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1. Al Subhani wrote a letter to Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi, urging him to avoid all the proposals that stir up discord among Muslims and which the West is working to provoke. He said:
سماحة الشيخ إن لكل مقام مقال كما يقول الحكماء فهل يا تري كان من المناسب في تلك الظروف العصيية التي تمر بها أمتنا الإسلامية والتي تتكالب فيها قوي الاستكبار العالمي على عالم الإسلامي بأسره أن يصدر من عالم ومفكر إسلامي ما يثير النائرة ويشعل نار الحقد والصراع في أوساط المسلمين مما قد يؤدي الي الصراع الداخلي لا سمح الله… نحن نريد أن نجمع كل قوى الأمة وندعو الي مصالحة حتى بين الحكام والعلماء وبين الحكام والجماعات الإسلامية لا داعي الآن أن نفرق بين الأمة الأمة يجب أن تكون صفا واحد كالبنيان المرصوص يشد بعضه بعضا في ساعة الشدائد لا مجال للاختلاف ولا مجال للمعارك الجانبية يجب أن يقف الجميع صفا واحد
Honoured Sheikh! For every situation, there is an appropriate response, as the wise say. So, was it appropriate—in these difficult circumstances that our Islamic Ummah is going through, where the forces of global arrogance are pitted against the entire Islamic world—for an Islamic scholar or thinker to issue something that fuels animosity and ignites the fire of hatred and conflict among Muslims, potentially leading to internal conflict, may Allah forbid? We want to unite all the forces of the Ummah and call for genuine rapprochement between judges and scholars, and between rulers and Islamic groups. There is no need now to divide the Ummah; the Ummah must stand as one solid structure, like a fortified building, each part supporting the other in times of hardship. There is no room for differences and there is no room for minor battles. Everyone must stand as one united front.[1]
2. He states in his book, al Iman wa al Kufr:
قاربوا الخطى أيها المسلمون الوحدة الإسلامية وجمع شمل المسلمين ورص صفوفهم وجع طاقاتهم على اتجاه واحد مما يتبناه كل مسلم واع له إلمام بما يجري على المسلمين في أراضيهم وعقر دارهم ولكن الساحة الإسلامية تشاهد اليوم بعض أصحاب القلم والصدارة قد جعلوا على عاتقهم تفريق الكلمة، وتكفير بعضهم بعضا وتجزئة الأمة بدل توحيدها وتماسك صفوفها فلم نزل نشاهد فتوى بعد فتوى في تكفير فرقة دون فرقة تفسيق طائفة أخرى
Take your chance, O Muslims, at Islamic unity, gather the Muslims together, stand as a united front and direct a group towards a common goal that every informed Muslim should support, knowing what is happening to Muslims in their own territories and homes. However, the Islamic arena today witnesses that some penmen and leaders have taken upon themselves the task of spreading discord, declaring one another apostates, and fragmenting the Ummah instead of unifying it and strengthening its ranks. We continue to see fatwa after fatwa excommunicating groups and labelling others deviant.[2]
3. In his book Fi Zill Usul al Islam, he says:
إن وظيفتنا في العصر الحاضر… أن نعمل على توحيد الصف الإسلامي وذلك بأن نرجع الي الكتاب والسنة وأن يحترم جميع المسلمين المنضوين تحت لوائه يترك خلاف كل فرقة الي نفسها ولا يعد ذالك فارقا وفاصلا بينها وبين الفرق الأخرى
Our duty in the present era is to work on unifying the Islamic ranks by returning to the Qur’an and Sunnah and by respecting all Muslims who gather under its banner. The differences between each group should be left to themselves and should not be considered a distinction and separation between them and other groups.[3]
4. In his book, al I’tisam bi al Kitab wa al Sunnah, he expressed:
وإني أتقدم بكتابي هذا إلى حملة لواء التقريب بين المسلمين ودعاته في جميع أصقاع العالم الإسلامي وبهذه الابيات الرائعة التي تفجرت من روح موارة تسعى لصالح تقريب المسلمين وتهدأ حتى تتحقق تلك الامنية بأحسن ما يمكن إن شاء الله تعالى
قلبا الي قلب يضم ويجمع |
فيم التفرق والكتاب المرجع |
ينهي عن الصف الشتيت ويدع |
فيم التفرق والنبي محمد |
فعلام نهج نبينا لا يتبع |
الوحدة البيضاء نهج نبينا |
فعلام صخرة عزنا تتصدع |
الوحدة البيضاء صخرة عزنا |
مهما يزين قبحه يرقع |
إن الخلاف طريق كل مضلل |
فتوحدوا بطريقه وتسرعوا |
الدين دين الله لا دين الهوى |
هبطت عليك مصيبة لا ترفع |
يا من تفرقنا وتنقص صفنا |
I dedicate this book to those who strive for unity among Muslims, to the advocates of rapprochement in every corner of the Islamic world. With these beautiful verses which emerged from a pendulum spirit that seeks to unite Muslims and will not rest until these wishes are realised in the best possible way, Allah willing.
