Did Khomeini Retract From His Beliefs?

Khomeini’s Fringe Jurisprudic Verdicts
May 12, 2020
The Iranian Constitution
May 12, 2020

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Did Khomeini Retract From His Beliefs?


Most of the leadership of al Jama’at al Islamiyyah say that this may have been the views of Khomeini, however, his contact with al Jama’at al Islamiyyah has helped in developing within him reasonable views that aren’t fringe nor extremist.

Our answer to this is as follows:

We are unaware of the origin of such talk and we wish that our brothers avoid speaking and writing in a method that floats mere assumptions. We have conducted an in depth study of the writings of Khomeini, more so of his works since he has taken up residence in France. We have yet to find a shred of evidence to substantiate their claims. During his stay in France the magazine al Kifah al Arabi presented the following question to him in its 23rd edition:


Is the Islamic state that you are advocating for the early Islamic state that you are endeavouring to revive or is it innovative idea?


He replied saying,


The Shia have, from its earliest stages, made efforts to establish an unprejudiced Islamic state which was established during the era of Nabi salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and that of Imam ‘Ali ‘alayh al Salam. We believe it to be worthy of revival. However, throughout history the oppressors have curtailed the amplification of such a system…


The following is our observations of his answer:

  1. Khomeini says, ‘The Shia have made efforts’ and he did not say, ‘The Muslims have made efforts’. He has belittled al Jama’at al Islamiyyah who so ardently shield and support him. He did not even bother making use of Taqiyyah. How do we then reconcile between what he said and between what al Jama’at al Islamiyyah says “The Khomeini revolution is an Islamic one and not a sectarian one.”
  2. Khomeini believes that true Islamic governance was to be found only during the era of the Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam and ‘Ali radiya Llahu ‘anhu. This means that he believes the leadership of Abu Bakr, ‘Umar, and ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhum were in effect un-Islamic, as beyond truth one only finds falsehood.


Amongst the leaflets distribute by the Rafidi Iranian administration is an excerpt of Mahdi al Hussaini marking his arrival in Muharram 1399 A.H. in which he says:


ان الثورة التي يريدها الله : شيعية المنطلق، اسلامية الصيغة، عالمية الأهداف

The revolution that Allah intends is Shia in spirit, Islamic in its form, and with a universal goal.


Shia in spirit! Grave is the word that comes out of their mouths; they speak not except a lie. From the clear words and statements of the Rafidah, is there any inference of them having changed? Until when will the leaders of this group make light of their ideology and until when will they try to build bridges with them upon a basis that does not exist?


NEXT⇒ The Iranian Constitution