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مرض الحسن والحسين رضي الله عنهما، فعادهما رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأبو بكر وعمر، فقال عمر لعلي: يا أبا الحسن، انذر إن عافى الله عز وجل ولديك أن تحدث لله عز وجل شكرا. فقال علي رضي الله عنه: إن عافى الله عز وجل ولدي صمت لله ثلاثة أيام شكرا، وقالت فاطمة مثل ذلك، وقالت جارية لهم سوداء نوبية: إن عافى الله سيدي صمت مع موالى ثلاثة أيام، فأصبحوا قد مسح الله ما بالغلامين، وهم صيام، وليس عندهم قليل ولا كثير، فانطلق علي رضي الله عنه إلى رجل من اليهود يقال له جار بن شمر اليهودي، فقال له: أسلفني ثلاثة آصع من شعير، وأعطني جزة صوف، يغزلها لك بيت محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال: فأعطاه، فاحتمله علي تحت ثوبه، ودخل على فاطمة رضي الله عنها، وقال: دونك فاغزلي هذا، وقامت الجارية إلى صاع من الشعير، فطحنته وعجنته، فخبزت منه خمسة أقراص، وصلى علي رضي الله عنه المغرب مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، ورجع فوضع الطعام بين يديه، وقعدوا ليفطروا، وإذا مسكين بالباب يقول: يا أهل بيت محمد، مسكين من مساكين المسلمين على بابكم، أطعموني أطعمكم الله على موائد الجنة، قال: فرفع علي يده، ورفعت فاطمة والحسين، وأنشأ يقول:
يا فاطمة ذات السداد واليقــين | أما تــرى الـبائس المســكين |
قد جاء إلى البـاب لــه حـنـين | يشـــكو إلى الله ويــسـتـكين |
حــرمت الجـنة عـلى الضـنـين | يـهــوى إلى النار إلى سـجين |
فأجابه فاطمة:
أمرك يا ابـن عـم سـمع طاعـة | مالي مــن لـوم ولا وضـاعـة |
أرجـو إن أطــعمت مـن مجاعة | فدفعوا الطعام إلى المسكين… |
Al Hassan and al Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhuma became sick and so the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam along with Abu Bakr and ‘Umar visited them. ‘Umar said to ‘Ali, “O Abu al Hassan, take an oath to do an action for the sake of Allah out of gratitude if He grants ease to your children.” ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu said, “If Allah grants my children ease, I will fast out of gratitude for three days.” Fatimah said something similar. A black Nubian female client of them had said, “If Allah grants cure to my two masters, I will fast with my masters (i.e. ‘Ali and Fatimah) for three days.” The next morning, they were fasting; Allah removed whatever was afflicting the two children. They (i.e. the family of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) did not have a little or a lot with them. So ‘Ali went to a man from the Jews—he was known as Jar ibn Shimr al Yahudi. He said to him, “Lend me three sa’s (a cubic measure) of barley and give me a clipping of wool, the house of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam will spin it for you.” And so he gave it to him. ‘Ali carried it underneath his thawb (robe) and entered the presence of Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anha. He said, “Here you are, spin this.” The female client went towards the sa’ of barley, grinded it and then kneaded it. She made five loaves of bread with it. ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu prayed Maghrib with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He returned and the food was placed before him. They all sat down to break their fast when a beggar came to the door and said, “O people of the house of Muhammad, (there is) a beggar from the beggars of the Muslims at your door. Feed me—may Allah feed you on the table-spreads of Jannat.” ‘Ali, Fatimah, and al Hussain raised their hand and he began saying:
O Fatimah, the possessor of uprightness and faith;
Do you not see this miserable beggar?
He has come to the door with yearning;
Complaining unto Allah and in total submission;
Jannat is forbidden upon the stingy;
He will be dropped into the Fire as a prisoner
Fatimah responded to him:
Your command, O cousin, has been heard and obeyed;
I will have no miserliness and no lowness;
I hope, if I feed (him) in hunger.
And so they gave the food to the beggar.
Ibn al Jawzi narrates this hadith — Muhammad ibn Nasir informed us — Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr al Humaidi informed us — Abu ‘Ali al Hassan ibn ‘Abdul Rahman al Bayyi’ informed us — Abu al Qasim ‘Ubaidullah ibn Muhammad al Saqti informed us — ‘Uthman ibn Ahmed al Daqqaq informed us — ‘Abdullah ibn Thabit informed us — my father narrated to us — from al Hudhayl ibn Habib — from Abu ‘Abdullah al Samarqandi — from Muhammad ibn Kathir al Kufi — from al Asbagh ibn Nabatah.[1]
(Ibn al Jawzi said after reporting this,) He mentioned a lengthy hadith of this type: Everyday, ‘Ali used to recite couplets to which Fatimah would respond in kind. It is from the most vile and awkward poems such that Allah has removed those two eloquent people from saying such a thing.