Why the separation when the Qur’an joins and unites hearts?
Why the separation when the Prophet Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam forbade division and strife?
Clear unity is the way of our Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, so why is his way not being followed?
Clear unity is the rock of our honour, so how is it cracking?
Verily, disagreement is the way of every misguided person, no matter how its flaw is adorned.
The religion is the religion of Allah, not the religion of desires. Unite on His path and hasten (to it).
O you who have divided us and diminished our rank! A calamity has befallen you, one that cannot be lifted.[4]
And we, along with all those who seek to unite Muslims, are as described by the poet of al Ahram (Egyptian daily paper), Muhammad Hassan ‘Abdul Ghani al Misri:
ويضمُّنا دينُ الهدى أتباعا |
إنا لتجمعُنا العقيدةُ أمة |
مهما ذهبْنا في الهوى أشياعا |
ويؤلفُ الإسلامُ بين قلوبنا |
Indeed, doctrine unites us as an Ummah and the religion of guidance gathers us as followers.
Islam reconciles between our hearts, no matter how dispersed we are in desires.
Reflect with me on how al Subhani presents himself here with this radiant image, to such an extent that the person reading it feels as though he will not take enjoyment from food and drink, and will not take pleasure from sleep until he sees unity materialised between the Ahlus Sunnah and Shia. How beautiful it would be if it were emanating from a sincere heart. Instead, he is making it a cunning means and a vile aim to spread his doctrine among the Sunni community. This will be revealed in the upcoming points, so take heed.
NEXT⇒ Examining the content of a book printed in Iran
[1] Majallat Majma’ al Fiqh al Islami, vol. 14, issue, 14, vol. 4 pg. 402, Jafar al Subhani, Qum, Iran, Ramadan al Mubarak, 1429 AH.
[2] Al Iman wa al Kufr, pg. 3.
[3] Fi Zill Usul al Islam, pg. 28-29.
[4] Al I’tisam bi al Kitab wa al Sunnah, pg. 6, 7.
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1. Al Subhani wrote a letter to Sheikh Yusuf al Qaradawi, urging him to avoid all the proposals that stir up discord among Muslims and which the West is working to provoke. He said:
سماحة الشيخ إن لكل مقام مقال كما يقول الحكماء فهل يا تري كان من المناسب في تلك الظروف العصيية التي تمر بها أمتنا الإسلامية والتي تتكالب فيها قوي الاستكبار العالمي على عالم الإسلامي بأسره أن يصدر من عالم ومفكر إسلامي ما يثير النائرة ويشعل نار الحقد والصراع في أوساط المسلمين مما قد يؤدي الي الصراع الداخلي لا سمح الله… نحن نريد أن نجمع كل قوى الأمة وندعو الي مصالحة حتى بين الحكام والعلماء وبين الحكام والجماعات الإسلامية لا داعي الآن أن نفرق بين الأمة الأمة يجب أن تكون صفا واحد كالبنيان المرصوص يشد بعضه بعضا في ساعة الشدائد لا مجال للاختلاف ولا مجال للمعارك الجانبية يجب أن يقف الجميع صفا واحد
Honoured Sheikh! For every situation, there is an appropriate response, as the wise say. So, was it appropriate—in these difficult circumstances that our Islamic Ummah is going through, where the forces of global arrogance are pitted against the entire Islamic world—for an Islamic scholar or thinker to issue something that fuels animosity and ignites the fire of hatred and conflict among Muslims, potentially leading to internal conflict, may Allah forbid? We want to unite all the forces of the Ummah and call for genuine rapprochement between judges and scholars, and between rulers and Islamic groups. There is no need now to divide the Ummah; the Ummah must stand as one solid structure, like a fortified building, each part supporting the other in times of hardship. There is no room for differences and there is no room for minor battles. Everyone must stand as one united front.[1]
2. He states in his book, al Iman wa al Kufr:
قاربوا الخطى أيها المسلمون الوحدة الإسلامية وجمع شمل المسلمين ورص صفوفهم وجع طاقاتهم على اتجاه واحد مما يتبناه كل مسلم واع له إلمام بما يجري على المسلمين في أراضيهم وعقر دارهم ولكن الساحة الإسلامية تشاهد اليوم بعض أصحاب القلم والصدارة قد جعلوا على عاتقهم تفريق الكلمة، وتكفير بعضهم بعضا وتجزئة الأمة بدل توحيدها وتماسك صفوفها فلم نزل نشاهد فتوى بعد فتوى في تكفير فرقة دون فرقة تفسيق طائفة أخرى
