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من صلى على محمد، وعلى آل محمد، مائة مرة، قضى الله تعالى له مائة حاجة.
Whoever sends salutations upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad one hundred times, Allah will fulfill one hundred of his needs.
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Abu al Hassan Ahmed ibn al Muzaffar informed us — Abu Muhammad ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Uthman al Muzani (known as Ibn al Saqqaʾ al Hafiz) informed us — Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al Ash’ath informed us — Musa ibn Ismail narrated to me — my father narrated to us — from his father — from his grandfather, Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from his grandfather, ‘Ali ibn al Hussain — from his father — from his grandfather, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al Ash’ath, as mentioned previously, is a kadhdhab (liar) and a wadda’ (fabricator).
Musa ibn Ismail is Ibn Musa ibn Jafar ibn Muhammad. He and his father could not be traced.
Ibn al Maghazili, as mentioned previously, is da’if (weak).
No one has regarded his teacher as a thiqah (reliable).
[1] Ibid., hadith no. 338.
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من صلى على محمد، وعلى آل محمد، مائة مرة، قضى الله تعالى له مائة حاجة.
Whoever sends salutations upon Muhammad and the Family of Muhammad one hundred times, Allah will fulfill one hundred of his needs.
Ibn al Maghazili narrates — Abu al Hassan Ahmed ibn al Muzaffar informed us — Abu Muhammad ‘Abdullah ibn Muhammad ibn ‘Uthman al Muzani (known as Ibn al Saqqaʾ al Hafiz) informed us — Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al Ash’ath informed us — Musa ibn Ismail narrated to me — my father narrated to us — from his father — from his grandfather, Jafar ibn Muhammad — from his father — from his grandfather, ‘Ali ibn al Hussain — from his father — from his grandfather, ‘Ali ibn Abi Talib radiya Llahu ‘anhu who said, “The Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said…”[1]
Muhammad ibn Muhammad ibn al Ash’ath, as mentioned previously, is a kadhdhab (liar) and a wadda’ (fabricator).
Musa ibn Ismail is Ibn Musa ibn Jafar ibn Muhammad. He and his father could not be traced.
Ibn al Maghazili, as mentioned previously, is da’if (weak).
No one has regarded his teacher as a thiqah (reliable).
[1] Ibid., hadith no. 338.