Do not revile ‘Ali because he is felt in the Being of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala

The one who does not observe Taqiyyah has no faith
March 6, 2019
Do not favour between the Prophets
March 6, 2019

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Do not revile ‘Ali because he is felt in the Being of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala


لا تسبوا عليا فإنه ممسوس في ذات الله تعالى

Do not revile ‘Ali because he is felt in the Being of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.


Al Albani says, “Extremely da’if. Abu Nuaim reported it in al Hilyah[1] as follows:


حدثنا سليمان بن أحمد ثنا هرون بن سليمان المصري ثنا سعد بن بشر الكوفي ثنا عبد الرحيم بن سليمان عن يزيد بن أبي زياد عن إسحاق بن كعب بن عجرة عن أبيه مرفوعا

Sulaiman ibn Ahmed narrated to us―Harun ibn Sulaiman al Misri narrated to us―Sa’d ibn Bishr al Kufi narrated to us―’Abdul Rahim ibn Sulaiman narrated to us from―Yazid ibn Abi Ziyad from―Ishaq ibn Ka’b ibn ‘Ujrah from―his father who attributed it to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


I say: This is a very weak sanad, which is replete with flaws.

  • Firstly, Ishaq ibn Ka’b is majhul al hal (condition unknown) as declared by Ibn al Qattan and Hafiz.
  • Secondly, Yazid ibn Abi Ziyad is al Dimashqi. Hafiz labelled him matruk (suspected of forgery).
  • Thirdly, I do not know Sa’d ibn Bishr al Kufi. I fear that distortion took place in his name. Al Haythami reported the hadith in Majma al Zawa’id[2] and said, “Al Tabarani narrated it in al Kabir and al Awsat. Sufyan ibn Bishr or Bashir appears therein towards the end. He is not the one who narrates from Abu ‘Abdul Rahman al Habli. I do not know him. The rest of his narrators have been termed reliable. There is, however, du’f in some.”
  • Fourthly, Harun ibn Sulaiman al Misri. I have not found anyone mentioning him.


From the foregoing, al Haythami’s insufficient criticism is realised and him distinctly pointing out its flaws as well; flaws which necessitate that it be labelled extremely da’if, if not a concoction which the heart testifies to. And Allah knows best!


Next⇒ Do not favour between the Prophets

[1] Al Hilyah vol. 1 pg. 68.

[2] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 9 pg. 130.

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Do not revile ‘Ali because he is felt in the Being of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala


لا تسبوا عليا فإنه ممسوس في ذات الله تعالى

Do not revile ‘Ali because he is felt in the Being of Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala.


Al Albani says, “Extremely da’if. Abu Nuaim reported it in al Hilyah[1] as follows:


حدثنا سليمان بن أحمد ثنا هرون بن سليمان المصري ثنا سعد بن بشر الكوفي ثنا عبد الرحيم بن سليمان عن يزيد بن أبي زياد عن إسحاق بن كعب بن عجرة عن أبيه مرفوعا

Sulaiman ibn Ahmed narrated to us―Harun ibn Sulaiman al Misri narrated to us―Sa’d ibn Bishr al Kufi narrated to us―’Abdul Rahim ibn Sulaiman narrated to us from―Yazid ibn Abi Ziyad from―Ishaq ibn Ka’b ibn ‘Ujrah from―his father who attributed it to Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam.


I say: This is a very weak sanad, which is replete with flaws.

  • Firstly, Ishaq ibn Ka’b is majhul al hal (condition unknown) as declared by Ibn al Qattan and Hafiz.
  • Secondly, Yazid ibn Abi Ziyad is al Dimashqi. Hafiz labelled him matruk (suspected of forgery).
  • Thirdly, I do not know Sa’d ibn Bishr al Kufi. I fear that distortion took place in his name. Al Haythami reported the hadith in Majma al Zawa’id[2] and said, “Al Tabarani narrated it in al Kabir and al Awsat. Sufyan ibn Bishr or Bashir appears therein towards the end. He is not the one who narrates from Abu ‘Abdul Rahman al Habli. I do not know him. The rest of his narrators have been termed reliable. There is, however, du’f in some.”
  • Fourthly, Harun ibn Sulaiman al Misri. I have not found anyone mentioning him.


From the foregoing, al Haythami’s insufficient criticism is realised and him distinctly pointing out its flaws as well; flaws which necessitate that it be labelled extremely da’if, if not a concoction which the heart testifies to. And Allah knows best!


Next⇒ Do not favour between the Prophets

[1] Al Hilyah vol. 1 pg. 68.

[2] Majma’ al Zawa’id vol. 9 pg. 130.