Take your chance, O Muslims, at Islamic unity, gather the Muslims together, stand as a united front and direct a group towards a common goal that every informed Muslim should support, knowing what is happening to Muslims in their own territories and homes. However, the Islamic arena today witnesses that some penmen and leaders have taken upon themselves the task of spreading discord, declaring one another apostates, and fragmenting the Ummah instead of unifying it and strengthening its ranks. We continue to see fatwa after fatwa excommunicating groups and labelling others deviant.[2]
3. In his book Fi Zill Usul al Islam, he says:
إن وظيفتنا في العصر الحاضر… أن نعمل على توحيد الصف الإسلامي وذلك بأن نرجع الي الكتاب والسنة وأن يحترم جميع المسلمين المنضوين تحت لوائه يترك خلاف كل فرقة الي نفسها ولا يعد ذالك فارقا وفاصلا بينها وبين الفرق الأخرى
Our duty in the present era is to work on unifying the Islamic ranks by returning to the Qur’an and Sunnah and by respecting all Muslims who gather under its banner. The differences between each group should be left to themselves and should not be considered a distinction and separation between them and other groups.[3]
4. In his book, al I’tisam bi al Kitab wa al Sunnah, he expressed:
وإني أتقدم بكتابي هذا إلى حملة لواء التقريب بين المسلمين ودعاته في جميع أصقاع العالم الإسلامي وبهذه الابيات الرائعة التي تفجرت من روح موارة تسعى لصالح تقريب المسلمين وتهدأ حتى تتحقق تلك الامنية بأحسن ما يمكن إن شاء الله تعالى
قلبا الي قلب يضم ويجمع |
فيم التفرق والكتاب المرجع |
ينهي عن الصف الشتيت ويدع |
فيم التفرق والنبي محمد |
فعلام نهج نبينا لا يتبع |
الوحدة البيضاء نهج نبينا |
فعلام صخرة عزنا تتصدع |
الوحدة البيضاء صخرة عزنا |
مهما يزين قبحه يرقع |
إن الخلاف طريق كل مضلل |
فتوحدوا بطريقه وتسرعوا |
الدين دين الله لا دين الهوى |
هبطت عليك مصيبة لا ترفع |
يا من تفرقنا وتنقص صفنا |
I dedicate this book to those who strive for unity among Muslims, to the advocates of rapprochement in every corner of the Islamic world. With these beautiful verses which emerged from a pendulum spirit that seeks to unite Muslims and will not rest until these wishes are realised in the best possible way, Allah willing.
Why the separation when the Qur’an joins and unites hearts?
Why the separation when the Prophet Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam forbade division and strife?
Clear unity is the way of our Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, so why is his way not being followed?
Clear unity is the rock of our honour, so how is it cracking?
Verily, disagreement is the way of every misguided person, no matter how its flaw is adorned.
The religion is the religion of Allah, not the religion of desires. Unite on His path and hasten (to it).
O you who have divided us and diminished our rank! A calamity has befallen you, one that cannot be lifted.[4]
And we, along with all those who seek to unite Muslims, are as described by the poet of al Ahram (Egyptian daily paper), Muhammad Hassan ‘Abdul Ghani al Misri:
ويضمُّنا دينُ الهدى أتباعا |
إنا لتجمعُنا العقيدةُ أمة |
مهما ذهبْنا في الهوى أشياعا |
ويؤلفُ الإسلامُ بين قلوبنا |
Indeed, doctrine unites us as an Ummah and the religion of guidance gathers us as followers.
Islam reconciles between our hearts, no matter how dispersed we are in desires.
Reflect with me on how al Subhani presents himself here with this radiant image, to such an extent that the person reading it feels as though he will not take enjoyment from food and drink, and will not take pleasure from sleep until he sees unity materialised between the Ahlus Sunnah and Shia. How beautiful it would be if it were emanating from a sincere heart. Instead, he is making it a cunning means and a vile aim to spread his doctrine among the Sunni community. This will be revealed in the upcoming points, so take heed.
NEXT⇒ Examining the content of a book printed in Iran
[1] Majallat Majma’ al Fiqh al Islami, vol. 14, issue, 14, vol. 4 pg. 402, Jafar al Subhani, Qum, Iran, Ramadan al Mubarak, 1429 AH.
[2] Al Iman wa al Kufr, pg. 3.
[3] Fi Zill Usul al Islam, pg. 28-29.
[4] Al I’tisam bi al Kitab wa al Sunnah, pg. 6, 7.