Al Asbagh ibn Nabatah is matruk and suspected of fabricating hadith.
Al Samarqandi’s biography possibly appears in Lisan al Mizan, “Abu ‘Abdullah al Zahid al Samarqandi (narrates) from Ibn Lahi’ah a munkar (unacceptable) report. ‘Abdul Razzaq ibn Muhammad ibn Mansur narrates this hadith from him. Ibn ‘Adi said, ‘Abu ‘Abdullah al Zahid is majhul (unknown).’ He mentions that under the biography of al Hassan ibn ‘Ali al ‘Adawi.”[2]
Ibn al Jawzi said, “There is no doubt in this hadith being forged, even if only the awkward lines of poetry was all that could prove it and their actions; such things that those sadat (family members of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) are free from.”
Al Hakim al Tirmidhi mentions this hadith and says, “From those hadiths that the hearts of the people of the truth reject is the one narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas regarding the verse, ‘They [are those who] fulfill [their] vows…’[3] He said, ‘Al Hassan and al Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhuma became sick and so the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam…’ he then mentioned a lengthy hadith.”[4]
At the end, al Hakim al Tirmidhi said, “This hadith is embellished.”[5]
Similarly, what appears in al Laʾali al Masnu’ah is, “Al Hakim al Tirmidhi says, ‘This hadith is forged. And Allah knows best.’”[6]
Al Dhahabi, al Suyuti, Ibn ‘Iraq, and Ibn Taymiyyah all mentioned this hadith in their respective works on fabrications.[7]
Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned several reasons in explaining why the hadith is fabricated. I have mentioned this in the original work.
In short, the hadith is a lie and a fabrication.
[1] Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 1/390.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 7/73.
[3] Surah al Insan: 7.
[4] Al Hakim al Tirmidhi: Nawadir al Usul fi Ahadith al Rasul, 1/244.
[5] Ibid., 1/246.
[6] Al Suyuti: al Laʾali al Masnu’ah, 1/341.
[7] Al Dhahabi: Talkhis al Mawdu’at, hadith no. 130; al Suyuti: al Laʾali al Masnu’ah, 1/339; Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/363; Ibn Taymiyyah: Minhaj al Sunnah, 7/177.
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مرض الحسن والحسين رضي الله عنهما، فعادهما رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأبو بكر وعمر، فقال عمر لعلي: يا أبا الحسن، انذر إن عافى الله عز وجل ولديك أن تحدث لله عز وجل شكرا. فقال علي رضي الله عنه: إن عافى الله عز وجل ولدي صمت لله ثلاثة أيام شكرا، وقالت فاطمة مثل ذلك، وقالت جارية لهم سوداء نوبية: إن عافى الله سيدي صمت مع موالى ثلاثة أيام، فأصبحوا قد مسح الله ما بالغلامين، وهم صيام، وليس عندهم قليل ولا كثير، فانطلق علي رضي الله عنه إلى رجل من اليهود يقال له جار بن شمر اليهودي، فقال له: أسلفني ثلاثة آصع من شعير، وأعطني جزة صوف، يغزلها لك بيت محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال: فأعطاه، فاحتمله علي تحت ثوبه، ودخل على فاطمة رضي الله عنها، وقال: دونك فاغزلي هذا، وقامت الجارية إلى صاع من الشعير، فطحنته وعجنته، فخبزت منه خمسة أقراص، وصلى علي رضي الله عنه المغرب مع النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم، ورجع فوضع الطعام بين يديه، وقعدوا ليفطروا، وإذا مسكين بالباب يقول: يا أهل بيت محمد، مسكين من مساكين المسلمين على بابكم، أطعموني أطعمكم الله على موائد الجنة، قال: فرفع علي يده، ورفعت فاطمة والحسين، وأنشأ يقول:
يا فاطمة ذات السداد واليقــين | أما تــرى الـبائس المســكين |
قد جاء إلى البـاب لــه حـنـين | يشـــكو إلى الله ويــسـتـكين |
حــرمت الجـنة عـلى الضـنـين | يـهــوى إلى النار إلى سـجين |
فأجابه فاطمة:
أمرك يا ابـن عـم سـمع طاعـة | مالي مــن لـوم ولا وضـاعـة |
أرجـو إن أطــعمت مـن مجاعة | فدفعوا الطعام إلى المسكين… |
Al Hassan and al Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhuma became sick and so the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam along with Abu Bakr and ‘Umar visited them. ‘Umar said to ‘Ali, “O Abu al Hassan, take an oath to do an action for the sake of Allah out of gratitude if He grants ease to your children.” ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu said, “If Allah grants my children ease, I will fast out of gratitude for three days.” Fatimah said something similar. A black Nubian female client of them had said, “If Allah grants cure to my two masters, I will fast with my masters (i.e. ‘Ali and Fatimah) for three days.” The next morning, they were fasting; Allah removed whatever was afflicting the two children. They (i.e. the family of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) did not have a little or a lot with them. So ‘Ali went to a man from the Jews—he was known as Jar ibn Shimr al Yahudi. He said to him, “Lend me three sa’s (a cubic measure) of barley and give me a clipping of wool, the house of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam will spin it for you.” And so he gave it to him. ‘Ali carried it underneath his thawb (robe) and entered the presence of Fatimah radiya Llahu ‘anha. He said, “Here you are, spin this.” The female client went towards the sa’ of barley, grinded it and then kneaded it. She made five loaves of bread with it. ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu prayed Maghrib with the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He returned and the food was placed before him. They all sat down to break their fast when a beggar came to the door and said, “O people of the house of Muhammad, (there is) a beggar from the beggars of the Muslims at your door. Feed me—may Allah feed you on the table-spreads of Jannat.” ‘Ali, Fatimah, and al Hussain raised their hand and he began saying:
O Fatimah, the possessor of uprightness and faith;
Do you not see this miserable beggar?
