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يا علي إن شيعتنا يخرجون من قبورهم يوم القيامة على ما بهم من العيوب، والذنوب، وجوههم كالقمر في ليلة البدر، وقد فرجت عنهم الشدائد، وسهلت لهم الموارد، وأعطوا الأمن والأمان، وارتفعت عنهم الأحزان، يخاف الناس ولا يخافون، ويحزن الناس ولا يحزنون، شرك نعالهم تتلألأ نورا، على نوق بيض لها أجنحة، قد ذللت من غير مهانة، ونجبت من غير رياضة، أعناقها من ذهب أحمر، ألين من الحرير، لكرامتهم على الله عز وجل.
O ‘Ali, verily our shia (followers) will emerge from their graves on the Day of Resurrection with their faces (shining) like the full moon—despite their shortcomings and sins. Difficulties will be removed from them and resources/sustenance will be made easy for them. They will be granted safety and protection. All of their sadness will be removed from them. People will be in fear (on that Day) while they will have no fear. People will be sad while they will be not. The straps of their sandals will shine with nur (light). They will be on white she-camels that have wings. They will be humble and tamed without being degraded. They will be distinguished without any training. Their necks will be from red gold, softer than silk; because of their honorable status with Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.
Ibn al Maghazili and Ibn al Jawzi narrate this hadith — from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al Kindi — Muhammad ibn Salim narrated to me — Jafar ibn Muhammad narrated to us — Muhammad ibn ‘Ali narrated to me — ‘Ali ibn al Hussain narrated to me — al Hussain ibn ‘Ali narrated to me — ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib narrated to me from the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam…[1]
Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al Kindi was regarded as da’if (weak) by al Azdi. Al Daraqutni regarded him as lenient.
Muhammad ibn Salim al Hamdani is matruk (suspected of forgery).
Ibn al Jawzi, al Shawkani, and al Haytami all ruled the hadith a fabrication.[2]
Al Dhahabi said, “This chain of transmission is muzlim (murky) and its matn (text) is a lie. The fabrications (in this regard) are numerous. The Family of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is greater and nobler than that. May Allah disgrace those that lie against their Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”[3]
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 339; Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 2/7.
[2] Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 2/7; al Shawkani: al Fawaʾid al Majmu’ah, hadith no. 343; al Haytami: al Sawa’iq al Muhriqah, 2/500.
[3] Al Dhahabi: Talkhis al Mawdu’at, hadith no. 155.
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يا علي إن شيعتنا يخرجون من قبورهم يوم القيامة على ما بهم من العيوب، والذنوب، وجوههم كالقمر في ليلة البدر، وقد فرجت عنهم الشدائد، وسهلت لهم الموارد، وأعطوا الأمن والأمان، وارتفعت عنهم الأحزان، يخاف الناس ولا يخافون، ويحزن الناس ولا يحزنون، شرك نعالهم تتلألأ نورا، على نوق بيض لها أجنحة، قد ذللت من غير مهانة، ونجبت من غير رياضة، أعناقها من ذهب أحمر، ألين من الحرير، لكرامتهم على الله عز وجل.
O ‘Ali, verily our shia (followers) will emerge from their graves on the Day of Resurrection with their faces (shining) like the full moon—despite their shortcomings and sins. Difficulties will be removed from them and resources/sustenance will be made easy for them. They will be granted safety and protection. All of their sadness will be removed from them. People will be in fear (on that Day) while they will have no fear. People will be sad while they will be not. The straps of their sandals will shine with nur (light). They will be on white she-camels that have wings. They will be humble and tamed without being degraded. They will be distinguished without any training. Their necks will be from red gold, softer than silk; because of their honorable status with Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.
Ibn al Maghazili and Ibn al Jawzi narrate this hadith — from Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al Kindi — Muhammad ibn Salim narrated to me — Jafar ibn Muhammad narrated to us — Muhammad ibn ‘Ali narrated to me — ‘Ali ibn al Hussain narrated to me — al Hussain ibn ‘Ali narrated to me — ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib narrated to me from the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam…[1]
Muhammad ibn ‘Ali al Kindi was regarded as da’if (weak) by al Azdi. Al Daraqutni regarded him as lenient.
Muhammad ibn Salim al Hamdani is matruk (suspected of forgery).
Ibn al Jawzi, al Shawkani, and al Haytami all ruled the hadith a fabrication.[2]
Al Dhahabi said, “This chain of transmission is muzlim (murky) and its matn (text) is a lie. The fabrications (in this regard) are numerous. The Family of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is greater and nobler than that. May Allah disgrace those that lie against their Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.”[3]
[1] Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 339; Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 2/7.
[2] Ibn al Jawzi: Kitab al Mawdu’at, 2/7; al Shawkani: al Fawaʾid al Majmu’ah, hadith no. 343; al Haytami: al Sawa’iq al Muhriqah, 2/500.
[3] Al Dhahabi: Talkhis al Mawdu’at, hadith no. 155.