The Nusayris

December 10, 2015

11. The Nusayris Religious System: Metempsychosis

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   The Nusayri Religious System Metempsychosis   The doctrine of metempsychosis, or transmigration of souls, is an integral part of the Nusayri religious system. This doctrine is not new, and may have been adopted from early religions of the East. From al Nawbakhti (tenth century) we learn that a certain Abdullah ibn al Harith (late seventh century), whose father was Zindiq (agnostic) from al […]
December 10, 2015

12. The Nusayris Religious System: Initiation

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   The Nusayri Religious System Initiation   Like other ghulat, the Nusayris are very secretive about their religious beliefs. They will not divulge them to strangers.[1] We learn from the accounts of Muslim heresiographers that ancient extremists sects, usually called batin’s (from batin, inward religious meaning) for their allegorical or esoteric interpretations of the Qur’an, kept their teachings absolutely secret to protect their communities […]
December 10, 2015

13. The Nusayri Ceremonies: Festivals

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   Nusayri Ceremonies Festivals   The Nusayris celebrate many festivals of varied origins: Arabian, Persian, and Christian. One major source of information about these festivals is the Kitab Majmu’ al Ayad (Book of feasts), by the prominent Nusayri, Abu Sa’id Maymun ibn al Qasim al Tabarani (d. 1034), described because of his religious knowledge as al–Shabb al–Thiqah (the authoritative young man).[1]   From al […]
December 10, 2015

14. The Nusayri Mass

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   The Nusayri Mass   As noted in the last chapter, the celebration of the Quddas (mass), or consecration of wine, forms an integral part of observance of Nusayri festivals, and thus hold an important place in their religious system.   Since the Nusayris have no place of worship, like those of the Muslims, they celebrate their festivals and perform their Quddas in private […]
December 10, 2015

15. The Nusayris, Sunnites, and Twelver Shiites

BACK⇒ Return to Table of contents   The Nusayris, Sunni, and Twelver Shiites   Outwardly, the Nusayris, like the rest of the Ghulat, seem to be an Ithna Ashari (Twelver) sect; Shia who believe in the divine authority of twelve Imams. Like the Twelvers, the Nusayris believe that Ali and his descendants, the Imams, are the only legitimate heirs and successors to the Prophet of Islam in governing the Muslim […]