He has come to the door with yearning;
Complaining unto Allah and in total submission;
Jannat is forbidden upon the stingy;
He will be dropped into the Fire as a prisoner
Fatimah responded to him:
Your command, O cousin, has been heard and obeyed;
I will have no miserliness and no lowness;
I hope, if I feed (him) in hunger.
And so they gave the food to the beggar.
Ibn al Jawzi narrates this hadith — Muhammad ibn Nasir informed us — Abu ‘Abdullah Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr al Humaidi informed us — Abu ‘Ali al Hassan ibn ‘Abdul Rahman al Bayyi’ informed us — Abu al Qasim ‘Ubaidullah ibn Muhammad al Saqti informed us — ‘Uthman ibn Ahmed al Daqqaq informed us — ‘Abdullah ibn Thabit informed us — my father narrated to us — from al Hudhayl ibn Habib — from Abu ‘Abdullah al Samarqandi — from Muhammad ibn Kathir al Kufi — from al Asbagh ibn Nabatah.[1]
(Ibn al Jawzi said after reporting this,) He mentioned a lengthy hadith of this type: Everyday, ‘Ali used to recite couplets to which Fatimah would respond in kind. It is from the most vile and awkward poems such that Allah has removed those two eloquent people from saying such a thing.
Al Asbagh ibn Nabatah is matruk and suspected of fabricating hadith.
Al Samarqandi’s biography possibly appears in Lisan al Mizan, “Abu ‘Abdullah al Zahid al Samarqandi (narrates) from Ibn Lahi’ah a munkar (unacceptable) report. ‘Abdul Razzaq ibn Muhammad ibn Mansur narrates this hadith from him. Ibn ‘Adi said, ‘Abu ‘Abdullah al Zahid is majhul (unknown).’ He mentions that under the biography of al Hassan ibn ‘Ali al ‘Adawi.”[2]
Ibn al Jawzi said, “There is no doubt in this hadith being forged, even if only the awkward lines of poetry was all that could prove it and their actions; such things that those sadat (family members of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) are free from.”
Al Hakim al Tirmidhi mentions this hadith and says, “From those hadiths that the hearts of the people of the truth reject is the one narrated from Ibn ‘Abbas regarding the verse, ‘They [are those who] fulfill [their] vows…’[3] He said, ‘Al Hassan and al Hussain radiya Llahu ‘anhuma became sick and so the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam…’ he then mentioned a lengthy hadith.”[4]
At the end, al Hakim al Tirmidhi said, “This hadith is embellished.”[5]
Similarly, what appears in al Laʾali al Masnu’ah is, “Al Hakim al Tirmidhi says, ‘This hadith is forged. And Allah knows best.’”[6]
Al Dhahabi, al Suyuti, Ibn ‘Iraq, and Ibn Taymiyyah all mentioned this hadith in their respective works on fabrications.[7]
Ibn Taymiyyah mentioned several reasons in explaining why the hadith is fabricated. I have mentioned this in the original work.
In short, the hadith is a lie and a fabrication.
[1] Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 1/390.
[2] Ibn Hajar: Lisan al Mizan, 7/73.
[3] Surah al Insan: 7.
[4] Al Hakim al Tirmidhi: Nawadir al Usul fi Ahadith al Rasul, 1/244.
[5] Ibid., 1/246.
[6] Al Suyuti: al Laʾali al Masnu’ah, 1/341.
[7] Al Dhahabi: Talkhis al Mawdu’at, hadith no. 130; al Suyuti: al Laʾali al Masnu’ah, 1/339; Ibn ‘Iraq: Tanzih al Shari’ah, 1/363; Ibn Taymiyyah: Minhaj al Sunnah, 7/177.