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He admitted that the preface to the book included the adoption of the author’s ideas, as he said in his book Hiwar ma’a al Sheikh Salih ibn ‘Abdullah al Duraysh:
والرسالة وإن لم تكن بقلم الشيخ بحسب الظاهر ولكن التقديم لها حاك عن تأييده الضمني للأفكار والمضامين المطروحة فيها فكان الشيخ نطق بها بلسان الحال لا بلسان المقال ولأجل ذلك اتخذناه طرفا للحوار
And the treatise, even if it was not written by the Sheikh himself, the preface indicates his implicit support for the ideas and contents presented in it. So, the Sheikh expressed these ideas in practice, if not in words. For that reason, we included him as a party in the dialogue.[1]
This applies to him completely, as his situation is like someone who has slaughtered himself with his own hands. This ruling includes him by his implicit support for all the defamation and excommunication of the Prophet’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam Companions. Accordingly, it can be said that Jafar al Subhani defamed the noble Companions and the Khulafa’ Rashidin. Here are some of his defamations against them:
1. He said about Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu that he is the calf of this Ummah and its Firoun.
2. He said about ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu that he is the Samiri of the Ummah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, likening him to the Samiri who misled the Ummah of Musa ‘alayh al Salam into worshiping the calf.
3. He said about ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu that he is the calf of the Ummah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, likening him to the calf that the Ummah of Musa ‘alayh al Salam worshiped and went astray with.
4. He described ‘Uthman Dhu al Nurayn as Na’thal, meaning that ‘Uthman—and far be it from him—is foolish.
5. He cursed ‘Uthman in a way that reveals the malice they hold in their hearts for the Companions of our Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He said:
لا برد الله ضجعا له أو له ضجعة
May Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala not cool his resting place or his burial site.
6. He claimed that their fate is the pit of Hell, saying in a poem:
أربعة في سقر أودعوا
Four were deposited in Saqar (a level of Hell).
7. He alleged that the worst twelve people in human history are six from the earliest times and six from the later times. Among the latter are ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan, Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas, and Abu Musa al Ash’ari radiya Llahu ‘anhum.
All these accusations were uttered by the Shia preacher advocating for rapprochement, revealing his adoption of a doctrine that excommunicates the Companions of the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, exposing the falsehood of his calls for rapprochement that he has long repeated.
When a book was published in Egypt responding to al Subhani, he expressed outrage that it was prefaced by an Azhari Sheikh, saying:
وأخيرا نشر كتاب في موطنكم مصر العزيزة في نقد رأيي الفقهي حول مسالة الصلاة خير من النوم امتلأ الكتاب بالسب والشتم والكلام القاذع والافتراء … ومن العجب أن يقدم لهذا الكتاب أستاذ من الأزهر هو الدكتور محمد عبد المنعم البري وهو عميد مركز الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة الأزهر ورئيس جبهة علماء الأزهر
Finally, a book was published in your dear homeland Egypt criticising my legal opinion on the issue of prayer is better than sleep. The book was filled with insults, curses, foul language, and slander. It is astonishing that the preface to this book was written by a professor from Al Azhar, Dr. Muhammad ‘Abd-al Mun’im al Bari, who is the dean of the Centre for Islamic Studies at al Azhar University and the head of the department of al Azhar Scholars.[2]
And in turn, we say: It is astonishing that this book is introduced by Jafar al Subhani, who is considered one of their senior scholars and prominent figures in the call for rapprochement.
He denounced those who print and publish books that attack Muslims and sow discord, as he said in his book Hiwar ma’a al Sheikh Salih ibn ‘Abdullah al Duraysh:
كيف يطيب لكم إخراج هذه الكتب وطبعها ونشرها وقراءتها
How can you feel comfortable producing, printing, publishing, and reading these books?[3]
If the condemnation is directed at those who printed and published those books, what about someone who went beyond printing and publishing to express joy and happiness about it? He announced the news of its printing and publishing with great delight and even praised Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala for enabling him to publish it among Islamic communities. He said:
وهذا هو الذي يزفه الطبع إلى القراء الكرام… نحمده سبحانه على إنجاز هذا المشروع ونشره في الوساط الإسلامية
This is what the publishers announce to the esteemed readers… We praise Him, glory be to Him, for accomplishing this project and publishing it in Islamic circles.
There is no doubt that he deserves more than mere condemnation; he deserves rebuke, scorn, and contempt.
NEXT⇒ Examining Some Contents of the Book Kashf al Litham which He Praised
[1] Hiwar ma’a al Sheikh Salih ibn ‘Abdullah al Duraysh, pg. 8.
[2] Excerpts from the letter he wrote to Sheikh al Qaradawi. See the Journal of the Islamic Fiqh Academy: session 14, issue 14, 4/402.
[3] Hiwar ma’a al Sheikh Salih ibn ‘Abdullah al Duraysh, pg. 58.
