Allah created ‘Ali in the form of ten Prophets

I left you behind to be my successor over my family. He asked: will I assume succession after you
March 1, 2019
A bedouin entered the Masjid and submitted: May my parents be sacrificed for you, I have come to you loaded with sins
March 1, 2019

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Allah created ‘Ali in the form of ten Prophets


خلق الله عليا في صورة عشرة أنبياء جعل رأسه كرأس آدم و وجهه كوجه نوح و فمه كفم شيث و أنفه كأنف شعيب و بطنه كبطن موسى و يده كيد عيسى و رجله كرجل إسحاق و ساعده كساعد سليمان و وجهه كوجه يوسف و عينه كعيني

Allah created ‘Ali in the form of ten Prophets. He made his head like Adam’s, his face like Nuh’s, his mouth like Shith’s, his nose like Shu’ayb’s, his stomach like Musa’s, his hand like ‘Isa’s, his foot like Ishaq’s, his forearm like Sulaiman’s, his face like Yusuf’s, and his eye like mines.


It is baseless. It is not found in the books of hadith.


Next⇒ A bedouin entered the Masjid and submitted: May my parents be sacrificed for you, I have come to you loaded with sins

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Allah created ‘Ali in the form of ten Prophets


خلق الله عليا في صورة عشرة أنبياء جعل رأسه كرأس آدم و وجهه كوجه نوح و فمه كفم شيث و أنفه كأنف شعيب و بطنه كبطن موسى و يده كيد عيسى و رجله كرجل إسحاق و ساعده كساعد سليمان و وجهه كوجه يوسف و عينه كعيني

Allah created ‘Ali in the form of ten Prophets. He made his head like Adam’s, his face like Nuh’s, his mouth like Shith’s, his nose like Shu’ayb’s, his stomach like Musa’s, his hand like ‘Isa’s, his foot like Ishaq’s, his forearm like Sulaiman’s, his face like Yusuf’s, and his eye like mines.


It is baseless. It is not found in the books of hadith.


Next⇒ A bedouin entered the Masjid and submitted: May my parents be sacrificed for you, I have come to you loaded with sins