‘Ali is the best in judgment of my ummah as far the Book of Allah is concerned. So whoever loves me should love him

 ‘Ali is my root and Jafar is my branch
March 4, 2019
 ‘Ali is the Imam of the noble, the killer of the wicked, and one who he helps is assisted
March 4, 2019

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‘Ali is the best in judgment of my ummah as far the Book of Allah is concerned. So whoever loves me should love him


أخبرنا أبو علي الحسن بن المظفر و أبو بكر محمد بن الحسين و أبو عبد الله البارع و أبو غالب عبد الله بن أحمد بن بركة و محمد بن أحمد بن الحسن بن قريس قالوا أنا أبو الغنائم بن المأمون أنا أبو الحسن الحربي نا العباس يعني ابن علي بن العباس أنا الفضل المعروف بالنسائي نا محمد بن علي بن خلف العطار نا أبو حذيفة عن عبد الرحمن بن قبيصة عن أبيه عن ابن عباس قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم علي أقضى أمتي بكتاب الله فمن أحبني فليحبه فإن العبد لا ينال ولايتي إلا بحب علي عليه السلام

Abu ‘Ali al Hassan ibn al Muzaffar, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn al Hussain, Abu ‘Abdullah al Bari’, Abu Ghalib ‘Abdullah ibn Ahmed ibn Barakah, and Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn al Hassan ibn Qurays informed us saying―Abu al Ghana’im ibn al Ma’mun informed us―Abu al Hassan al Harbi informed us―’Abbas i.e. ‘Ali ibn al ‘Abbas narrated to us―al Fadl known as al Nasa’i informed us―Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Khalaf al ‘Attar narrated to us―Abu Hudhayfah narrated to us from―’Abdul Rahman ibn Qabisah from―his father from―Ibn ‘Abbas who reports that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:

‘Ali is the best in judgment of my ummah as far the Book of Allah is concerned. So whoever loves me should love him because verily a servant cannot reach my wilayah except by loving ‘Ali.


Al Albani said, “The whole thing is munkar. This isnad is dark. I do not know anyone except Abu Hudhayfah whose name is Musa ibn Mas’ud al Nahdi.”


Abu Hudhayfah Musa ibn Mas’ud al Nahdi

  • Hafiz comments, “ Had a weak memory.”


Muhammad ibn Ali al Attar

  • Hafiz censured him in al Lisan and considered him munkar al hadi[1]

Al Albani then clarified that the first portion of the hadith, “‘Ali is the best in judgment of my ummah as far the Book of Allah is concerned,” has shawahid that lend support to it.


Next⇒  ‘Ali is the Imam of the noble, the killer of the wicked, and one who he helps is assisted

[1] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah wa al Mawdu’ah Hadith: 4883.

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‘Ali is the best in judgment of my ummah as far the Book of Allah is concerned. So whoever loves me should love him


أخبرنا أبو علي الحسن بن المظفر و أبو بكر محمد بن الحسين و أبو عبد الله البارع و أبو غالب عبد الله بن أحمد بن بركة و محمد بن أحمد بن الحسن بن قريس قالوا أنا أبو الغنائم بن المأمون أنا أبو الحسن الحربي نا العباس يعني ابن علي بن العباس أنا الفضل المعروف بالنسائي نا محمد بن علي بن خلف العطار نا أبو حذيفة عن عبد الرحمن بن قبيصة عن أبيه عن ابن عباس قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم علي أقضى أمتي بكتاب الله فمن أحبني فليحبه فإن العبد لا ينال ولايتي إلا بحب علي عليه السلام

Abu ‘Ali al Hassan ibn al Muzaffar, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn al Hussain, Abu ‘Abdullah al Bari’, Abu Ghalib ‘Abdullah ibn Ahmed ibn Barakah, and Muhammad ibn Ahmed ibn al Hassan ibn Qurays informed us saying―Abu al Ghana’im ibn al Ma’mun informed us―Abu al Hassan al Harbi informed us―’Abbas i.e. ‘Ali ibn al ‘Abbas narrated to us―al Fadl known as al Nasa’i informed us―Muhammad ibn ‘Ali ibn Khalaf al ‘Attar narrated to us―Abu Hudhayfah narrated to us from―’Abdul Rahman ibn Qabisah from―his father from―Ibn ‘Abbas who reports that Rasulullah salla Llahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said:

‘Ali is the best in judgment of my ummah as far the Book of Allah is concerned. So whoever loves me should love him because verily a servant cannot reach my wilayah except by loving ‘Ali.


Al Albani said, “The whole thing is munkar. This isnad is dark. I do not know anyone except Abu Hudhayfah whose name is Musa ibn Mas’ud al Nahdi.”


Abu Hudhayfah Musa ibn Mas’ud al Nahdi

  • Hafiz comments, “ Had a weak memory.”


Muhammad ibn Ali al Attar

  • Hafiz censured him in al Lisan and considered him munkar al hadi[1]

Al Albani then clarified that the first portion of the hadith, “‘Ali is the best in judgment of my ummah as far the Book of Allah is concerned,” has shawahid that lend support to it.


Next⇒  ‘Ali is the Imam of the noble, the killer of the wicked, and one who he helps is assisted

[1] Silsilat al Ahadith al Da’ifah wa al Mawdu’ah Hadith: 4883.