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He admitted that the preface to the book included the adoption of the author’s ideas, as he said in his book Hiwar ma’a al Sheikh Salih ibn ‘Abdullah al Duraysh:
والرسالة وإن لم تكن بقلم الشيخ بحسب الظاهر ولكن التقديم لها حاك عن تأييده الضمني للأفكار والمضامين المطروحة فيها فكان الشيخ نطق بها بلسان الحال لا بلسان المقال ولأجل ذلك اتخذناه طرفا للحوار
And the treatise, even if it was not written by the Sheikh himself, the preface indicates his implicit support for the ideas and contents presented in it. So, the Sheikh expressed these ideas in practice, if not in words. For that reason, we included him as a party in the dialogue.[1]
This applies to him completely, as his situation is like someone who has slaughtered himself with his own hands. This ruling includes him by his implicit support for all the defamation and excommunication of the Prophet’s salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam Companions. Accordingly, it can be said that Jafar al Subhani defamed the noble Companions and the Khulafa’ Rashidin. Here are some of his defamations against them:
1. He said about Abu Bakr radiya Llahu ‘anhu that he is the calf of this Ummah and its Firoun.
2. He said about ‘Umar radiya Llahu ‘anhu that he is the Samiri of the Ummah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, likening him to the Samiri who misled the Ummah of Musa ‘alayh al Salam into worshiping the calf.
3. He said about ‘Uthman radiya Llahu ‘anhu that he is the calf of the Ummah of Muhammad salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, likening him to the calf that the Ummah of Musa ‘alayh al Salam worshiped and went astray with.
4. He described ‘Uthman Dhu al Nurayn as Na’thal, meaning that ‘Uthman—and far be it from him—is foolish.
5. He cursed ‘Uthman in a way that reveals the malice they hold in their hearts for the Companions of our Prophet salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He said:
لا برد الله ضجعا له أو له ضجعة
May Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala not cool his resting place or his burial site.
6. He claimed that their fate is the pit of Hell, saying in a poem:
أربعة في سقر أودعوا
Four were deposited in Saqar (a level of Hell).
7. He alleged that the worst twelve people in human history are six from the earliest times and six from the later times. Among the latter are ‘Uthman ibn ‘Affan, Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqas, and Abu Musa al Ash’ari radiya Llahu ‘anhum.
All these accusations were uttered by the Shia preacher advocating for rapprochement, revealing his adoption of a doctrine that excommunicates the Companions of the Messenger of Allah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, exposing the falsehood of his calls for rapprochement that he has long repeated.
When a book was published in Egypt responding to al Subhani, he expressed outrage that it was prefaced by an Azhari Sheikh, saying:
وأخيرا نشر كتاب في موطنكم مصر العزيزة في نقد رأيي الفقهي حول مسالة الصلاة خير من النوم امتلأ الكتاب بالسب والشتم والكلام القاذع والافتراء … ومن العجب أن يقدم لهذا الكتاب أستاذ من الأزهر هو الدكتور محمد عبد المنعم البري وهو عميد مركز الدراسات الإسلامية بجامعة الأزهر ورئيس جبهة علماء الأزهر
Finally, a book was published in your dear homeland Egypt criticising my legal opinion on the issue of prayer is better than sleep. The book was filled with insults, curses, foul language, and slander. It is astonishing that the preface to this book was written by a professor from Al Azhar, Dr. Muhammad ‘Abd-al Mun’im al Bari, who is the dean of the Centre for Islamic Studies at al Azhar University and the head of the department of al Azhar Scholars.[2]
And in turn, we say: It is astonishing that this book is introduced by Jafar al Subhani, who is considered one of their senior scholars and prominent figures in the call for rapprochement.
He denounced those who print and publish books that attack Muslims and sow discord, as he said in his book Hiwar ma’a al Sheikh Salih ibn ‘Abdullah al Duraysh:
كيف يطيب لكم إخراج هذه الكتب وطبعها ونشرها وقراءتها
How can you feel comfortable producing, printing, publishing, and reading these books?[3]
If the condemnation is directed at those who printed and published those books, what about someone who went beyond printing and publishing to express joy and happiness about it? He announced the news of its printing and publishing with great delight and even praised Allah subhanahu wa ta ‘ala for enabling him to publish it among Islamic communities. He said:
وهذا هو الذي يزفه الطبع إلى القراء الكرام… نحمده سبحانه على إنجاز هذا المشروع ونشره في الوساط الإسلامية
This is what the publishers announce to the esteemed readers… We praise Him, glory be to Him, for accomplishing this project and publishing it in Islamic circles.
There is no doubt that he deserves more than mere condemnation; he deserves rebuke, scorn, and contempt.
NEXT⇒ Examining Some Contents of the Book Kashf al Litham which He Praised
[1] Hiwar ma’a al Sheikh Salih ibn ‘Abdullah al Duraysh, pg. 8.
[2] Excerpts from the letter he wrote to Sheikh al Qaradawi. See the Journal of the Islamic Fiqh Academy: session 14, issue 14, 4/402.
[3] Hiwar ma’a al Sheikh Salih ibn ‘Abdullah al Duraysh, pg. 58.