily the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam was on ‘Arafah and ‘Ali was in front of him. He said, “O ‘Ali, come close to me; place your five (fingers) in my five (fingers). O ‘Ali, you and I were created from a tree, I am its root and you are its branch. Al Hassan and al Hussain are its twigs. Whoever holds to a branch from the tree, Allah will enter him into Jannat.”
Ibn Zatiya added, “O ‘Ali, if my Ummah fasted such that they (eventually) became (thin) like strings, and then they displayed hatred towards you, Allah will drag them face-first in the Fire (of Jahannam).”
Ibn ‘Adi narrates this hadith — Al Hinnaʾi and ‘Ali ibn Ishaq ibn Zatiya narrated to us — ‘Uthman ibn ‘Abdullah al Shami narrated to us — Ibn Lahi’ah informed us — from Abu al Zubair — from Jabir…[1]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated). Ibn ‘Adi ruled it a fabrication.
‘Uthman al Shami is accused of fabricating hadith.[2]
Al Suyuti mentions this hadith in his work on fabrications.[3]
[1] Ibn ‘Adi: al Kamil, 5/177.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 4/143; Burhan al Din al Halabi: al Kashf al Hathith, p. 179.
[3] Al Suyuti: al Ziyadat ‘ala al Mawdu’at, 1/264.