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علي هذا أول من آمن بي و أول من يصافحني … و هو يعسوب المؤمنين
‘Ali is the first to believe in me and will be the first to shake my hand on the Day of Qiyamah … He is the chief of the believers.
Al ‘Uqayli recorded this hadith in his Kitab al Du’afa’.[1]
Ibn al Jawzi remarked, “‘Isa ibn ‘Abdullah is present therein.” He quotes from Ibn Hibban that he would report munkar narrations from his forefathers and would blunder and err. Hence, using him as proof is null and void.[2]
Hafiz Ibn ‘Abdul Barr says, “Ishaq ibn Bishr appears therein who cannot stand as proof alone due to his du’f and the nakarah of his hadith.”[3]
Hafiz Ibn Hajar says, “This is batil.”[4]
Next⇒ ‘Ali, Fatimah, and their sons
[1] Kitab al Du’afa’ vol. 2 pg. 47.
[2] Al ‘Ilal al Mutanahiyah vol. 1 pg. 240.
[3] Al Isti’ab vol. 4 pg. 1744.
[4] Lisan al Mizan vol. 3 pg. 282; vol. 2 pg. 413.
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علي هذا أول من آمن بي و أول من يصافحني … و هو يعسوب المؤمنين
‘Ali is the first to believe in me and will be the first to shake my hand on the Day of Qiyamah … He is the chief of the believers.
Al ‘Uqayli recorded this hadith in his Kitab al Du’afa’.[1]
Ibn al Jawzi remarked, “‘Isa ibn ‘Abdullah is present therein.” He quotes from Ibn Hibban that he would report munkar narrations from his forefathers and would blunder and err. Hence, using him as proof is null and void.[2]
Hafiz Ibn ‘Abdul Barr says, “Ishaq ibn Bishr appears therein who cannot stand as proof alone due to his du’f and the nakarah of his hadith.”[3]
Hafiz Ibn Hajar says, “This is batil.”[4]
Next⇒ ‘Ali, Fatimah, and their sons
[1] Kitab al Du’afa’ vol. 2 pg. 47.
[2] Al ‘Ilal al Mutanahiyah vol. 1 pg. 240.
[3] Al Isti’ab vol. 4 pg. 1744.
[4] Lisan al Mizan vol. 3 pg. 282; vol. 2 pg. 413.