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رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أخذ بيد علي، وهو يقول: الله وليي وأنا وليك، ومعاد من عاداك، ومسالم من سالمت.
I saw the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taking hold of the hand of ‘Ali while saying, “Allah is my wali (protector) and I am your wali (protector); and I am the enemy of the person who shows enmity towards you and I am at peace with whoever is at peace with you.”
Ibn ‘Adi narrates this hadith — Abu Ya’la narrated to us — Zakariyya ibn Yahya al Kisaʾi narrated to us — ‘Ali ibn al Qasim narrated to us — from Mu’alla ibn ‘Irfan — from Shaqiq —from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud…[1]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated).
Zakariyya ibn Yahya al Kisaʾi is matruk (suspected of forgery). This is the same person regarding who Ibn Ma’in said, “He deserves to have a well dug for him to be thrown in.”
‘Ali ibn al Qasim is da’if (weak).
Mu’alla ibn ‘Irfan is matruk (suspected of forgery).
Al Shajari and Ibn al Maghazili also narrate this hadith — from Ishaq ibn Bishr — Jafar ibn Sa’id al Kahili narrated to us — from al A’mash — from Abu Waʾil — from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud…[2]
Most of the narrators beneath al A’mash are unidentified.
Ishaq ibn Bishr al Kahili is a kadhdhab (liar) and a wadda’ (fabricator).
[1] Ibn ‘Adi: al Kamil, 3/215.
[2] Al Shajari: al Amali, 1/695; Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 323.
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رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم أخذ بيد علي، وهو يقول: الله وليي وأنا وليك، ومعاد من عاداك، ومسالم من سالمت.
I saw the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam taking hold of the hand of ‘Ali while saying, “Allah is my wali (protector) and I am your wali (protector); and I am the enemy of the person who shows enmity towards you and I am at peace with whoever is at peace with you.”
Ibn ‘Adi narrates this hadith — Abu Ya’la narrated to us — Zakariyya ibn Yahya al Kisaʾi narrated to us — ‘Ali ibn al Qasim narrated to us — from Mu’alla ibn ‘Irfan — from Shaqiq —from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud…[1]
This hadith is mawdu’ (fabricated).
Zakariyya ibn Yahya al Kisaʾi is matruk (suspected of forgery). This is the same person regarding who Ibn Ma’in said, “He deserves to have a well dug for him to be thrown in.”
‘Ali ibn al Qasim is da’if (weak).
Mu’alla ibn ‘Irfan is matruk (suspected of forgery).
Al Shajari and Ibn al Maghazili also narrate this hadith — from Ishaq ibn Bishr — Jafar ibn Sa’id al Kahili narrated to us — from al A’mash — from Abu Waʾil — from ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud…[2]
Most of the narrators beneath al A’mash are unidentified.
Ishaq ibn Bishr al Kahili is a kadhdhab (liar) and a wadda’ (fabricator).
[1] Ibn ‘Adi: al Kamil, 3/215.
[2] Al Shajari: al Amali, 1/695; Ibn al Maghazili: Manaqib ‘Ali, hadith no. 323.