
March 12, 2019

Biographies of Rafidi narrators claimed to be from the Ahlus Sunnah

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents Biographies of Rafidi narrators claimed to be from the Ahlus Sunnah   Aban ibn Taghlib Al Dhahabi clearly states that he was from the prominent Rawafid as claimed by the Rawafid. He says, “He is truthful per se. A great scholar. His bid’ah is hidden. He does not deal with the major issues. His ahadith reach about 100. Al Bukhari did not report from […]
March 12, 2019

When I wrote the masahif, I presented them to ‘Uthman

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents When I wrote the masahif, I presented them to ‘Uthman   لما كتبت المصاحف عرضت على عثمان فوجد فيه حروفا من اللحن فقال لا تغيروها فإن العرب ستغيرها أو قال ستعربها بألسنتها لو أن الكاتب من ثقيف و المملي من هذيل لم توجد فيه هذه الحروف When I wrote the masahif, I presented them to ‘Uthman. He found huruf of lahn therein. He said, […]